Well, can't comment on the cases just yet, I'd like to rewatch the episode first. So I'll be going with the extraneous stuff first.
Things were changed a
lot from the spoilers. I have to admit, I'm disappointed that they completely re-wrote the Danny/Angell scene, but if it saved me from having to hear Danny call Lindsay on the phone and leave a lame message, I'll deal with it.
I do, however, think it's kind of funny that Danny thought the mirror said "DL" at the beginning, but it turns out that it said "DJ." I wonder how Jennifer felt about that? :lol:
The Mac/Peyton stuff was...why are they suddenly out in the open? Mac has apparently done a complete 180* in the past few weeks.

I don't hate Mac/Peyton, but I'm not sure what this means...
Adam is great, Angell is great, so much love to them.
Now, to the serious stuff, which actually
isn't extraneous: the Stella storyline.
I can't wait to see how this goes. On the one hand, I don't see the need to be worried, since I find it highly unlikely that they will have Stella be HIV positive. However, it's still a storyline worth including, and a very important subject which is well-worth exploring on the show. Increasing awareness is wonderful, and to see a popular show doing so is great.