Lots of good opinions here and lots of information. I gave this one a C because it just seemed too contrived and set up, too staged and really not natural to me.
The bullet through the train window actually hitting a man needs to go to Myth Busters for proving before I would believe it.
I felt like everyone on the train speaking a different language was way over the top but I haven't ever been on the 7 train so that may be very realistic. I wish they had let the viewers that DON'T live in NYC in on the story so we could play along.
Danny working on names by himself doesn't surprise me a bit. He's just that way. It's cute but didn't move my one way or another. Had he been texting Lindsay all through the episode with his ideas for names and we could hear her side of the conversation (even through him) it would have been more realistic. Then her text of the baby's gender at the end would have been more in context and believable.
Jumping forward to the later moments because a lot of the rest have already been discussed...
How long does it actually take to get a federal warrant? Since they made such a big deal out of the fact that they couldn't get into the facility without one, and we all know how slowly anything with the word "federal" attached to it takes to process, they really expect us to believe that in the course of--what--two days they actually had a warrant to back up the bolt cutters they used on the fence????? I'm not feeling it, really!
And once they get in...can the guy not see "MAC the GREEN GHOST" coming toward him. We can clearly see Mac's face but the cheater/weasel can't see the glow coming down the corridor at him until Mac says "pssst" and pops him in the nose? Come on...
Loved the scene at the end with the guys in the breakroom. Glad everyone was there. Loved the lost scared look on Danny's face when he found out it was a girl. Loved Adam's stuttering, back-pedaling over Mac's name.
Given that Sheldon figured out the folding and tying of the baleen in the lab about 10 minutes into the episode, the rest was just waiting until they put two and two together and found four. That was a very blatant. Hence, the C grade.
Can't wait to see Katherine McPhee in Prey. Maybe I'll get into this and post sooner next time. This is fun!!!