Grade 'Oedipus Hex'

darx2mint4 said:
and more on "protecting Hawkes so Shane Casey doesn't kill him...

I agree. I hope they don't just drop that and show a bit more drama with it. Hill deserves it - he's just excellent. I loved the glee with which he said "Medium velocity blood spatter!" when he saw Danny with that visor on.
Danny tackled the biker. Flack got kicked in the face.

By the way, Flack has been kicked/punched in the face numerous times, and yet he never gets a single bruise. Extremely fast healing skin? Is Flack a super hero?

Is it me, or does Shane Casey look like a younger version of Lieutenant Dan? Like a young, pot headded hippie Lieutenant Dan. It's kinda eerie. They got the same eyes and the same hair, the same mouth... Gary, you got some splaining to do!
aww man Tshirt Flack was okay but he should've been onscreen longer. And what happened to him playing basketball?

Smacked moment! *claps* yay!

I liked how the B case was a bit less than typical motive wise.

Next week...*gasps* I soooo can't wait!
ACW1129 said:
audrina said:
Did anyone else catch that the mugger of the couple was Chopper's kid?
Holy crap, I never got that. So I guess he indirectly caused his father's death. :(

I thought it was him, but I wasn't sure. Thanks for the confirmation. And, yeah, I guess that means he indirectly caused his father's death.
I will have to wait to grade the thread since I was busy chatting while watching but I loved the end when Nixon asked Danny out. That look on his face. He wanted to go. Then he was checking her out when she left and mentally kicking himself for not going.

Is Flack ever gonna ease up? Last week he tackled Shane and now this week he's tackling another perp. Damn, he must be completely healed. BTW, he looked delicious tonight. Did he get a haircut?

Danny looked very hot too. I am glad that there were no shippy DL scenes. I was afraid they'd act all weird around each other. I'm so happy they acted normal.

More to come after I watch it again.
I...this show just frustrates me so much. The follow up what was arguably their best case ever with a tepid yawner. The acting from almost everyone was stilted and wooden. The "acting" of the Suicide Girls was a joke, and I can only imagine Eddie Cahill banging his head on the dressing room mirror over the fact that his character gets diddly and squat in the development department so that we get "treated" to slow-mo shots of punker girls as they waltz into the night. Jesus H. Christ on a vibrating pogo stick with optional LSD injector...

Did Chopper's son call Flack "Lieu", as in Lieutenant? Did he get promoted post-COTP?

midnight_tiptoes said:
Danny tackled the biker. Flack got kicked in the face.

By the way, Flack has been kicked/punched in the face numerous times, and yet he never gets a single bruise. Extremely fast healing skin? Is Flack a super hero?

Flack is so a superhero. The man like doesn't flinch, ever! :lol:

Is it me, or does Shane Casey look like a younger version of Lieutenant Dan? Like a young, pot headded hippie Lieutenant Dan. It's kinda eerie. They got the same eyes and the same hair, the same mouth... Gary, you got some splaining to do!

Is Shane actually in it? If so, I'm very excited! :D
I've noticed that whenever we get detailed spoilers on an episode, the scene is shortened...

I will grade later after I watch again. But the Danny faces were hysterical.
I thought Chopper's son called them "Blue", for cops. Might be wrong though.

I liked the B case better than the Suicide Girls case, although it was fun to see them, definitely an original, fearless, emotionally/physically/intellectually liberated group of people. Loved the funky shoes, reminded me of my own wild days out in H'wood, many moons ago! :lol: Also had to laugh at Nixon hitting on Danny, and his expression in the end, watching them all walk out... perfect blend of wonderment, lust and fear! :D Ya shoulda gone for it, Danny Boy! Also had to love Danny's huge grin when he got splattered while testing the stillettos on the fake skull. Hawkes seemed to like it, too!

Felt bad for Chopper, everything in his life seemed to conspire against him, all at once. Here, he cleans up his drug habit, beats the NBA hot shot at street hoops, wins both respect and money, yet his wife still won't take him back, a scumbag beats him nearly to death for not throwing the game, his son robs the tourist couple leaving the game and spooks them, and as he crawls up to them trying to get help, Mrs. Squeaky Clean Teacher Tourist whaps him over the head with her Golden Apple Award, and kills him. I loved the blues song they were playing at the end of that storyline while showing the events that happened.

And at least some continuity, with Shane Casey.
I was interrupted during a crucial scene, and I didn't tape, so I need something explained.
Chopper didn't take the money to throw the game, right? So why did his wife have that big check?
Never mind. Explained in the post above.
I forgot one comment:

I liked that line of Mac's about "if you're lying, you'll be feeling me" I'll feel him if he likes :devil:

Spoiler lab had a comment that Flack would be looking for the tshirt guy from last week. What happened?
Well, I didn't think this was one of the better ones. I actually thought Carmine did a good job at trying to keep it funny and the interest there. :p My hubby like the photo shoot scene. I was creeped out. :eek: Oh, and he thought Danny should have went out with the girls. Again, creeped me out. :eek: I have several ideas on the Lindsay/mothers thing. I feel like "either: Her own mom died in a horrific accident. OR, perhaps an old b/f was killed and his mom may feel Linds had something to do with it." :( You know her being a CSI and all. Anyway, just an idea. Anna did a good job (IMO) with the last scene with the mom. I am trying not to spill too much. Any whooo, Danny was the highlight. :p I still hated the Paisley Tie Flack wore though. Didn't think they made those anymore. Where was Sheldon? I hated we didn't see Hill as much. That sucked. Ok I am finished.