we know how I feel about latex,...and that's all I'll say about that, lol... :lol:
This episode was...sorry to say, incredibly lame
. Aside from some few and far between fantastic moments, it was boring and predictable (for instance, did the camera have to linger on Wendy's killer in the group of 20 ass-kissers?)...The fairytale storylines did not 'captivate my audience', :lol:...
I did like a few moments, including the following:
YAY to Flack for getting the cheesy one-liner preceding the opening credits *happy dance*
YAY to the presence of the continuity fairy
...It was very nice to see them touch base with Danny on the Ruben case, very clearly he has been affected by what happened, and I can just imagine how hard it would be to walk into a school, where there are kids who play/laugh/have fun - be kids - as just a cruel reminder to him of what Ruben is missing. Glad he wasn't usual Danny - he was more his tougher, grittier side.
- Liked how Angel came across this episode, as a concerned friend just looking out for Danny. It played well, and was very believable. They need more scenes together...period.
- :lol: LMAO at Adam's little Wu-tang-esque dance in the lab. It was so cute, and me-thinks he's getting a little less embarassed to show his Adam-ness at the office, like he's more comfortable and sure of himself, a little more confident. Me likey
- My poor Flack
,...no one should see that, I hope it was an exaggeration of the world of vending
...but ewww...if that's how it's really done, then man why aren't there more cases of gastroenteritis in New York...blech! I could so see him running home and vomiting in his toilet, a-la Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura (did I seriously just reference Ace Ventura...help me please...) or hopping in a very hot shower rubbing soap all over himself repeating the phrase "unclean, unclean"...(okay, that one was more for me :devil: :devil: :devil: ) Would have liked to see his reaction to passing a hot dog vendor at the end, as opposed to Hawkes and Lindsay on a cutesy walk in the afternoon to return the dog...please....