Overall analysis of various stuff:
Mac and Stella:
I'm just going to get this out of the way and say it. There was not nearly enough Mac. :angryrazz: Now, granted, I'm extraordinarily biased on this point, but there were glaringly missed opportunities for character interaction. This was a very Stella centric ep. Although Mac obviously knew Craig and Sarah well and for years, it appears that Stella was much closer to the couple than he was. This, combined with the fact that she was essentially forced into "releasing" Antonio, affected her deeply. There were multiple moments where it would have been so absolutely perfect for Mac to walk into her office or be there at the end when Antonio was back in court and ultimately remanded without bond, and have one of those "emotional support" moments that she has had with him in the past.
Additionally, his role to me seemed reminiscent of when his character was simply there to direct the compass killer case and there was zero MAC, if you know what I mean. It wasn't nearly that bad this time around, there were some significant looks between him and Stella at the beginning, and his interrogation of Rob was great along with when he had to question Sarah about her affair with Rob. But overall, I was left feeling that there were a lot of potential little moments they passed up on. On a side (or not so side note in my book) Mac was HOT in this ep!!! :devil::devil: I about died at the uber suave Mac that we got this week: black wool trench coat, black neck scarf tucked neatly almost out of sight under his coat, as always impeccable shirt and pants, and there was just something about the way he carried himself that screamed he's in a totally different place than a few eps ago!!!!
Stella was simply beyond awesome! I could feel the emotional conflict and sense of betrayal at the situation she was placed, just oozing off the screen! Brilliant!!! :hugegrin:
Let me start by saying that I really really liked how they bought back a character arc. He sort of glosses over his back pain, but he doesn't specifically hide what's going on either when Lindsey asks him what's going on. I get the impression that he's a lot more (certainly not completely) open. Which leads me into the next part: YAYAYAYAY for shirtless Danny, even if he was lying on his stomach!

*cough* And when he's finished he's only wearing a robe for god's sake and his pants were in his locker!! *devious imagination* :devil: anyway, back to my point about him evolving as a character, when he realizes that both his wallet and badge are missing, he instantly calls Lindsey to tell her (see? Danny improvement!), and since she asks him if he's still at the acupuncturist, she obviously already knows he's been having problems. hmmmmmm, although nothing more is mentioned on the missing badge the rest of the ep, so we'll have to wait to see where this arc takes us.
Amazingly I actually like her!! Shock, I know! They need to have her pull a gun more often! It suits her! she did it twice in this ep: the awesomist time ever being when she wasthe decoy for the eyewitness to ambush Antonio. I don't know if Lindsey as a character is finally channeling and expressing the anger she felt over Danny getting shot, but I liked underlyingly pissy/smoldering Lindsey. Can't believe I'm saying this!
although he was only in one scene, but it was soooooooo quintessential Adam, it was priceless. him sitting in front of computer screen in the middle of a room surrounded on all sides by other screens, his nose about 2 millimeters from the monitor, gesturing at it and never seeing Mac and Stella approach! :lol::lol: Priceless!!
Magic Hawkes finding evidence where no evidence can be otherwise be found!!

oh, and his hair is perfect and awesome!!!
although she had very little screen time and is certainly new, i think she has promise, being able to wordlessly act with facial expressions (ummmm, yeah, her father is who again?

) universes better than all their stupid "star" guest stars TPTB seem to be obsessed with.
No Sid! *boo*
So there. overall i really liked the ep, the underinvolvement of mac and the complete absence of sid being the only things that knocked it down from an A+ to an A.