On Hawkes: Lol, he often seemed like the only sane one :lol: I got the feeling he was the one holding things together (professionally, anyway) more than anyone else, even Mac.
On Stella: Well for the most part she seemed okay. And I guess if the fling with Adam was a one-time thing, it's okay - I mean, it left them awkward with each other, but neither of them seem to have lost one ounce of respect for each other. And aw, she's just as there for Mac as she's ever been.
On Danny: It's a very good storyline, and he made me feel it. A lot came through about his uncertainty and his fears in a very short period of time - honestly, if it keeps up like this they probably
wouldn't need to stretch the wheelchair-storyline throughout the entire season to make it seem believable.
On Lindsay: I'm fairly horrified by the sheer amount of DL in this episode (seriously, gag me, and she barely got a chance to
talk to anyone other than Danny, let alone connect with them

). But at least on the DL front's other hand, I'm very proud of her.

On Adam: ...I know he often inspires people to feel protective of him, but I think this is the first time
I badly wanted to hug him and shield him for the world. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel like he's lost a bit of his innocence/naivete in the aftermath of the shooting. He just seemed a little darker somehow; still charming as ever, but definitely not as bouncy.
And on Flack: I'm watching you :shifty: I don't feel like I saw enough of his storyline to make a call yet, but if I have to make a preliminary analysis...I didn't see him so much grieving for Angell as I saw him becoming a bit of a player
because of Angell's death. I'm not sure I like it that much, but again, there wasn't nearly enough to pass judgment.
Those are the characters that to me seemed especially noteworthy - Mac did great, but he and Sid pretty much seemed the same as they'd ever been.