So much love for CSI:NY tonight. This is why I keep holding on through strings of subpar episodes. Well, Flack helps a lot. A lot. But it was a very solid effort tonight, and I think that the team needs to work together on cases more often. Lovely, outstanding cohesion tonight, and it was truly a group effort.
Things I Especially Liked:
-Flack, Flack everywhere, and he got to act like a cop instead of the red-headed stepchild CSI. I can only assume from the level of gymnastics at the end that he is really, truly recovered. He hit the ground hard and wasn't even fazed. Unfortunately, that happenstance probably puts paid to any hope of the writers bringing up the bombing and its physical and emotional effects in any rational manner.
-The balanced nature of the investigation. Everyone, even Hammerback, got to pitch in, and kudos to Danny for dredging old case incidentals to crack the last shirt.
-Hawkes and his big, giant, swoon-inducing brain. Wow, his geeking over Greek mythology was hot.
-The unresolved nature of the episode. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out.