Grade 'Murder Sings the Blues'

midnight_tiptoes said:
I know I've said this a million times, but I hate the New York depicted on CSI: New York. No minorities, no poor people, no boroughs, no honest people... just a bunch of rich, white, arrogant and vindictive morons killing each other every week. And everything is glamorous and everyone's got money and everything is so flashy. This show is like Friends, only with murders.

I totally agree with you. The lack of diversity really pisses me off too. I've never been to NY but I imagine it's not full of wealthy, beautiful, model thing white people as the show portrays. If another race is brought on the show they're usually the suspects & that's so not fair. I figure NY was culturally diverse but I guess I'm wrong. That fact itself takes away from the reality of the show. If they ever plan to introduce a new character I hope it's someone from a different part of the world. I bet some find it hard to relate to the show 'cause of that. Let's hope the writers give this show more reality & less cheesy scenes & one-liners. I think the reason why The Office is my favourite show is because it's so different from every other show on television today. It's real & it's filled with people who aren't so sexy. You don't need beautiful white people to make a show good. Seriously.

Oh, and couldn't have Mac waited to flip out on Hawkes? I mean, he could've pulled him out of the room or waited till Lindsay left but no, he decided to chew him out right then & there. Lindsay looked uncomfortable & awkward & I don't blame here. That was so unlike Mac. I figure he would be more professional but in the end Hawkes was when he made that comment & walked away. Hawkes showed his mature side while Mac didn't.
I liked the episode. We got Mac back in a suit and tie, pissy Mac scene, tentative Mac. Stella and Flack are adorable together. The A case was good. Kept me guessing until the end. The B case was okay. Sometimes, I wish they would just all work on one case. Hawkes was awesome. I think the scene with Mac and Hawkes brought back the idea of the fact that Mac does what he said he did when he told Aiden that there are three things he protects, one of them being the integrity of the lab. I liked that he separated himself as the boss in this one. Shows he still knows when to draw the line, even if it rattled his relationship with Peyton a little bit. It was a great episode in character development!
I was kind of disappointed in this ep. "CSI:NY" seems to falling prey to the same problem of interjecting sexual overtones into every episode that led me to quit watching the original "CSI". There was absolutely NO reason that the maid who discovered the body couldn't have been a middle-aged, overweight woman instead of a young and beautiful one who worked while wearing lingerie!! Also, did the building have some sort of code where the only people who could live there were good-looking and under the age of 40?? I had to laugh when every single neighbor the CSI folks interviewed was young and attractive!
Also, I just don't like the whole Peyton/Mac thing and we got that shoved down our throat this ep, too.
Mac was right to be upset that Hawkes didn't tell him that he might have known the victim, but I think his public dressing down of Hawkes was too much. I think some of this is coming from what went down with Aiden Burns--he didn't want a repeat of that. Contrast this to Danny, who immediately told Mac about his brother's connection to the Tanglewood Boys and when his DNA turned up on a cigarette butt in the end zone at Giants Stadium. It was less than professional of Hawkes to not mention it to Mac, and Mac was right that it could have cost them the case. But it could have been handled better than it was.

Overall, I liked this Ep. because we had Danny with an edge and with Flack, which is always enjoyable. Danny and Flack are like Warrick and Nick--they work well together and play well off of eachother in a good guy-buddy, non-gay manner.

The original Room-maid was HOT! That guy should have let her work WITHOUT the contacts and the wig. She looked HELLA better with the Dark hair and Eyes, IMHO!!!

So much for Buddhism as a religion of peace when practiced by a hot-headed, arrogant New Yorker... :D
First off, I've so far enjoyed this season FAR more than I enjoyed at least half of Season Two. I've enjoyed every episode so far.

I do NOT mind that there is less Danny. I'm sorry, but he's already had so much happen to him and there's so much character development for him that I'm RELIEVED that some of the other CREDITED CAST are getting some backstory. Frankly, by the end of Season Two, I was bored with it -- it can't all happen to ONE character all the time.

I love Danny, I do. I love that he can be a total hothead and I love that he's got a unique backstory -- but so does everyone else on the show. Stella was an orphan and has been through the system, Hawkes grew up in Harlem and graduated college at 18. Flack has serious daddy-issues with someone who's a legend in the force. Mac has lost a wife in 9/11 and has been through a war. All just as interesting as Danny's backstory. Not to mention that even when he's not the forefront of the episode, Danny is still in the majority of the scenes in every ep, and while I'm not saying he SHOULDN'T be, I have to say it's nice to see episodes focusing on people other than he and Mac.

I loved the scene between Mac and Hawkes. For one, I was FLOORED ( and by that, I mean angry ) that Mac decided to make Hawkes a very public example -- not just in front of Lindsay, but in front of other techs. The fact that Hawkes is probably the most learned and respectable person on the team makes it that much worse. I thought the scene was amazing and I loved it and was completely angry about it all at once. Lindsay's reaction was awesome, definitely a great moment.

I have to say that it is always, always, always Flack that makes the episode that much more enjoyable. I'm eager to delve more into this guy, and he's such an intriguing mix of a light-hearted, sweet goof and a hardass, brutal, blue-blooded cop all at once. There's a genuine hatred for the suspects he deals with, he never masks his hostility...It makes me wonder what drives such a strong emotional reaction. And I love it when he works with Stella. Actually, seeing Stella, Danny and Flack all working together is great. I like the way the three of them work together and compliment each other.

Overall, I liked it, and I'm gonna give it a solid A. It was good to see Peyton back, although I still don't really see her and Mac together. Still, I like her character and I loved how she called Mac out when she found out what he'd done to Hawkes. And I like Angell, too. I missed Adam, but I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the tech.
I'm actually relieved that Danny hasn't been front-and-center this season. He's a wonderful character, and he brings the drama like nobody else, but his presence became so pervasive on the show that it was cloying. He needed to be set aside for a while. The other team members and characters need a chance to shine, too.
Ditto, la_guera. But does he have to seem like he's sleepwalking through the episodes all the freaking time?

I also agree that Flack is still the unique saving grace on this show. He's always got that one perfect expression or line that makes the scene and/or the show. We loves Flack.

Although it was hypocritical, it was also almost refreshing to see Mac lose his cool like that. It was extremely unprofessional and had the potential to damage his professional relationship with the entire team, but it was nice to see that he does actually have a pulse and is capable of being human.
I agree with you. I might like Peyton if it wasn't for the fact that every scene with her and Mac seems contrived and very, very uncomfortable. I found it totally unbelievable. You are exactly right in saying it is being shoved down our throats. Last nights episode only further made me realize how bad this is being handled. I liked the episode mostly, except for these forced scenes between Peyton and Mac. People thought Danny and Lindsay scenes together were bad, these were much worse.
Mac pissed me off, but at the same time, I kind of liked how it played out. Hawkes called him on it and I liked Lindsay trying to leave because if I were in her shoes, I would have been looking for any reason to get out of there.

I liked Peyton confronting Mac, but I don't really care for them in a relationship. I don't want her taking time from Sid either.

More Flack please!

I did find it interesting the woman still had Hawkes phone number on her.

The reason the maid was hired was that it was supposed to be some hot woman. I missed the first part of the show, but I got the impression the cleaning service was probably a little more than just a cleaning service.

It was an OK episode, but I have a feeling I'm going to be comparing most of the episodes to the t-shirt episode with the serial killer (I am totally drawing a blank on his name right now) because that was my favorite episode of the season.
Well, this was a boring and anticlimactic episode, had I watched last night I would have fallen asleep, though I can’t say it was bad just the equivalent of watching fish swim in an aquarium. I mostly have observations, because honestly I was so bored I don’t trust myself to give this episode a fair grade.

This episode was my first encounter with Peyton or maybe my second and I just don’t recall. My first thought when I heard Peyton speak was holy hell I hope that isn’t what I sound like when I speak, her over enunciation almost killed me. I’m not sure how I feel about Mac and Peyton, it is not offensive, childish, insidious or unbelievable like Danny and Lindsay, so that is a point in its favor. Watching Mac and Peyton though, is a bit embarrassing and uncomfortable, in the same vein as catching your parents having sex in the kitchen while trying to sneak your boyfriend in the house, as opposed watching Danny and Lindsay, which is akin to catching your father in the kitchen having sex with your boyfriend.

I’m not certain why I had this particular reaction to their scene at the opera and on the fifth floor, but I did feel a bit voyeuristic at the episode’s conclusion, perhaps that is a sign of how realistic this particular portrayal of intimacy comes across on screen . I’ll take Mac and Peyton’s uncomfortable encounters over the writers trying to shove Danny and Lindsay’s negative chemistry in my face week after week. I hope Mac and Peyton are the couple of the season because whatever my level of discomfort it is several steps up from the offense and anger brought on by Danny and Lindsay’s uninspired pairing.

As far as Mac ripping Hawkes a new one in the middle of the lab rather than taking it into the office, well it is just character continuity in my mind and I am a big fan of character continuity. He yelled at Danny in Season 1 in the midst of the lab, he yelled at Stella in what looked to be the garage of the station during season 1, so this particular outburst neither offended, surprised, or upset me they way it did two years ago, besides Hawkes was wrong.

Though in Hawkes defense if he compromised the case because he knew the dead woman for all of one hour, what was Mac doing on the Aiden/Pratt case, the Danny case, or Stella’s case. I understand it’s for the drama and everyone watches the show to see the characters they know investigating the cases, but you can’t really keep going on about lab integrity when team members, with closer personal connections than Hawkes had to that women, are heading up cases concerning one another.

I think the scene with Danny, Stella, and the vacuum layers was some sort of fictional scientific procedure that used many words that didn’t fit together to confuse the audience into thinking that not only was the procedure possible it was state of the art. I don’t even think I know what they said they were going to do and I went back to that part twice, it seemed to be some of the more obvious scientific bullshit they sling on this show.

I did, no surprise here, enjoy Flack’s interaction with Danny and Stella throughout the episode. It was also nice to see someone other than Danny screw up, not because I ever tire of seeing Danny and his theatrics, because I don’t, but because it added some depth to Sheldon Hawkes the walking encyclopedia. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike Hawkes, but ever since he left the morgue, he has seemed a bit one-dimensional, i.e. the incredibly smart hip dude. I blame the writers wasting so many opportunities to let him shine last season, because Hill Harper is an amazing actor and given the chance to shine, he will.
Oh my gosh, thank you all the people who are tired of seeing NYC depicted as only rich people who party. It seems like the only time the CSI's ever go to the boroughs these days is to check out the really crap-tastic living conditions of the weirdo suspect. As much as I love CSI:NY, as a NY-er I have to say, they depict the city poorly. Anyway, off my soapbox, since much has already been said on this topic.

One interesting observation I made last night. Do you remember how last season Lindsay was looking for a place to live in the city, and Mac told her she'd have more luck in one of the outer boroughs? Then Lindsay responded that she'd had her heart set on Manhattan. Anyway, I could've sworn that she said in last night's ep that she passed the trash artist everyday on her way home on the 7 train. Well, the 7 train is the quintessential Queens train, it only makes 3 stops in Manhattan and all on 42nd Street in Midtown, and I doubt that's where Lindsay lives. So through my powers of deduction Lindsay lives in Queens! Too bad they don't come out and say it, I guess it wouldn't make her glamorous enough.

As usual, Flack's lines were the gems in last night's episode. I can't believe he was so excited about central vacuuming. :lol:

Who VACCUUMS their USED condoms into their Central Vac system? Just curious.

Liked Hawkes a lot in this ep. And as much as Peyton irritates, I'm glad she called Mac out on what he did.
I give it a B+. Good episode, but nothing really very well done. Mac and Peyton seem so cold and distant from each other though.