Grade 'Personal Foul'

How would you grade Personal Foul?

  • A+

    Votes: 17 23.3%
  • A

    Votes: 15 20.5%
  • A-

    Votes: 10 13.7%
  • B+

    Votes: 8 11.0%
  • B

    Votes: 10 13.7%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 5.5%
  • C+

    Votes: 2 2.7%
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    Votes: 5 6.8%
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  • D

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • D-

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  • F

    Votes: 1 1.4%

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Oh Reed, what a numpty. Doesn't mean I'm any less scared for him though, but why WHY get in a cab?!

Numpty. Heh heh. :lol: There's a word I've not heard in years, since I moved away from Birmingham, England. Very apt though.

:lol: Yep, right now, I can see that being the case should Danny end up in an asylum.

You know, in a way it makes me really sad that this is the case. I think Danny losing it a bit would be an interesting development - going off the rails and having to fight to get back. I just cringe for how they'd have her character deal with it and even more so for the performance Anna would give, with her limitations as an actress.

See, now, I'm trying to think back to 'Girl, Interrupted' to see which of those chicks Danny might be the closest to in terms of how he'd behave in an asylum. :lol:

I could totally see him being the type you described there, especially if Lindsay keeps her little games up the way she is now.

And I haven't even finished my coffee yet... *goes back to her little corner and drags Messer with her*

Which Girl, Interrupted girl would Danny be? Hmmmm...depends how serious it gets really. At this point, probably Susanna - she spends a lot of time in her own head in the film, with her journal and that. She sort of sits in the bleachers of life, looking in at everyone else going about their business.

If it gets worse, who knows. I'd have said Lisa, however she's a sociopath in the film and sociopaths are manipulative by nature - hello there Lindsay - a trait I don't see in Danny and to be honest, I don't see Danny really trying to escape all the time like she did. I don't think there really is a girl in that film that comes near to what I described - maybe Janet comes closest - the anorexic who continues to punish herself and breaks down when Daisy gets let out.

I actually can't believe I'm giving this much thought to this...

*makes another pot of tea*

See, I was thinking Lisa, just because they both have got that smart mouth, but I could see him being more Susana, especially if he's put in there 'cause of Montana.
Unfortunately, I don't think Anna has the range to play Lisa, so there goes that opportunity. :lol:

The only one I could definately not see him being is the one that hides the chicken carcasses under her bed (forgot her name), Danny being sensitive to smells and such. :guffaw:
See, I was thinking Lisa, just because they both have got that smart mouth, but I could see him being more Susana, especially if he's put in there 'cause of Montana.
Unfortunately, I don't think Anna has the range to play Lisa, so there goes that opportunity. :lol:

The only one I could definately not see him being is the one that hides the chicken carcasses under her bed (forgot her name), Danny being sensitive to smells and such. :guffaw:

Let's be honest - only Angelina Jolie could play Lisa. I really cannot imagine another appropriate actress for that role.

Daisy is the one who hides the chicken carcasses under her bed. Though if you think about her behaviour from a metaphorical standpoint, they are the physical symbol of everything she has to hide or doesn't want to face. Which actually could apply to Danny.
See, I was thinking Lisa, just because they both have got that smart mouth, but I could see him being more Susana, especially if he's put in there 'cause of Montana.
Unfortunately, I don't think Anna has the range to play Lisa, so there goes that opportunity. :lol:

The only one I could definately not see him being is the one that hides the chicken carcasses under her bed (forgot her name), Danny being sensitive to smells and such. :guffaw:

Let's be honest - only Angelina Jolie could play Lisa. I really cannot imagine another appropriate actress for that role.

Daisy is the one who hides the chicken carcasses under her bed. Though if you think about her behaviour from a metaphorical standpoint, they are the physical symbol of everything she has to hide or doesn't want to face. Which actually could apply to Danny.

Absolutely. There's no one other than her that could've pulled that part off so perfectly. It's one of my favorite roles of hers.

kimmychu said:
The significant thing is that he called her out on her annoyance and asked her straight up what's wrong with him turning down lunch. Another significant thing is that she never answered that question and simply ranted about how awful he was for not turning to her the way she expected him to do so. Then, she played the ignoring game and turned him away every time he wanted to talk. By the way, she has no idea Danny's slept with Rikki (and still doesn't!), which means she's treating him like this all because he didn't go to her for support like she expected.

Moreover, her ignoring and turning him away goes on for weeks after that.

My point being?

He was already distancing himself from Lindsay long before Rikki even appeared on the show. Him pushing her away when she tried to talk to him, during time long before Danny even had sex with Rikki, already speaks volumes. In his lowest time, Lindsay was someone he didn't want to talk to. That just makes her being mad at Danny for not going to her rather childish; she just assumed Danny would go to her, even though she already got a straight up hint so early after the incident that he didn't want to talk to her.

Absolutely. That phone called pissed me off SO much. When she confronted him on it, all I could think of was that she sounded like a nagging mother. MY nagging mother (which is NEVER a good thing to be compared to, trust me. ) And Danny reacted EXACTLY the way I do when confronted in that manner. He got defensive and let her have it.

I think it's really telling that he hasn't even shown an ounce of guilt for sleeping with her, nor has he thought it important enough to bring up to Lindsay. I'm sorry, call him anything you like, but Danny doesn't strike me as the sort of guy to NOT feel guilty for cheating if his previous reactions to things he's done wrong are any indication.

Hence me going for the side of the fence that says what him and Lindsay have (had?) was not anything concrete enough to define as a relationship. A fling, yes. Boyfriend/Girlfriend? No. Unfortunately, Lindsay's either too naive or too deluded to know the difference.
Absolutely. That phone called pissed me off SO much. When she confronted him on it, all I could think of was that she sounded like a nagging mother. MY nagging mother (which is NEVER a good thing to be compared to, trust me. ) And Danny reacted EXACTLY the way I do when confronted in that manner. He got defensive and let her have it.

I think it's really telling that he hasn't even shown an ounce of guilt for sleeping with her, nor has he thought it important enough to bring up to Lindsay. I'm sorry, call him anything you like, but Danny doesn't strike me as the sort of guy to NOT feel guilty for cheating if his previous reactions to things he's done wrong are any indication.

Hence me going for the side of the fence that says what him and Lindsay have (had?) was not anything concrete enough to define as a relationship. A fling, yes. Boyfriend/Girlfriend? No. Unfortunately, Lindsay's either too naive or too deluded to know the difference.

Oh, you have one of those too? And yeah, I pretty much do the same with mine, so I'm not surprised by Danny's reaction.

The lack of guilt on Danny's part can be attributed to two things I think:

1. He doesn't see his relationship with Lindsay the same way she sees her relationship with him. I think he was pretty stunned by her confession of 'love'.
2. He's pretty engulfed in his grief and he's not really thinking straight.

Part of me thinks if Ruben hadn't have died, we'd have seen Danny address his non-relationship with Lindsay earlier. Like - "No we're not and that is all."
I have something for consideration for all of you:

When I mentioned that Danny looked and sounded like he was drunk and confused when he called Lindsay, I was serious. :p (Although yeah, the scene still cracks me up thanks to his voice and expression.) In the D/L scene, Danny is shown already sitting at his kitchen counter, looking upset and well, drunk. When the Danny/Rikki scene takes place just minutes later in the episode, Danny's just fine and not the least bit upset ... well, not until Rikki tells him she's moving away. Also, the D/R scene ends with Danny picking up Ruben's memorial pamphlet and then trudging his way to the kitchen counter where he sits with his head bowed while it rains. There's even the emphasis on the rain as he sits there alone.

Do you guys think TPTB may have switched the scene placements?

If the D/R scene had taken place first, then I totally get why Danny was acting and sounding so odd on the phone with Lindsay, and why he'd look like he wanted to kill himself instead. I tell ya, when somebody genuinely misses another, they shouldn't look like they're disgusted with what they're saying. :p

However, I can also understand why TPTB may have switched the scenes. If the D/R one had taken place first, it would have been 100% obvious Danny called Lindsay up because he's settling for second best since Rikki's moving away and technically leaving him. As it is right now, things are still ambiguous because 1) Lindsay STILL doesn't know about Danny having slept with Rikki and yet, she's already doing this ignoring and pushing thing towards him and 2) it's more than possible he only said to both Lindsay and Rikki in both scenes what they wanted to hear in a last resort effort to keep them in his life.

Danny has serious abandonment issues, man.

I just went back and rewatched that part of the episode. I agree that it appears they screwed with the order of the scenes. It would've made much more sense for the whole conversation with Lindsay to happen after he had learned Rikki was leaving; but that wouldn't have appeased the DL fans who have been sending hate mail to every outlet possible since RND. Mac needs to solve the taxi cab case so he can investigate the epidemic of missing balls running rampant on the NY set.

Another thing struck me upon rewatching. Remember the spoilers for 4.13? Danny was supposedly expecting someone at his apartment and he goes to the door and it's Lindsay. He obviously wasn't expecting her and he's been drinking and doesn't let her in the appartment. Way to recycle what could have been a very interesting and telling scene and use it for a cliche to get teh evul biatch that is Rikki away from teh tru sole mates. :rolleyes:
Kimmychu asked:
Do you guys think TPTB may have switched the scene placements?
and PerfectAnomaly replied:
It would've made much more sense for the whole conversation with Lindsay to happen after he had learned Rikki was leaving; but that wouldn't have appeased the DL fans who have been sending hate mail to every outlet possible since RND.

I never considered that, but it does look like perhaps the order has been changed. I do, however, not believe that it had anything to do with the phone call between Danny and Lindsay. When Danny had talked to Rikki first he still would not have let her in and would have said that what happened between them was bad, so he already made up his mind before he spoke to either one of them.

If the order was changed it was simply because the shot of Danny at the counter with the rain against his window made a pretty end-shot.
So when he heard that Rikki was leaving...if indeed that crushed him as much as some people claim i believe he would just react instinctively. Like say No or kiss her or sth.Yes he felt sad when she said she was leaving....but did anyone expect him to just answer "Good riddance and dont let the door hit you on the way out"? Ofcourse not. To me he looked sad not crushed so i suppose we should agree to disagree.

I don't see the 'crushed' thing either. In fact he looked surprised when she told him she was moving, it was at the point when she mentioned the 'too many memories . . . ' that he looked sad/pained. I think it was then when his thoughts turned to Ruben, because that's who this has been about for Danny.
Kimmychu asked:
Do you guys think TPTB may have switched the scene placements?
and PerfectAnomaly replied:
It would've made much more sense for the whole conversation with Lindsay to happen after he had learned Rikki was leaving; but that wouldn't have appeased the DL fans who have been sending hate mail to every outlet possible since RND.

I never considered that, but it does look like perhaps the order has been changed. I do, however, not believe that it had anything to do with the phone call between Danny and Lindsay. When Danny had talked to Rikki first he still would not have let her in and would have said that what happened between them was bad, so he already made up his mind before he spoke to either one of them.

If the order was changed it was simply because the shot of Danny at the counter with the rain against his window made a pretty end-shot.

It's not that Danny would've changed his interaction with Rikki. It's that the whole context of the call with Lindsay would've changed. If he had talked to Rikki before he called Lindsay it could've looked like he got drunk because she was leaving and then decided to finally turn to Lindsay because his current source of comfort was gone. I don't think the people who are now happy about the prospect of DL 2.0 would've been so happy if it appeared Danny was calling Lindsay because Rikki was leaving and he had no other source for comfort.
If he had talked to Rikki before he called Lindsay it could've looked like he got drunk because she was leaving and then decided to finally turn to Lindsay because his current source of comfort was gone.
But his 'source of comfort' did not disappear because Rikki left, but because Danny told her that it was a bad thing before he found out that she was even if Rikki had stayed in NY, he still would've turned to Lindsay.

I for one am happy with the way they are now trying to start (?) D/L 2.0 :)(and I didn't even send any kind of mail :p) and if he had called Lindsay before or after his talk with Rikki it would not have made a difference. :cool:
Absolutely. That phone called pissed me off SO much. When she confronted him on it, all I could think of was that she sounded like a nagging mother. MY nagging mother (which is NEVER a good thing to be compared to, trust me. ) And Danny reacted EXACTLY the way I do when confronted in that manner. He got defensive and let her have it.

I think it's really telling that he hasn't even shown an ounce of guilt for sleeping with her, nor has he thought it important enough to bring up to Lindsay. I'm sorry, call him anything you like, but Danny doesn't strike me as the sort of guy to NOT feel guilty for cheating if his previous reactions to things he's done wrong are any indication.

Hence me going for the side of the fence that says what him and Lindsay have (had?) was not anything concrete enough to define as a relationship. A fling, yes. Boyfriend/Girlfriend? No. Unfortunately, Lindsay's either too naive or too deluded to know the difference.

Oh, you have one of those too? And yeah, I pretty much do the same with mine, so I'm not surprised by Danny's reaction.

The lack of guilt on Danny's part can be attributed to two things I think:

1. He doesn't see his relationship with Lindsay the same way she sees her relationship with him. I think he was pretty stunned by her confession of 'love'.
2. He's pretty engulfed in his grief and he's not really thinking straight.

Part of me thinks if Ruben hadn't have died, we'd have seen Danny address his non-relationship with Lindsay earlier. Like - "No we're not and that is all."


And I agree with PerfectAnomaly that Mac needs to close the taxi case, 'cause there's some serious balls missing on this show, and I'm pretty sure that Danny wants them back. :lol:

Actually, I think it'd make for a great case, no? :p
If he had talked to Rikki before he called Lindsay it could've looked like he got drunk because she was leaving and then decided to finally turn to Lindsay because his current source of comfort was gone.
But his 'source of comfort' did not disappear because Rikki left, but because Danny told her that it was a bad thing before he found out that she was even if Rikki had stayed in NY, he still would've turned to Lindsay.

They would've stopped having sex, but there's no indication they would've ended their emotional connection or stopped comforting each other in other ways. If the scene had the phone call coming after the exchange with Rikki it could seem that Danny wouldn't have turned to Lindsay regardless of Rikki leaving. It could have looked like he ws turning to Lindsay because of Rikki leaving, which is a completely different subtext than what was in the scene that aired.

I for one am happy with the way they are now trying to start (?) D/L 2.0 :)(and I didn't even send any kind of mail :p) and if he had called Lindsay before or after his talk with Rikki it would not have made a difference. :cool:

I never said you were one of the people sending mail, and I still think if a change in the scene took place it could've very well been to appease the angry response they got from a small portion of DL fans. The order of the scene could have made a big difference to some of the fans who were angry. We'll never know for sure.

Judging from the response of some of the same people who hated Danny after RND, again I'm not saying you specifically, it appears that Lindsay does, indeed, deserve a lying, cheating bastard. That really doesn't say a lot about a woman who is supposed to be so great.
Changing the order of those two scenes would have made a BIG difference in the overall presentation of the situation, plain and simple.

Dims said:

Danny is a scumbag for cheating on Lindsay but who says that people can not redeem themselves for their mistakes?


Furthermore i will not elaborate on my lowwwwww opinion on really wont get us anywhere.
So basically--Danny can be redeemed for sleeping with the mother of the dead child by going back to Lindsay, but Rikki is just shit outta luck for being the grieving mother in question.


Danny showed us that he acts on his feelings and tends to not think in the long run.
Kinda like going back to Lindsay because he's feeling emo rather than thinking in terms of whether their relationship is a good idea 'in the long run.'

So when he heard that Rikki was leaving...if indeed that crushed him as much as some people claim i believe he would just react instinctively. Like say No or kiss her or sth.

I don't think Danny equated 'I'm moving' with 'I'm getting you out of my life'--when she then specified that there were too many memories in the apartment building, it not only tugged at Danny's own emotions, it also showed that he was part of the problem.

I haven't re-watched it yet, so I'm going from memory.

Yes he felt sad when she said she was leaving....but did anyone expect him to just answer "Good riddance and dont let the door hit you on the way out"?
You might be surprised. Yes, some people expected that.

Cat123 said:

Oh Reed, what a numpty. Doesn't mean I'm any less scared for him though, but why WHY get in a cab?!
Yeah, that was a really dumb move--but I guess Reed didn't think he was at risk? He had the naive belief that it would never happen to him, I suppose.

Now he knows better. I hope he lives to realize that. *pet pet*

Kimmy said:

And what he did with Rikki after Ruben's passing is irrelevant to Lindsay, as much as some would like to think Danny's entire world revolves around Lindsay...Danny did what he did with Rikki because at the time, he truly believed he was doing something good for Rikki and himself. Simple as that.
I agree.

I also have to add that him saying he misses her out of the blue like that, when he laughed and smiled at Flack saying he should piss off Lindsay more often and by implication, that he isn't spending time with Lindsay is ... plain illogical.
Honestly, Danny suddenly being all 'zomg I missed u and need u here now' feels like emergency damage control to me. Don't want to piss off the 18-49ers.

Him laughing with Flack at the beginning really makes no sense in the same episode as the scene later.

kcatlin said:

And on the topic of moving, Danny needs to move as well. Danny being in that building by himself is not going to be good for him.
This is very true.

I just had the mental image of him becoming roommates with Adam or Hawkes.

Don't want to piss off the 18-49ers.

I'm 38 and Danny willingly handing his balls back over to Lindsay pissed me off. I guess it's not the 18 - 49ers they're going for then, huh? ;)

26 and pissed off also. I don't know in what world they think a woman finds what they've reduced Danny to in these scenes involving her attractive...

My ex-bf was a tranny, and he had more balls on him than Danny does around that woman...
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I learn more about you every day, origin-nknwn. ;)

I'm 23 and was utterly unimpressed by Danny's 'Hay Lindsay, I got drunk and hacked off my balls for you. Can I crawl across broken glass to regain your favor now plz?'...thing, so the appealing-to-the-18-49-demo with DL obviously isn't totally successful.

Now that I've said it, I'm obsessed with the idea: I'm really thinking Danny and Hawkes need to share an apartment. Danny mentioned that Hawkes was working extra shifts in "Raising Shane", so maybe he was feeling the pinch of his decreased salary as a CSI and has more trouble paying his bills. Best solution: ROOMATE! :D

Oh, the lulz I would have. :p *wistful sigh* Sheldon scolding Danny for making a mess in the bathroom and Danny whining about the food Sheldon bought because there's nothing good in the fridge...