Very good ep!!!
The storyline was a good one...I have to say I figured it was Dunbrook right away when they said his son was going to testify against him, but I was glad to be proven wrong. His and Mac's relations at the end of the ep seem much more true to their original dynamic when we first were introduced to Dunbrook, too, which I really liked. His "stay safe" remark to Mac was chilling...especially with the attack at the end. I have no doubt that Dunbrook ordered a hit on Mac....or maybe is being set up? Either way, I'm interested to see how it plays out, and I hope he doesn't disapear...
Angell's death was expected (stupid spoilers, i couldnt stay away...) but that just made it all the more heartwrenching to see the cute F/A moment before it happened. As always Eddie Cahill was phenomenal...especially in the hospital, when he tells Danny "She's gone," and is physically and emotionally struggling to hold himself together. Throughout the episode he did excellent-holding in his emotions in front of Angell's father, not letting Sid see him cry in the hospital room, and finally the end when he executes the guy that killed Angell. OOC? In a normal episode, maybe, and if the guy had killed someone else. But I had no doubt the dude was done for once Flack started chasing. His emotions afterward were also excellently played by Cahill (he gets a high five for the night

), and they kind of reminded me of the scene in Saving Private Ryan, after Upham shoots the Nazi who killed Captain Miller....he looks totally and completely emotionless after he's done it, but you can tell he's not all there. Bravo, Eddie. Bravo :thumbsup:
And FINALLY, Danny coming to Flack's side when he needs him!!! Where was that in Charge of this Post??? Danny was perfect in this ep, running to the hospital when he realized what had happened, and he seemed to understand completely Flack's emotional state and what happened in that basement when he sees Flack coming up the stairs. Brilliant. Really, every character was phenomenal in the episode: Adam on his secret spy mission with Stella to bug Dunbrook's car, Hawkes running triage, Mac's anger and determination (this time not annoyingly so!), Sid's trying to comfort Flack and that story in the end....even Lindsay, who usually annoys me with her scenes, did a great job with conveying her sadness over Angell's death (most notably when she enters the crime scene and hesitates when she sees the blood). And Nelly??? I love the guy! I really hope this isn't the last we see of him. I love that Terrance helped Flack out, even though he had no obligation to do so, simply because he knew Flack was hurting over the death of Angell. I would really like to see how their relationship pans out in the future...
Overall, there were only a couple things that bugged me, most of which was the fact that we didn't really get to see the team's interactions with Angell during the season that they mention in the bar. I would have liked to have seen her with Sid or talking with Lindsay or Danny more, I think it would have made a much more emotional impact on me to see her die if I knew her better. Plus, I also was really hoping for a Adam/Flack scene...mostly because both had mentioned that they had spent time together during the season (with Adam telling him about his sisters car in a case before telling Mac, and Flack mentioning details of Adam's apartment), and figured they were closer friends. Either way, we got a Danny comforting Flack moment...which we've been waiting for five I can forgive that
Great episode. But goddamn the ending!!!! :scream::scream::scream::scream: Tell me who gets shot, damn it!!!