Grade 'People With Money'


Premium Member
The season three premiere is tonight! Watch it, grade it and post what you thought of it! :)
Yeah yeah yeah, I know it hasn't aired yet, but I want to talk about it already! :lol:

Of course, I know I'll probably end up giving it an A+ when I come back on here tonight (after my chat over on BC ;)), just because I'm so damn happy it's coming back. :lol:

They're bringing sexy back, baby! *sings that damn song* :p
I suppose it's time to break my silence. :lol: I'm excited for tonight! I was reminiscing this morning about this time last year when we were all so excited and damn near jumping out of our skin for it and then the president decided he needed to have a speech smack dab in the middle of Fall premiere week. :lol: I'll be back tomorrow morning to chat about it. :D
Yeah, I'm here too! Gotta work tonight (that's a total injustice, but what're you gonna do?) but I've got both DVD and VCR recorders set to go. It's kinda odd but I can get two episodes on a disk but can't watch them until the disk is finalized, so I have to use the VCR to tape and watch it unless I wish to wait 2 weeks to see it on DVD (which I don't).

Where CSI:NY is concerned, I have no patience!
::dances around singing 'Sexy Back':: I seriously cannot survive between now ::glances at clock:: 11:05am, and 10pm tonight.. AHHH!!! I got woken up at 7:30am this morning, and I wasnt even mad because I was like "NO!! CSI:NY is on tonight!!...

::pops open a bottle of sparkling cider:: cheers to the new season!!
I must be in the minority when I say that I'm not too excited about tonight. *ducks down* I am going to tivo it but I'll probably end up watching it this weekend. However, if I read a lot of good reviews here about the new episode then yeah, I'll watch it tomorrow afternoon instead.
^^Aww! Ye of little faith(s)! I desperately want it to be a good one and to actually have a little glimmer of continuity with Flack. If there's even just a little mention of it, I'll be a happy camper. They do always start off a little slow, so I'm not expecting excellence tonight, just a good, solid show to kick off the season.
i must say, that when i have heard a few spoilers ( whether its about csi, or something else) i do get a bit dissapointed, but when it comes on, i realise why i love the show lol and after watching the show i jus feel good that i watch it!! :lol: so maybe it will be the same for those of you who feel a lil dissapointed before u get to watch it......??

But the spoilers that have been posted.. well!!! it jus makes me want to watch it even more!!! :D :lol:
I'm waiting to see Flack too!!! I managed to use up a good bit of the day doing laundry and writing the outline for a D/F fic while I was there. I rented Lords of Dogtown so I can watch that this afternoon after I check out Rachael Ray. I got some special goodies for dinner tonight. I love Criminal Minds too and it's on before CSINY. Woohoo!!!