Grade 'Happily Never After'


Premium Member
First new NY of 2008! What did you think? :cool:
I know the episode hasn't aired yet, but so excited can't contain myself.

NEW EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I don't want to sound annoying but peoplehave started to post a message like 'I always come in here before' etc and it's getting a little repeatative. So maybe we should just try and stop posting in here before the episode airs and save the 'discussion' for later :)
I'm content in giving this episode a B. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't the most captivating either. Some nice character moments but the plot(s) themselves as mysteries weren't exactly ingenious.

The whole time along I satisfied with it, mostly due to a few nice little character moments but then the editing between stories threw me off at the end. It didn't seem well organized, maybe thats a symptom of a lack of rewrites, but the last little bit seems kind of random and unnecessary.

I'd go into more detail but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.
Almost halfway through--if you don't want to read spoilers for the episode, don't read the following (or just avoid the thread until you've seen it):

I'm glad they didn't forget about Ruben--it's nice to see a few little mentions of him in this episode.

Also: *loves me some Angell* :p

ETA: Previews for the next episode--OH. MY. GOD! :eek:
This episode was full of some great one-liners as well. And a bit of a spoiler, but Flack with the rat was great.
Screw spoilers, this is a thread for episode discussion. If people don't want to be spoiled, they can refrain from reading until they've seen it. ;) :p

~ The "Wizard of Oz" references were bordering on tacky.
~ I don't know the Irish chick's name in this episode, but I always think of her as Marion(sp?) from Dinotopia. :lol:
~ The moment between Danny and Angell was nice--honest, not pushing it, not awkward, just a little moment and then moving back to work.
~ Angell looked beautiful, by the way.
~ Danny's line about not wanting to look for a killer in a toy store or school was sad. :(
~ Adam dancing was HILARIOUS! :lol: He's so adorkable, I love it!
~ Also, "Hey boss"--win! :p
~ I love that Sid was reading Peter Pan. ;)
~ Danny looked very sexy despite being very down in the dumps in this episode. I'm guessing it hasn't been long since Ruben died. (Not that he'd be less upset if more time had passed or anything, I'm just speculating.)
~ Poor Flack, having to see the dirty underbelly of the vendor industry. *pets him* :p

More thoughts later, I'm sure. ;)
I gave this one a C+.

The cases were really just, meh. Nothing too exciting, and the fact that "Wendy"'s murderer just happened to be the dude who was going after the internship was lame.

What saved this episode for me was Adam, Flack and Danny. Adam's little scene getting busted by Mac and Mac's almost amused expression was great. Flack's line of "my friends don't play broom ball with my face" and his trauma from seeing the food carts was funny. I liked that there was continuity with Danny over Ruben's death. Danny just didn't seem "Dannyish" tonight. He was much more subdued without being totally distraught and incapable of functioning, and that fit well with what happened in 4x11. Carmine put in another wonderful performance.

As for the preview for 4x13 . . . HOLY @#!$&* :eek:
there were a few cute things in this ep, but overall it was a doozy. and the music choices are starting to get a little annoying.

i've really been lovin the Angell and Danny scenes though. it was nice to hear her say something to him about Ruben.

im jus glad there was a new episode :)

CANT WAIT for the next one!! :0
I loved me some people tonight!!! Mac had his famous look through out the episode, Danny was of course as beautiful as ever. And poor Flack with the rat, he was so cute!!!!!

I kind of wished Angel wouldn't have brought up Ruben to Danny, he was so upset, you could tell by just his face....
Unfortunately CTV decided not to air the preview tonight, I hate how sporadic they are with previews. I'll have to wait until CBS puts it up.
Oh, Flack, my poor baby. How that vision of what happens behind the scenes of New York's street vendors must've broken your foodie heart. I can only presume that your look of abject horror at the conditions you encountered in the cart bay were born of your recollections of the thousands of meals you've scarfed at those carts.

Stella: You OK?

Flack(as he watches a rat sit astride food): No, I'm not. I don't think I'm ever gonna be the same again.


On a more serious note, I couldn't give two fig turds about either case. One of the biggest pitfalls of NY is its tendency to get too cute, to pad the mystery with one too many twists or red herrings. Not only was their Fiona Chisolm case a sendup of real-life Queen of Mean, Leona Helmsley, but it was a slapdash mishmash of Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz. There was Wendy and Hook, but there was also a reference to a little dog, a little dog that was placed in a bike basket, to boot. Lindsay lifted the latter half of, "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too," verbatim in an exchange with Hawkes. If that weren't enough, Fiona turns out to be a Dorothy. From Kansas.

Ha fudrucking ha. How cute you are, writers. Nice to see you've exchanged your hammer of heavy-handed symbolism for a sodding mallet the size of a mastodon's testicles. After such a display of your talent, I simply can't fathom why the media moguls are claiming you're not worth your paychecks.

Might I advise that you wash your hands? It might be easier to write interesting, more subtle scenarios if your hands weren't so slickly coated with the sticky, pearlescent product of your self-admiration.

The writers didn't get everything wrong, though. In a rare show of continuity, Danny was clearly struggling with the aftermath of Ruben Sandoval's death. He was subdued, distant, and hollow. He was doing his job by rote, and his comment to Mac that he didn't want to be looking at crime scenes in kindergartens was telling. He doesn't want to link a place of innocence-kindergarten-with violence and death, and I doubt think it's a stretch to say that he doesn't trust himself around children any longer, or to be in a place where children might be present. Ruben's death has made him doubt his ability to serve as protector. As a scientist, he's as adroit as ever, but he's no longer sure he can be the proactive Superman who saves the day.

The scene with Danny and Angell in the bus was painful in the best way. Danny was obviously exceedingly uncomfortable with the conversation and swiftly brought the subject back to the safer topic of the case as soon as possible. I know Angell had the best of intentions, but I found myself cringing when she brought it up. Ruben Sandoval and the silence on the other side of the wall are probably all he's thought about since the tragedy. His only escape is the job, and Angell drags it there, too.

While I'm on the subject of Angell, bad Angell, no biscuit. Use gloves when handling evidence, idiot.

This episode was hardly impressive. It was, in fact, insipid; but if the promos for the next new episode are half-right, it ought to be a blockbuster.

Use gloves when handling evidence, idiot.
I've stopped worrying about that since the show seems to only pay attention to it half of the time. Were any of them wearing gloves in the kindergarten classroom where the murder took place? I don't think they were. :rolleyes:
we know how I feel about latex,...and that's all I'll say about that, lol... :lol:

This episode was...sorry to say, incredibly lame :rolleyes:. Aside from some few and far between fantastic moments, it was boring and predictable (for instance, did the camera have to linger on Wendy's killer in the group of 20 ass-kissers?)...The fairytale storylines did not 'captivate my audience', :lol:...

I did like a few moments, including the following:

- :D YAY to Flack for getting the cheesy one-liner preceding the opening credits *happy dance*
- :D YAY to the presence of the continuity fairy :D...It was very nice to see them touch base with Danny on the Ruben case, very clearly he has been affected by what happened, and I can just imagine how hard it would be to walk into a school, where there are kids who play/laugh/have fun - be kids - as just a cruel reminder to him of what Ruben is missing. Glad he wasn't usual Danny - he was more his tougher, grittier side.

- Liked how Angel came across this episode, as a concerned friend just looking out for Danny. It played well, and was very believable. They need more scenes together...period.

- :lol: LMAO at Adam's little Wu-tang-esque dance in the lab. It was so cute, and me-thinks he's getting a little less embarassed to show his Adam-ness at the office, like he's more comfortable and sure of himself, a little more confident. Me likey :) Go ADAM! :D

- My poor Flack :( , one should see that, I hope it was an exaggeration of the world of vending :eek: ...but ewww...if that's how it's really done, then man why aren't there more cases of gastroenteritis in New York...blech! I could so see him running home and vomiting in his toilet, a-la Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura (did I seriously just reference Ace me please...) or hopping in a very hot shower rubbing soap all over himself repeating the phrase "unclean, unclean"...(okay, that one was more for me :devil: :devil: :devil: ) Would have liked to see his reaction to passing a hot dog vendor at the end, as opposed to Hawkes and Lindsay on a cutesy walk in the afternoon to return the dog...please....