Since there are people who are scratching their heads trying to remember him, Shane Casey was in
"Hung Out to Dry" and
"Raising Shane" during season 3. (Links are to the episode reviews, which have summaries and such to refresh your memories.

Anywho, I finally watched the episode - I decided to type things as I thought of them (complete with a few pictures).
~ I had to fast-forward through the game crap - and the masturbatory fantasy in the locker room. (I mean really, all of the champagne foam flying around was not at
all subtle.)
~ Oh, Sid. ♥
~ Flack is so effing pretty. :drool:
~ Oh, Sid.

It's not your fault, bb.
~ *sees Lindsay - hits fast-forward* Oh, the perks of watching after the fact.
~ Wouldn't someone have noticed that he didn't have his badge for a week? *rolls eyes*
~ Sheldon is one sexy beast. Rawr! And clearly, he knows it:
~ I love when Sid and Hawkes have scenes together. ♥
~ Oh, Sid.
~ They couldn't give those girls some clothes to put on? *scowl*
~ *dreamy sigh* Oh Stella, you put those half-nekkid girls to
shame. So classy.
~ You know, Sheldon, you would have gotten those results a lot faster if Adam was there. Since he's da bomb and all. But still, I guess he deserved the day off - too bad he's going to whine when he realizes that he missed the good stuff
again. (Sharks, spy cars - now lingerie football players? Poor Adam.)
~ WTF music?

~ Why does Danny always look lost and confused? *lol*
~ Gah, Flack, stop distracting me with your prettiness!
*puckers up*
~ Aww, Flack looks kind of sad.

Danny, stop perving over wimminz and recognize his looooove. *sniff* (

~ LOL face!
~ WTF is Lindsay wearing? I swear, seeing what's cool to wear makes me feel old.
~ OMG, and they didn't show us Flack talking to a four year old? My ovaries, they would probably die.
~ 'Cuz ahm mahreed.' *eye twitch*
~ Speaking of Danny's accent, it helps if I don't hear 'deluxe porn shop' when you say 'deluxe pawn shop'. Otherwise, I get the wrong idea. (And now I want to see Danny and Flack walking into a porn shop. Flack would just stride up the aisle while Danny squinted around like a confused old man at all of the naughty gizmos.)
~ See Danny, now Flack's annoyed (and disappointed, I'd wager). How's he supposed to swoop to your rescue when you keep this kind of stuff from him? On your own head be it. :scream:
~ "Being a parent myself, I don't know how she gets through the day." Oh, Sid. *hug*
~ "She just does what the rest of us do: she keeps moving forward." Oh, Mac. *hug*
~ Mmm, nothing like a good chase scene ending with Flack getting all rough and dominant. Rawr! :devil:
~ I swear, Sid is the most adorable thing
ever. I just want to hug him. I really hope we see his daughter on the show at some point.
~ Half of the time, Danny looks like he smelled a particularly rank fart. Between his stink face and Lindsay's scrunch face, Lucy probably looks like she's constantly trying to drop a load in her diaper.
~ Shane Casey - dun dun duuuuuuun! (This would have been more exciting if I hadn't accidentally spoiled myself for the one thing I didn't know was coming.) Shane Casey may be serving a life sentence, but I'm sure he gets visitors. Dunno where they're going with this, though.
~ When Sid tells you to go long,
you go long. He's older than you, Mac, do as the man says.
~ LOL, someone mentioned that Mac should fall down a manhole or something, and now that's all I can see - him running and smiling and then *whoosh* he's gone. *dies laughing*
My mama always said, 'Corny is as corny does'.
And thus ends my running commentary (with pictures!). Overall, the episode wasn't bad - Sid was the best part. It's always great to see them use such a talented actor - and such a great character - more than a few paltry morgue scenes would allow. The gratuitous hot chicks running around half-naked was boring, although I felt bad for Natalie's mother knowing what her daughter did to herself. Mostly, I spent the episode thinking that the boys are so pretty (or in Danny's case, kind of doofy) and that Stella is a goddess. I guess it's not a good sign when people watch an episode so superficially (or only connect in a limited way to the storyline), but who knows. I am but a single viewer.