Grade 'Consequences'

I was wondering about that song, too. I really liked it, and it was perfect for the scene of Mac sadly walking by himself in the night rain.

goldnhart, see spoilers below!
I think it says a great deal about how private Mac is that the kid thought Stella was Claire. I'm really not sure if Mac would feel comfortable enough to bring Peyton into his (and Claire's) house. I see Mac going to Peyton's place (heh) much more than Peyton coming over to Mac's. I just can't see Mac sleeping with Peyton in the bed he shared with Claire.

I loved the eppy. It really paints Mac as a black and white, take-no-prisoners, right-is-right-and-wrong-is-never-acceptable type person. Mac isn't always likable and I like that about him *grin*. Mac would never look the other way if he thought one of his team was doing something wrong -- he'd be the first to slap cuffs on you. He'd feel bad about it, but he'd do it nonetheless.

I also love the fact that Mac is all about respect. His military background in the Marines seems very obvious to me as the daughter of a Marine. His public dressing down of Hawkes (as painful and inappropriate as it was) was perfectly in character for an ex-Marine. His attitude of "honor and integrity" also fits the history the character has been given.

I completely adored the first scene between Flack and Mac when Flack states that Mac wouldn't be here if he didn't already have all the other pieces nicely lined up. I also loved the fact that Flack said that he "had to think about it". I think that it was a crisis for Flack, he was sincerely torn on what to do, but Mac had no such problem. This cop disrespected the badge, the position and his fellow officers... that alone would be enough to have Mac hang him out to dry.

I really felt for Mac in the episode. Here was a tangible remembrance of Claire and the kid wanted nothing to do with him.

Needless to say, I love Mac. I especially love the fact that they aren't making him perfect or always exactly right. He's allowed to do stupid things (like yell at Hawkes in front of everyone) but it's an acceptable, in-character stupid.
Didn't it ever occur to Claire Jr. how odd it was that "Claire" went home to a completely different apartment every single night? I mean, I'm stalking out of my mom's apartment building every day, I see this dark haired woman come in and out constantly, and suddenly there's this curly haired Greek lady who leaves the apartment ONCE, I think, "oh, my mom must be the maid."

How's that work? He's either really stupid, or Stella's birthday present was some kinda naked thing.
I think I figured out the song at the end of the episode...sounds like "Atlantic" by Keane.
Hope that helped.
OMG this episode is soooo great !!!
I can find all I love on csiny, Action, Drama ant somes funny scenes !!!!
I give A+
I need to watch it again before I can add anything insightful, and even then, the previous posts were eloquent in their observations. I gave it an A. I liked it better than "Hung Out to Dry", I think because it was a Flack-centric story and I love Flack and Eddie. Eddie's delivery was fantastic, and the interaction between Flack and Mac was great. I continue to be amazed at what a great actor Eddie is. I think I'd really feel that way even if he wasn't my favorite on the show.

Oh, and yes, the Danny-Adam scene was great!
I too will have to watch it again since I was running around my apartment the entire time trying to get stuff done. But so far, I really enjoyed the tension between Flack and Mac. Not many people go toe-to-toe with Mac, but Flack seemed willing to duke it out until the evidence stated otherwise. I felt like I was watchin my brother snap at my father all over again, and at each retort mentally going, "Oooooh. You're going to regret that."

It also surprised me how much I associate Flack with the CSI team and I forget that his loyalty is first and foremost to the guys at the NYPD. When I heard the drug bust was only six months ago and Flack was the lead detective, all I could think was, "...Why weren't you working on a case with the CSIs?" I forgot he may do other stuff. :lol:

Oh. Danny and Adam are freakin' adorable. I love how Adam gets excited about geeky just makes me want to giggle and then hug him.

But other than that, I'll have to watch the episode again.
I liked it too, very intense and interesting (my step mom said that too )
and the toment Flack had in giving his book up
but in the end he knew it was the right thing to do

and the weird alien lady looking for aliens
did I miss something .. she set the bear trap right?
to catch aliens.. and yes the beginning did look 'other worldly' which was really cool actually
I want to know WHAT made her turn this way?? again did I miss that?? :confused: I don't think you wake up in the morning and say "honey, I'm changing my name and I'm now on the hunt for aliens"

I haven't watched CSI NY very long but this is one of the best episodes I've seen

I give it an A
Man I liked this episode a lot! The whole Flack/Mac thing was simply awesome.

I don't know why, but I really liked the scene with the crazy woman's husband. When Stella asked if he wanted to talk to his wife, and he said, "No, that's not my wife. She's still missing." I just really liked that part.
Just a question because I haven't seen the ep yet.
But if the drug bust was 6 months ago, was that before or after Flack got blown up? Or did they mention it at all?
When I heard the drug bust was only six months ago and Flack was the lead detective, all I could think was, "...Why weren't you working on a case with the CSIs?" I forgot he does other stuff.
See, I was thinking he was a homicide detective, so I wondered (several times during my weekly chat) why in the hell he was doing a drug bust. :confused:

As for the '6 months thing,' Ceindreadh, I guess we're supposed to assume that it happened right before he got blown up or something. They couldn't have said 7 or 8 months? :rolleyes:

Danny and Adam are so friggin' awesome together. I loved them in this episode and I really want to re-watch it tomorrow so I can see the scenes better. I'm glad we got a lot of Adam this episode (he was there more than some of the main cast members it seemed), he really just does so much for the show. In an episode that was really heavy with the Mac-Flack stuff and Mac meeting Claire's son, Adam's brand of humor helped to balance it out. :D

The Mac-Flack stuff was so amazingly well-done. You understood both sides of their argument, but knew they were after the same thing in the end. Eddie and Gary really hit one out of the park with this episode. I also love the fact that these are two cops who are unwavering in their support of what it is that they do. Mac mentioned their shield, and you know that they put their hearts and souls into what that shield represents. Even if the emotional consequences aren't always easy, and even if the alternative is tempting. They could have done a bit more to contrast them with the cop that was arrested, but it was still really interesting. The thing about the cop killing the kid that really stood out to me was that he shot the kid and then dug the bullet out of the kid's chest. What a heartless bastard.

Ok, I know I'm not a big Lindsay fan, and I think the lab-stuff is much more her thing than the cop stuff (like interrogations)--but what the hell? If Anna is cutting back her work schedule because of the baby, I totally understand, but if not then I'm wondering what in the hell the writers are doing. I don't want to see Danny and Lindsay holding hands and making goo-goo-eyes at each other, but that doesn't mean I want Lindsay to be gone. The character can exist without the office romance--they just need to do the right stuff with her. :rolleyes: I'm sure there are countless ways to cover her pregnancy, people, use them. :rolleyes: If the character is barely around, it's going to seem strange when she's suddenly the focus of an episode or storyline. Do they have no sense of balance with her character? From episode to episode, it seems like she's either in-your-face or nearly-nonexistant (which possibly has more to do with presence than actual screentime...)--and lately it's been much more of the nearly-nonexistant stuff. I sincerely hope the wonky way they're handling Lindsay right now is due totally to Anna's pregnancy and not to shoddy writing skills. That being said, however, some of the things I've noticed so far this season have been promising changes, so I hope they don't totally disregard everything when Anna goes back to a full schedule after having the baby. Lindsay toward the end of season 2 was not at an acceptable place with character development, and I hope the improvements in other areas of the show are extended to Lindsay as well. We've seen a better diversity of character interaction, let's go with that. I'll put my head through the tv if Anna comes back at the end of the season and all we get is more Danny/Lindsay crap and inconsistent characterization. :rolleyes: (And that last part had a lot more to do with the season as a whole than this episode in particular...)

Anyway, to a different subject.

The stuff with Mac and Claire's son was very nice. The kid (can't remember his name for the life of me :rolleyes:) did a phenomenal job with the part, and I hope we see more of him. This is an example of successful, interesting character development that doesn't require romance. It's good to know that the writers are aware that it can be done.

And now for this week's totally superficial comment: This show is so full of pretty people. :lol:
I won't get to see this for a while yet, :( so can someone pls tell me exactly why Flack was so pi**ed at Mac if the cop was guilty and had to be arrested? As far as I have read, Mac never said Flack was involved in what happened so surely Flack would understand Mac having to take the bad cop down? Was it Mac's approach or was Flack standing up for the bad cop too much and maybe Mac felt he was shielding him? Pls help! If anyone can remember any lines used, that maybe would help ...
I missed the first 20 minute. Damn work. was...okay.

Oh, would you look at that, Mac and Hawkes talking, Danny chasing a suspect...again and zzzzzzzzzzz. Oh this ep was boring. I only liked the last bit. Claire's son mistakes Stella for his mother because he saw her come out of Macs apartment once? What about Peyton? Since they are dating, she must be in and out of his place.

God, is it possible or did Flack get even hotter?? This should have been a good Flack episode. Should. Who knows, maybe Eddie rocked the first 20 minutes of the show.