Grade 'Oedipus Hex'

I'll just add that I don't feel "under attack" because I happen to like Lindsay and Anna as her portrayer. I've always tried to be respectful when I state opinions that indicate as such, and I feel those who disagree have been respectful in return - some have even chosen to let me know they appreciate that, which makes me smile.

I have no problem with people stating negative opinions about Lindsay or Anna, as long as it pertains to her acting only, which to my eyes, it has.

That said, I am also big enough to admit that things are a bit weird lately, although I tend to point the finger at the writers. As I previously stated, Lindsay stating "I get the bad jobs" or whatever she said, was a juvenile line, IMO, and I just don't see what she could have done to make it sound better as an actor.
audrina said:
As I previously stated, Lindsay stating "I get the bad jobs" or whatever she said, was a juvenile line, IMO, and I just don't see what she could have done to make it sound better as an actor.

I totally agree. I met Anna and she's a sweetheart, so I'm really trying not to hate the character but when I watch a scene like that I can't help shaking my head and wondering what the hell the writers were thinking...
Glad to see a few Lindsay-fans coming in to weigh in on that little discussion. ;) Yes, I love everybody and it's nice to know you love me too...that is what you were saying, right? ;) :lol:

Finally got around to rewatching the episode. The Suicide Girls' acting was worse than I remembered it being, but they weren't actresses cast in the roles, so it's easy to forgive them for that. ;)

Danny really acted...weird almost the whole damn episode. It was strange...:confused:

Lindsay's reactions weren't as bad as I originally thought, but the writers really need to sort out this problem they have with writing clunkers in every episode. :rolleyes: The scene with Danny and Linday trying out the shoes for the skull wounds was fun, and much more the kind of thing that works for their interaction. ;) But then, Danny was still acting kind of drugged, so I was scratching my head a bit. (But bonus points for them using that awesome blue squishy stuff like they did for the fist prints in 'People with Money.' :p)

Flack saying that he was the local Larry Byrd or whatever? Frickin' priceless. :lol: You could also see him sitting on the bleachers in that horrid yellow t-shirt during some of the basketball game sequences. ;) I really wish we could have seen more of him with the kids, but maybe since they mentioned it and gave it a bit of depth, they'll continue with it later--one of his YMCA kids is a witness in a case or something. I'd hate for one of them to be a victim or suspect. :(

Speaking of which, are we meant to assume that Chopper's son was in Flack's YMCA group? Is that why he called him "Blue" or whatever?

When Flack got kicked in the face, I was like "Whoa! That was full-on sole-to-face contact!" :eek: And he didn't even have a bruise? Not cool, people, he got knocked right on his ass and he didn't even mess up his pretty suit? Please. :rolleyes: And when Danny dove on the guy's motorcycle, didn't he consider that "hey, you know, that thing has a tailpipe that might burn the shit out of my leg" or something? Chase scenes are fun fangirly goodness, but at least be a bit more realistic. I have to admit that it was funny to see the convenient stack of those really big, empty, plastic water bottles there for Flack and the annoying guy to fall on. :lol:

On a serious note, I'll admit I was tearing up a bit when the mother was watching the video at the end and crying. Yeah, I'm a bit of a baby, what can I say? :lol:

So yeah, not the best episode, but not totally horrible, all things considered. I think I'll give it an A-. :)
That was a generous grade!! :lol:

I wanted to weigh in on Danny's getting slapped. There was no way he could have reacted in any other way and not come off looking like a complete a**hole to the mother. I think he was spot-on. Suck it up and hand her the photo and make her feel like a moron. I guess the mother was grieving in the only way she knew how at the time. And did he walk around the table to comfort her better when she really had her breakdown later on?
I just wanted to piggyback on the Danny getting slapped by the mother. I have had a few trainings on the grieving process, as part of my on-going csi education process and the one thing that is kept in the back of my mind is the fact that no one can predict how someone will react when they are told that a loved one has died, esp. if it is brutally done. Danny was correct to 'take' the slap when the mother did it, and not immediately react to her by slapping her down or whatever. Granted, she shouldn't go around slapping people when they tell her bad news, but at that moment she simply reacted with the first thing that came to her. Sadly, I missed most of this episode :eek: as I was talking the entire time on-line with a friend, so I will have to catch it later. :)
Faylinn said:
Glad to see a few Lindsay-fans coming in to weigh in on that little discussion. ;) Yes, I love everybody and it's nice to know you love me too...that is what you were saying, right? ;) :lol:

Oh yes, Faylinn! We love ya ... kiss kiss!!! Hee.
:lol: *sigh* That's what I thought. *hugs you all* :p

But I'm not sure if the 'hee' made it sarcastic. ;)
Re the Danny-slappen' mother ... I said right from the get-go that he couldn't have done anything else. That his behaviour was in fact probably perfectly as it should have been :) I think it was very well acted. With the usual subtlety that Carmine shows. Maybe, it was TOO subtle ... in that some people did not seem to see his reaction ...

I think, perhaps, the people who had a problem with Danny's reaction to being slapped maybe didn't look at what was going on with the mother, and were maybe just reacting to what was happening to 'our' characters. She had just been told her child had been murdered. I'm amazed the mother wasn't falling in a heap wailing like a banshee. I would have been. ThumpyG's right ... you can't predict how people will behave in such emotion-heightened circumstances. As a welfare/domestic violence worker I've seen a LOT of weird behaviour.

As for the Lindsay debate, I find it hard to like Lindsay as a character. She really rubs me up the wrong way. There is something so not right there ... TO ME. That doesn't mean I'm right and someone else is wrong. That doesn't mean I'm wrong and someone else is right. That doesn't mean I don't like Anna. How could I? I don't know her. I have heard that her work on other things has been really good. I think the writers are largely to blame with a lot of the problems ... let us remember that none of the characters on this show are real. Who knows ... just thinking on my feet here ... perhaps Anna finds it difficult to find the core of Lindsay with the crappy way the writers have written her thus far.

I'm not God ... I don't know it all (though sometimes I may beg to differ :p :lol: ) A television show is not mathematics. Nothing on it is absolute. Everything is up to interpretation and open for opinion. My opinion is just that ... an opinion. I respect other's opinions, and would would hope that others do the same. You will not find me getting narky should someone express an opinion that they think Danny (or Carmine as Danny's 'creator') is terrible, as much as I may think they are the most fascinating creatures on the planet (Danny and Carmine that is, not the people who express alternate opinions lol ;) :D

And as far as this whole debate goes about Lindsay and how people react and on and on, I have a teensy little theory about demographics in relation to that ...
Faylinn said:
Glad to see a few Lindsay-fans coming in to weigh in on that little discussion. Yes, I love everybody and it's nice to know you love me too...that is what you were saying, right?
:)Right, that's it! Just to love and be loved in return! :)

crankyjules said:
Re the Danny-slappen' mother ... I said right from the get-go that he couldn't have done anything else. That his behaviour was in fact probably perfectly as it should have been
I agree with you (on that part ;)). I think the way he did was the only way to react to such an emotional situation. Show some reserve and give the mother a change to vent some of her grief. I would have really hated it if he had reacted in any other way.

And after reading back some of the most recent posts I think to a certain degree we all more or less :D agree (whether you do or you don't like Anna's acting/Lindsay) that the writers are doing a poor job with her (and Carmine/Danny) scenes.

And as far as this whole debate goes about Lindsay and how people react and on and on, I have a teensy little theory about demographics in relation to that ...
:confused: I'm just curious what your theory is. And where did you base it on? Do you think that all those who like Lindsay have a common factor or combination of factors like gender, age, hair colour, IQ, continent, education, etc. and all those who dislike her have (a) different one(s)?
Oy bugger it ... I just spent ages composing a thought-out answer to this and lost it all. Here we go again ...

dutch_treat said:
:confused: I'm just curious what your theory is. And where did you base it on? Do you think that all those who like Lindsay have a common factor or combination of factors like gender, age, hair colour, IQ, continent, education, etc. and all those who dislike her have (a) different one(s)?

:confused: :lol: Okay I didn't base this on anything. It's not an "I KNOW BETTER", generalising, theory ... it's more of an "I wonder" sort of theorising ... no research done, or attempted. :D I tried to show in my last post I don't think either view is right or wrong ... no-one view is better or worse. It's all just opinion.

There are rules for reading this post because I don't want people flying off the handle and getting offended when none is implied at all :). These are: Please remember that I am making absolutely no value judgements based on youth or lack of (hell ... I know which group I'd rather be in :lol:), or anything else for that matter. Please try and suspend your value judgements until you have read the whole post ...

I guess the 'wondering' is more about the D/L shippers as opposed to those who don't like the ship, more than the debate about Lindsay's character. I've noticed that a lot of the posts regarding D/L say that they are cute together, and comments along those lines. I wonder whether the people that see that are looking at it from a 'young romance' sort of view, a more idealised, ethereal view of romance if you will ... which has a beautiful innocence to it. So OTH I wonder whether those of us who don't see that belong in an age group where we've been around the block a few times (or more ;) ) and have our views of romance a little more dented, more earth-bound, if you like. Not saying either's wrong or right.

That said, It would be interesting to learn if those who relate to Lindsay's character are younger than those of us who don't. (mantra - no judgements being made LOL).

Please God I hope no-one has the shits over this post. I've tried to 'impart my impartiality' in the 'theory'. And maybe I shouldn't have called it a 'theory' ... maybe people would see that as me generalising ... I'm not ... I'm wondering. That's all.

I could be so wrong ... maybe this 'old' over-30 poster is even bigger of a cynic in regards to love and romance than she thought :D
I guess me being a Lindsay fan makes me a little more biased to what the writers were thinking... if that makes sense :)rolleyes:). I think that when someone is angry or upset about something, they spit out stuff without realizing what they're saying, which is what I got from Lindsay when she was complaining about how she was going to have to talk to the mother. Maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong angle, hell, maybe I'm compltely wrong and the writers just sucked right there. I guess it also is how you look at the character, if a person likes her, the line wasn't bad and they can appreciate why it was said the way it was said. If someone isn't a fan of Lindsay, stuff that she says doesn't sound as good because (let's just face it) they just don't like her (horrible generalization, I know but I do it on other shows too).
Well, just to add my two cents: I like DL and I'm over 30, and have definitely been around the block. You're theory was very well thought out and stated, however, no offense here, crankyjules!
Radical618 said:
I think that when someone is angry or upset about something, they spit out stuff without realizing what they're saying, which is what I got from Lindsay when she was complaining about how she was going to have to talk to the mother.

Yep, I get that. I see that, I saw that. I just don't like how it was written. When it comes down to the writing ... I do not like the way they are writing Montana's character.

Maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong angle, hell, maybe I'm compltely wrong and the writers just sucked right there.

IMO, that would be a big fat YES :D That is ... to the writing ... not that you are wrong. Nobody is. It's all subjective.
I guess it also is how you look at the character, if a person likes her, the line wasn't bad and they can appreciate why it was said the way it was said. If someone isn't a fan of Lindsay, stuff that she says doesn't sound as good because (let's just face it) they just don't like her (horrible generalization, I know but I do it on other shows too).

I understand what you are saying and I agree in that yes to a point that is true. Because I'll admit that I've gotten to the point where, after trying to like her, I'm getting quite blase about not liking the character. Like ... 'meh, whatever'.

I'd like to see who Lindsay is. I'd like to try and get a sense of who she is, but when it seems that one minute the writers are having her a painful know-it-all, the next, whiny and snippy, and then cute as all hell, I can't get a grasp on her.

I guess we can all chalk it up to the fact that in life, we don't like everyone ... on tv, where not going to like every character. (Shrug).

I'm GLAD we can agree to disagree :)
Fay, I noticed Chopper's son call Flack "Blue" as well and figured he knew him from the basketball court. That was a nice detail.

As for Lindsay's reaction, I agree that Anna probably couldn't have done any better with it than she did. It was a bad line, period. Lindsay has had a lot of them in the space of a little over a season. I have seen actors/actresses rise above bad lines, but Anna doesn't seem able to do that, at least not that I've seen with Lindsay. I think part of that is just that Lindsay doesn't really work as a character--too many inconsistancies and no real foundation.
Top41 said:
Fay, I noticed Chopper's son call Flack "Blue" as well and figured he knew him from the basketball court. That was a nice detail.

I assumed he called him "Blue" because it's a slang word for cop.