Dims said:
It is so exhilarating arguing with you guys here...i just love it (yeah sorry OT

Heh, this is a discussion board. No holds barred. Here, everyone has the right to voice their opinion, regardless of ships, whether they're canon or not and whether people like them or not. And we
certainly don't delete posts and ban members just for saying negative statements about a particular ship. Completely defeats the purpose of a discussion board to begin with.
I believe Danny has realised his mistake and believes that he is suffering more with Lindsay being distant and the whole healing relationship with Rikki was not as healing as he expected. His pain and the fact he misses Linds more than he can say (his words not mine) apparently is much larger than the relief he was feeling when he was with Rikki. So he needs to work on what he believes will help him and make him feel better.
To each their own. But the thing is, Danny had been distant and detached from Lindsay since episode
4x01. He rolled his eyes at her when she was explaining something to him and in episode 4x02, he literally told her off in the labs when she complimented him and expected some similar response from him towards her. And whenever they were working together until episode 4x11, their behavior was strictly professional. There was no indication that they spent time outside of work.
Then Ruben's death happened, and we saw Lindsay half-heartedly attempt to reach out to Danny in the morgue. And he blatantly brushed her off. After that, we saw no indication whatsoever that Lindsay attempted to talk to him about things or even approach him. Then in episode 4x13, she calls him
only because he didn't show up for work. The only time we saw her trying again since 4x13 was her calling him and asking him out for lunch, which he turned down. Then, on the same day, she got all self-righteous and annoyed with him simply because he turned down that lunch offer
The significant thing is that he called her out on her annoyance and asked her straight up what's wrong with him turning down lunch. Another significant thing is that she never answered that question and simply ranted about how awful he was for
not turning to her the way she expected him to do so. Then, she played the ignoring game and turned him away every time he wanted to talk. By the way, she has no idea Danny's slept with Rikki (and still doesn't!), which means she's treating him like this all because he didn't go to her for support like she expected.
Moreover, her ignoring and turning him away goes on for weeks after that.
My point being?
He was already distancing himself from Lindsay long before Rikki even appeared on the show. Him pushing her away when she tried to talk to him, during time long
before Danny even had sex with Rikki, already speaks volumes. In his lowest time, Lindsay was someone he
didn't want to talk to. That just makes her being mad at Danny for not going to her rather childish; she just
assumed Danny would go to her, even though she already got a straight up hint so early after the incident that he didn't want to talk to her.
And what he did with Rikki after Ruben's passing is
irrelevant to Lindsay, as much as some would like to think Danny's entire world revolves around Lindsay. He didn't 'choose Rikki over Lindsay'. It wasn't even a question of whether he was hoping to find more solace in Rikki or not. Danny did what he did with Rikki because at the time, he truly believed he was doing something good for Rikki and himself. Simple as that. Sure, we as the audience can see that it wasn't a good thing but that's just it, we're the
audience and he's a
character in the show. So to turn what he did into a Lindsay VS Rikki weird-ass competition is just ...
Yeah. Did I mention Danny has yet to tell Lindsay he had sex with Rikki? If he's been in a relationship with Lindsay all this time, you'd think he would actually feel
guilty about it, right? That's why him saying he misses Lindsay a lot =/= Him saying he's in love with her too. Considering how many times Lindsay has turned him away whenever he attempted to talk to her, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he said what he did as a last resort to finally get them both talking, rather than him actually meaning his words. Danny is one confused S.O.B. right now.
I also have to add that him saying he misses her out of the blue like that, when he
laughed and
smiled at Flack saying he should piss off Lindsay more often and by implication, that he isn't spending time with Lindsay is ... plain illogical. What kind of a guy who 'misses someone more than he can say' be happy and smiley about not spending time with that someone on the
same day? Just illogical. *shakes head*
I do agree with you on one thing, Danny certainly has to figure out what will help him and make him feel better and I believe in due time, he will. Having said what I have, I highly doubt it'll be Lindsay. All she seems to have done so far is make him feel like a dog who poo-pooed on the carpet and deserved to be punished.That's just my opinion, of course.
So when he heard that Rikki was leaving...if indeed that crushed him as much as some people claim i believe he would just react instinctively. Like say No or kiss her or sth.Yes he felt sad when she said she was leaving.
Him, doing that after he told her that she was right and that them using sex to make each other feel better was bad?!
Uhm. No. That's like something straight out of a really bad romance novel.
Danny kissing Rikki after saying what he did would just drive her away faster, and seeing how his face fell after he finds out she's moving away, I doubt that's what he wanted.
origin-nknwn said:
Danny totally losing his shit would be interesting - for about 2 seconds until Lindsay has an even bigger breakdown because OMG it's all about her.
:lol: Yep, right now, I can see that being the case should Danny end up in an asylum.
privatename said:
I really thought he sounded odd in those scenes as well. He sounded drunk to me and like he was forcing himself to say what he was saying as if he didn't really believe what he was saying. Maybe he did do it deliberately and that would be hilarious.
That's why
Faylinn and I suspected TPTB may have changed the scenes' placements in the final episode. If the Danny/Rikki scene had been before the D/L one, it would have made tons more sense why Danny acted and sounded drunk and yeah, like you said, didn't really believe what he was saying. Makes even less sense that he's absolutely fine in the D/R scene just minutes after the D/L one!
P.S. Long post is long.