Grade 'Hung Out to Dry'

Man, today is such an awesome day. First, Greece kicks Bosnia's ass in soccer to win 4-0 & now a new episode is on, but not for another 3.5 hours or so :D.
I am on the West Coast so I have to wait 6.5 hours! Ack! But there's Criminal Minds before that. Woohoo!
A- I liked it, even though I could tell from the beginning who the 'bad guy' was. The cases were well put together, and kept my attention. The t-shirts were a cool idea. I did enjoy the Danny and Flack screentime, they had a few nice moments :lol:
Southwestern Ontario, eta 15 minutes, I can't wait. But i have to try and do homework while watching it. I have a feeling not much work will get done!
Gave it an A. Would have gotten an A+ if I didn't have such a weak stomach.

This seemed to be one of the better balanced episodes when it came to screentime for all the characters. We even got another goofy Sid quote :)
Wow, what a major improvement over last week.

This episode is not for the faint of heart - or of stomach for that matter. I love that Sid got the good lines again, and this time Hawkes was laughing along with him while Mac looked like he had had enough.

I gave this one an A. Excellent storyline and what I liked best is that it wasn't all neat at the end. Great moments between Danny and Flack. And, as we go along, it seems like the writers are giving more and more thought to tying the title of the episode to the cases featured.
Holy crap, I give it an A++. I had the killer picked the first time I saw him, but it didn't matter because the storyline was so great. They even made me feel sorry for a vicious killer. What a great scene with Danny talking about his own brother. And Shane will be back to get true justice for his brother, I bet. And Danny will find out that Shane's brother wasn't really a killer — or was.
:D I gave it an A+.

*does a happy dance* When they discussed the use of semiotics and signs, I was elated! The use of semiotics is a investigative paradigm for crime scene reconstruction and investigation. Ok, so I am a geek because I picked that up. :lol: Just studied it in my advanced crime scene investigation class that I just finished.

Even though I pegged Ed Furlong (Shane Casey) as the killer from the get-go, the intensity and the t-shirts was a great idea for a story. Loved it

Flack was pretty grumpy in the beginning of the episode, but when he and Danny were chasing Shane in the alley and then attacked him and both of them were running over each other, yeah it was planned that way. :lol: In my world it was planned that way so they could touch each other. :eek:

anyway, I adore Hammerback and his one liners make the show that much better.

Lindsay didn't get on my nerves that much either in tonights episode.
I friggin loved tonights episode. Do I see a patern? Bad Ep/Good Ep./Bad Ep./Good Ep.?

Yes! Hawkes!Angst. I am so excited about that. Long overdue. He looked hot.

I love Hammerback and Flack. They are so funny. Flack and Danny running was an incredible plus.

Great ep. Gave it an a+
So much love for CSI:NY tonight. This is why I keep holding on through strings of subpar episodes. Well, Flack helps a lot. A lot. But it was a very solid effort tonight, and I think that the team needs to work together on cases more often. Lovely, outstanding cohesion tonight, and it was truly a group effort.

Things I Especially Liked:

-Flack, Flack everywhere, and he got to act like a cop instead of the red-headed stepchild CSI. I can only assume from the level of gymnastics at the end that he is really, truly recovered. He hit the ground hard and wasn't even fazed. Unfortunately, that happenstance probably puts paid to any hope of the writers bringing up the bombing and its physical and emotional effects in any rational manner.

-The balanced nature of the investigation. Everyone, even Hammerback, got to pitch in, and kudos to Danny for dredging old case incidentals to crack the last shirt.

-Hawkes and his big, giant, swoon-inducing brain. Wow, his geeking over Greek mythology was hot.

-The unresolved nature of the episode. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out.
well the episode was a good one. flack and danny had a lot of screen time and flacks comedic timing was priceless, especially with the frat boys. i did however spot the serial killer right from the beginning. but that was my only complaint.the chase scene was really well done, totally didnt expect danny to jump accross, but well hes been shot down so what else could go i thought the t-shirt was a neat idea and something new for the crime genre all together. the only thing i wish could've happened was more danny and flack interaction, yes they did have a lot of scenes together but they seemed to not discuss anything but work, even after they caught shane. i mean yes there were knowing looks (while danny was sharing his story and repremanding shane) but thyat was it. but hey i cant complain. im gonna watch it again when it airs on Canada i get to watch twice:)
ok, well being as we can't go into details, all I will say is that IT WAS AWESOME. I can't give it enough A++. It kept me on my toes, and gave me a massive headache trying to remember my Greek Myth. Wow, do I need a refresher!!! So, until morn comes, I bid you guys "bonsoir"
I liked it overall. I have more things to say but guess it'll have to wait until it airs in the Pacific zone.