Grade 'Pay Up'

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    Votes: 61 47.3%
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    Votes: 40 31.0%
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    Votes: 6 4.7%
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    Votes: 7 5.4%
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    Votes: 4 3.1%
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    Votes: 2 1.6%
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    Votes: 5 3.9%

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It flashed by too quickly for me to catch that the date on it was next week. But it's a nice tidbit.
I thought it was a good episode. The ending pissed me off, but I suppose it will only be about 2 months until we get some spoilers. I remember when Supernatural had a cliffhanger like that, and it wasn't very long until we got our spoilers and knew what happened.

I felt bad for Flack, like everyone did. Poor guy, so weird seeing him like that because it's so out of character for him.

Everyone was great in this episode, it was great. I loved that Adam and Sid were at the bar, they are great characters and now I can't imagine the show without them.

At the end I don't think Flack really shot that guy, I think he fired above his head. I think that he is smarter than that and knows better, that guy doesn't deserve to get off scott free by being killed, he deserves to go sit in a prison cell for the rest of his life. And I'm sure Flack thought that way. I can't see him killing somebody on purpose, let alone shooting him in the head, even though he was very upset.

They had a lot of shots of Stella before the shooting happened, I wonder if it will be her... I don't know though, I honestly couldn't say. That car being driven lookd so much like the one Flack was driving at the beginning.

aghh I hate Cliffhangers! but I guess it's a good way to have lots of people back for the next season.
That car being driven lookd so much like the one Flack was driving at the beginning.

I thought exactly the same thing!! :eek::eek:
It's the very same car. Now I wonder if that was a police car - which would imply someone from the law enforcement is involved in the shooting - or was it his own car Flack was driving? I think it's a police car. :eek:

Edited to add this:

it's not the same car, the bandit's car is a BMW, while Flack's is not.


The bandit's car:

Awwww... I just can't look at the poor thing:
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God damn...what a Ep...I cry cause Angell really dies...and I can't believe it....and look at Flack...this little poor thing...I want to hug him...(maybe a group hug for him? xD)....
Well I hope for the next Season, that we having a great Flack Storyline....awwwwww I don't want that Angell is the one :(:(:( I still can't believe it....
Oh and to the word....but a typical CSI Finale End....

Question: Do you know, where I can find some Screencaps of this Ep?
My god, who is what it made?
On the blow I imagine that it was necessary, but I think that season 6 will be horrible for him psychologically, of already living with the death of Angell, it is already heavy, in addition, it dirties his badge, for a personal revenge. I believe that one will collect it with the small spoon, in the saison6.
How all that will finish? I think that Danny will have work with him, in any case, I hope that it will be present to support it.
And what it will arrive at Don following all that.
I will it want to say make as if it had never killed this man? And to take again wasn't service, as so of nothing?
Because, he vis-à-vis one is crowned case of conscience here
In any case, sublimates episode, I am in a hurry really to see the continuation
My Gawd, that last photo makes me want to hug him :(.

Group hug for Flack anyone.

Anyways, excellent ep. Eddie really threw it out of the ballpark on that one. But I'm hoping Flack didn't actually kill that guy, maybe he did what Nick did with the UnderSheriff or whoever he was in Vegas and shoot above his head or something.

But overall, great episode, probably the best ever.
Me likes!

Excellent episode, just what was needed after last night!

Loved it that Danny was finally shown to be there for Flack, but a little pat on the back in the basement? - where were the manhugs, this episode required manhugs! (although I am not sure if Flack is the manhugs type, not when he is the one requiring comforting anyway).

They found some stuff out too easily and as always there was conveniently something that you only find in a very small part of the city, but I could gloss over that as there was so much else going on.

At the end it didn't look like anyone was hit, they all seems to get down in time so it didn't come across as too much of a cliffhanger to me. I think they should have shown some blood on the floor or something if they wanted everyone to think someone had been hurt.

Excellent end to a somewhat disappointing season.
Luckily no one was in the house because i scream - like literally - and cried - a lot - when Angell died.

I dont know whether to say it was a good episode or not. I mean it was a great story line, the plot was intense, the acting was surprisingly the best, however, the death of my favourite character made it SO unappealing!

I think it was really nice to see such a focus on FA even if it was more Flack but cuz there wasn't any DL drama and no distractingly juicy SM - it was just content.

Lovely scene between Don and Jess before she gets killed. I laughed when he said 'mom'. It was just like the most perfect little FA snippet. That's the sortta stuff their realtionship was founded upon.

I think it was rather cruel for them to put nice calm happy music on as Danny walks into the hospital to meet Flack. The fact that Don wasnt crying at this stage made me whole heartly believe that Jess was going to make it. I had physced myself up totally for him to say 'shes going to make it' but to hear that she didnt made me burst into tears. I think the procuders should know how much pain they caused. It hurt. a lot.

Eddie's acting was truely touching. It was so heart felt and sweet and tender and yes as much as I wanted to give him a hug and make sure he was alright i was waiting for one of the other characters to do that.

When we saw the shot of Jess being operated on i had a sudden flash of season 2 finale... Anyone? I mean that was so similar with the whole on the operating table with people looking over you etc. Then they would have had something in comon to tell their kids... Not like thats going to happen any more though. depressing though much?

Sid/Flack moment... Officially sweet. It was so sad to hear Don say 'i dont want her autopsied on' [or something similar] Suprising Sid actually was allowed to autopsy on her. He kenw her... Thought u werent meant to autopsy on people you know? wait - he wouldnt autopsy Anabel Pino but he would autopsy Jess?!?!?!?!?!?! Am i right in saying that was the FIRST AND ONLY scene Sid and Angell has had together? I mean hoenstly, through out their 3 seasons of being together that is the only time they have shared screen time and she's DEAD when it happenes?

I though Don was a little happy when he went to see Angell's dad. It didnt seem unhappy enough. That was a little disapointing... But still having her dad there was touching...

As much as people find it hard to believe or understand that Don killed that guy i think it's justifiable. I mean i can sympathise with him enough to say I'd probably have done the same.

Don looked WAY to depressed at the end of the episode though. I mean i understand why but still it was sad to see him like that!

And yes, I dont believe we have to wait THAT long for the next season to find out what happened after the drive by. That is mean! Why?

So, over all, good episode but depressing and now, i have written this, i am going to sulk... a lot... cuz next season is going to be SO strange without her

ETA: Jess's birth date - February 9th? [Americans read month then date right? Cuz when i first read that i thought September 2nd] She was only 28...... woah
I was ready to put up it a heavily action-loaded episode, the brand that usually makes me roll my eyes. To hell with Chuck Norris this time, though. I was pleasantly surprised when we got some action plus a real case. Now I regret having read the spoilers and knowing Jess would die, because until Flack said "she's gone", I kept wondering "what if...?" But no.

Am I the only one who thought "there you go, fingerprints!" the moment that bad guy covered the camera with his hand? They're so effing clever, yet they don't wear gloves. Maybe CSI as a show doesn't exist in the CSI:NY universe :p

If they raid evil-doers hideouts that way, I'm not surprised there are casualties. Come on! No shotguns? No infra-red vision? No radio communication except for the ginormous walkie-talkies? Not even bulletproof helmets for the CSI members or Flack because we all know they're oh so unsightly.

I loved Flack shooting the guy. I thought it wasn't rational, but logical given the character and the situation. I'm sick of PC "ohnoez, dontcha do it! Think about justice, fairness, goodness, rainbows and pink bunnies!". I hope he isn't prosecuted or faces an IAB investigation because of it. I don't think so, but you never know.

Dunbrook saying "You be safe" and then, the shooting. Am I reading too much into this? Dun-dun-dun... We'll see.
If they raid evil-doers hideouts that way, I'm not surprised there are casualties. Come on! No shotguns? No infra-red vision? No radio communication except for the ginormous walkie-talkies? Not even bulletproof helmets for the CSI members or Flack because we all know they're oh so unsightly.

Dunbrook saying "You be safe" and then, the shooting. Am I reading too much into this? Dun-dun-dun... We'll see.

I was more surprised about the fact that they were able to hit Angell with two shots yet when it came to the warehouse they had SO bad aim none of the main CSIs were hit and a guy in the outfit was...

I never thought of it that way but you might have a point there...
I was more surprised about the fact that they were able to hit Angell with two shots yet when it came to the warehouse they had SO bad aim none of the main CSIs were hit and a guy in the outfit was...
The only explanation I can come up with is that they were shooting from a closer range and they had surprise factor in their favor. During the warehose raid they weren't ready and lost all their previously good aim. As my dad would say "they aim at a streetlight and kill and old lady!"
I was not disappointed at all. The grief he expressed with little to no tears just in his facial expressions was amazing. Flack to my knowledge has never been emotionally involved in a case like this. True he had his sister to deal with, but this is so much deeper.

Other then Sid nobody really comforted Flack, and I thought at least Mac would say something to him. I am sure it will happen next season. Also I don’t think he executed that guy; that’s not Flack. Also do you think her dad knew it was Flack that his daughter was seeing?”

Wonder how they will deal with Flack’s/everyone else’s grief next season? I just hope they don’t screw up and make Don into a bitter hateful drunk. It’s too typical. I’m pretty sure they have already filmed one or more shows into next season. We can hope they do some DVD commentary/extended episodes when this comes out later this fall.
Wow that ep was brilliant. I thought everybody was spot on espesially Eddie who showed the greif wonderfully, just the right amount at the end when they were having drinks. Althrough the endings going to drive me nuts over the summer.