Grade "Communication Breakdown"

How would you grade Communication Breakdown?

  • A+

    Votes: 20 30.8%
  • A

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • A-

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • B+

    Votes: 12 18.5%
  • B

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • C+

    Votes: 6 9.2%
  • C

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • C-

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • D+

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
that would make Lindsay Velma of course, and while I'd normally peg Danny as Shaggy, it's too easy for me to hear "ruh-roh" coming out of his mouth, so I'd give Danny the role of Scoob.
Oh, roximonoxide. *pain* You're insulting the name of Velma. And creating a very strange image in my head. :wtf: Don't do that.

It coulda been a better scene with more of the subtext they'd displayed busting out game in the cruiser way back. It was cute, but again, hamfisted, and not in the same league they'd previously achieved.
I agree. Cute but at the same time not.

You know, I thought that guy's accent sounded off. Now I guess I know why. :lol: They couldn't have gotten an Irishman? What about all of those people that taught Eddie Gaelic? Were they unavailable?
^^ I hardly think it would be unrealistic to think that a group of people, all with such lofty degrees of education under their belt, would speak more than one language. Especially Danny and Hawkes; Danny's Italian background has been so insisted upon, coupled with the fact that he goes out of his way to accentuate properly when he speaks the occasional word or phrase with etymological roots in Italian, and Hawkes who's supposed to be a prodigy and a doctor. Frankly, I'd be surprised if both of them only knew English.
I took Spanish in high school & college... doesn't mean I really speak it though, even after 5 years I am no where near fluent in the language. It's possible Hawkes may know a couple words or how to ask certain questions but I highly doubt he's fluent in another language.
This far into the season, I've long since given up on getting decent storylines, so my expectations are now extremely low.

I was very amused by Danny annoying his colleagues with his baby name ramblings, though I'm even more amused now he's annoyed lots of folk here. :guffaw: I liked how Mac mentioned that he was busy, rather than chewing him out for slacking off. It was subtle, but got the point across.
^^ I hardly think it would be unrealistic to think that a group of people, all with such lofty degrees of education under their belt, would speak more than one language. Especially Danny and Hawkes; Danny's Italian background has been so insisted upon, coupled with the fact that he goes out of his way to accentuate properly when he speaks the occasional word or phrase with etymological roots in Italian, and Hawkes who's supposed to be a prodigy and a doctor. Frankly, I'd be surprised if both of them only knew English.
I took Spanish in high school & college... doesn't mean I really speak it though, even after 5 years I am no where near fluent in the language. It's possible Hawkes may know a couple words or how to ask certain questions but I highly doubt he's fluent in another language.

Based on what?
that would make Lindsay Velma of course, and while I'd normally peg Danny as Shaggy, it's too easy for me to hear "ruh-roh" coming out of his mouth, so I'd give Danny the role of Scoob.
Oh, roximonoxide. *pain* You're insulting the name of Velma. And creating a very strange image in my head. :wtf: Don't do that.

It coulda been a better scene with more of the subtext they'd displayed busting out game in the cruiser way back. It was cute, but again, hamfisted, and not in the same league they'd previously achieved.
I agree. Cute but at the same time not.

You know, I thought that guy's accent sounded off. Now I guess I know why. :lol: They couldn't have gotten an Irishman? What about all of those people that taught Eddie Gaelic? Were they unavailable?

For any Irish people here........... Did the Scottish guy sound Irish when he was speaking Irish?
Just based on the fact that I feel like his family has been in America for a while and I don't get the impression that he fluently speaks another language. There's no evidence at all that he does.
Just based on the fact that I feel like his family has been in America for a while and I don't get the impression that he fluently speaks another language. There's no evidence at all that he does.

Up until this episode there was no evidence to suggest Flack spoke any other language, or Angell (since not everyone was aware the actor was of French Canadian decent), but we're suspending belief for them? Over Hawkes?

I just think it's kind of a strange assumption that because he's American born and it's never come up that you'd list Hawkes as being among those who are least likely to know another language. I mean he's a prodigy to start. I would say that alone doubles his chances above that of the average person. Secondly he's extremely well educated, a doctor after all, not to mention well read. Again I'd think that would greatly improve his chances of being bilingual. These two factors alone would say to me his chances of having a second language are above a lot of the other CSI's, which was really my only point here. Like even Stella for example, we know she's greek but she was a foster kid, so it wasn't likely she picked that up from her family, and now meeting her professor could suggest that she didn't pick it up until college.

While I do agree that it would be a stretch to think every primary character in the show is bilingual, my rationale tells me Hawkes probably wouldn't fall into the least-likely category. :)
Theoretically speaking, I'd put Hawkes as more likely to know another language than Stella - but as it turns out, she's the one who speaks other languages, and we have no information to indicate that Sheldon does (although it would be interesting if he perhaps knew Spanish, which would be helpful if he had a lot of Spanish-speaking patients during his time in the ER, or something like that).

While a good percentage of New Yorkers are bilingual (a larger percentage than in some other parts of the country, certainly), just because Stella, Angell, Flack and even Sid spoke another language doesn't mean every single member of the cast should get in on the bilingual action. (If they did, we'd be in here bitching about more overkill in the Diversity department.)

If they'd made the characters bilingual based on what is most logical for the various characters, I'd say Hawkes and Danny would be the most likely candidates to be bilingual (although I could be convinced otherwise) - but instead, Stella's knowledge of Greek, like Angell's knowledge of French, was dictated by the actors. That's not always a bad thing, I'm just sayin'. (It's certainly not as questionable as the myriad things about Danny that are influenced by Carmine rather than what is most logical for the character.)

In any case, Hawkes wouldn't be any less of a genius if he didn't know another language. ;) Until he busts out some Mandarin in the middle of a conversation, there is no more proof that he's bilingual than there is proof that he only speaks English. (Logic doesn't count - this is CSI:NY, logic never counts.)
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^^ 'Zactly. If I was taking the whole team into consideration I wouldn't count him out given his credentials.

Speaking of Hawkes I like when he gets a chance to play up his medical knowledge on a case but that crazy ass holographic autopsy thing is not my fave. I bet those scenes must be super awkward for him to shoot. Pretending like he's on The Fantastic Voyage through the victims large intestine while standing alone in a dimly it room. :lol:
Did anyone else find it odd that Danny said "THE baby" instead of "OUR baby" or even "MY baby?" I just rewatched the episode and thought that was really bizzare.

Uh, no, not odd at all. A lot of people refer to their baby as 'the' don't they? e.g. 'the baby's kicking'. I'm pretty sure the others knew he was referring to his/their baby. Not sure what's bizarre about that. :confused:
If only they gave the Filipinos some dignity! I hate the fact that the Filipinos were so cheesy in the train. Dear TPTB, Filipinos do not say "Minamahal kita" and "iniibig kita" to wach other. How boring is that. :brickwall:

It was a fairly OK episode had they not squished all of the foreign languages together. Unless there's a foreigners only carriage in the subway.

And I got to say, I loved Sid and Hawkes working together and that sweet VR room when Hawkes was flinging the intestines out. Awesome. I'm in a love-hate relationship with Flack/Angell so I sort of liked their screen time together but that last bit was NOT nice in any way. well, maybe the expression of Flack after that. :devil:

And Danny, you don't have to be just like your wife. Irritating and all-over the place. At least Adam saved you when you had that banter scene together.

All in all, a watchable episode. C+
^^ 'Zactly. If I was taking the whole team into consideration I wouldn't count him out given his credentials.

Speaking of Hawkes I like when he gets a chance to play up his medical knowledge on a case but that crazy ass holographic autopsy thing is not my fave. I bet those scenes must be super awkward for him to shoot. Pretending like he's on The Fantastic Voyage through the victims large intestine while standing alone in a dimly it room. :lol:

I don't usually post on NY but this I gotta comment on. When that instestine started stretching out and going all sci-fion me I was just like :wtf: :lol:. That was just too much :lol:. My hubby usually mocks Miami because of the super AV Minority Report thing they have and defends NY. I just looked at him and said "NY just surpassed Miami". He just glared and kind of rolled his eyes :lol:.

As for the rest of the episode I gave it a B+. Not one of their best but not the worst either. Loved the Flack and Angell interaction, expecially when he said "that's the sexiest thing I've ever heard" or something along those lines. Oh and the last scene when Adam said something about Mac's name and Mac looked at him and Adam suddenly became very small :lol: that was funny.
Re: Danny and the baby names, that actually didn't bother me too much. This is, after all, his very first child. First time parents are entitled to be annoying. I'm pretty sure that was intentional.

Yes, the whole baby turning out to be a girl wasn't really a surprise. Isn't that done in comedy a lot? Expectant parents gear themselves up for one gender, only to have the other instead.

And it's about high time that Flack acknowledged the fact that Danny's going to be a father. I had been waiting and waiting for him to say something, and finally he does!

I did think the whole business of Lindsay revealing the baby's gender by text message was a little odd, especially since she had called him on the phone in a previous message. And isn't finding out the baby's gender something couples usually do together? What, the grandparents just couldn't wait to find out? Oh, well.

As far as that virtual autopsy goes, I think I remember reading a newspaper aritcle a few months ago that said such technology was in the making. It would be used in such instances for example where a normal autopsy goes against the religious beliefs of the deceased's family. At least, that was the example given by the article.

That translater thing was pretty neat! Technology can be fun. :)
I Gave It an A+.. I Liked the episode..
It was funny and had a lot of funny comments.
Danny was soo cute.. trying to find names for the baby...

at the end danny says that its a girl and the name is Annebella..
kinehelene said:

at the end danny says that its a girl and the name is Annebella..
I'm pretty sure he said "the baby girl in her belly" or something similar. Danny doesn't always speak clearly.

Carrieattheprom said:

As far as that virtual autopsy goes, I think I remember reading a newspaper aritcle a few months ago that said such technology was in the making.
Yeah, I've read about the virtual autopsy technology - it's cool that real technology is improving by leaps and bounds, but it's kind of annoying when TV shows take real (or potentially-real) technology and make it totally unrealistic on the show so that it's prettier and more convenient.

I guess it's a fine line - we want them to bend the rules to some extent because it's TV and it's escapism (to a certain degree, depending on the individual viewer), but at the same time we want them to at least adhere to some realism.