It was a good episode. I like the episodes where the whole team works one case, mostly because everyone gets a fare share of screen time.
The new song!

Well, I said it will most likely grow on me.. I was wrong! The more I hear it, the more I hate it! Cutting out the “I don't need to fight, To prove I'm right,I don't need to be forgiven, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeaaah.” is murder! Whoever made that decision deserves a interrogation with a highly pissed off Flack! WTF?! Those lines are the essence of the show, the definition of who Flack, Danny, Stella are. I seriously want the S 1-3 song back!
The images used for the opening are ok. Flack’s & Stella’s are great, but I miss Danny’s smile.

And Robert and AJ should have been in the openings too.
The scene with Mac and the dummy .. I felt like watching Matrix. WTF?
But I liked seeing a bit of the S1 Mac back. Happy Mac is ok but is good to see for a while the serious “what’s sleep? ” Mac. And the 333 thing? They made me curious about that...
I love Stella! She looks great, and as always, perfect performance. Ohh, and how cool was to have Rambo! Stella back! Running on the stairs with high heels on? No one can do it better than Stella! Though, gotta say it. Stella flirting with the killer? How predictable was that? So, new rule, if Danny thinks he’s a good guy & Stella wants to date him… he’s your man Flack! Get him! loool But at least I got the satisfaction that she shot him. For a sec I thought that since Flack figured out the “door was locked, the killer had the key” think the next scene will be trapped – like and will see him and Mac storming in and saving Stella. But, no thanks, Stella can save herself just fine! Loved that!
Danny.. just gorgeous in white. You guys are right. He did look tired. And when not tired he looked bored, irritated or pissed off. If there is a cause behind this effect, can’t wait to see it! I’m starting to believe that Lindsay really is sucking his energy. Pls TPTB! May I take that as a sign?
Interesting that Danny reacted most strongly to the guy getting punched (and the others didn't seem to react at all). That's a pretty weak connection to "Snow Day," though.
If that was Carmine, hugs for him! A weak & most likely only connection to "Snow Day", but I’ll take what I can get.
I loved seeing him talking to Nova. Danny being sympathetic felt right, even if they didn’t have much chemistry.
Straddling, suspended in a harness Danny.. I’ll keep my thought upon this matter to myself!
The scene with the spray-on condom was a little forced. It was ok, made me smile, but, didn’t felt smooth! Something was missing…
Oh, and have to mention that I loved seeing that Danny was anything and everything but mushy with Lindsay. Both in the webcam scene & the condom one. I was afraid that they’ll make him all staring and “love you more”, but I think were safe!

Where does it, uh ... how?... Nevermind! looool I love you Danny!
Hawkes got a fare share of screen time.

And the looking at Danny & Lindsay and saying “Incompatible” is a classic! Love you for that! Loooool
Lindsay in the lab, out of the way & on light scenes… Thank you TPTB! I’ve made it through the episode without an indigestion! But, the attempt to be cute and funny with Adam, failed. She was out of place!
Flack, oh let me count the ways I love thee!
He did it again! How can an already perfect man, be even hotter?

He is definitely stronger than in S3. The way he was talking on the radio after seeing the orange guy on the roof, was so confident and secure! Did he got a promotion after SD? That would explain it! He was never shy or insecure, but now he’s more bold ( & beautiful) than ever.
Loved his blind closing : he can see us! lol He’s adorable when he’s being all the cop he can be!
The Danny & Flack chase scene! Perfection : jumping, leaping, running, Danny’s trip! Beautiful cuffing scene! Flack: Got him? Danny: Got him. Who needs more words, when they can read their mind? …
Flack interrogating the perp. Brilliant! He even literally draw the picture to the man! lmao
And the best, saved for the end! First he gets a little defensive ( are you saying we got the wrong guy? ) when Mac says the guy didn’t kill anyone else but Maria. Does that count as continuity from Consequences? Later he leaves, obviously not a happy man, but comes back 3 secs later to turn on the light on the case! The guy with the key, people!
Flack my dear, you are love!
I guess I’ll have more to say after I read you all!
One more thing that bugged the hell out of me:
Lindsay saying "boom" after her spray condom demonstration. Having her say things that Danny used to say won't make me like her. Stop. It.
Exactly! Yuck! TPTB, Don’t. Ever do that again! Just because it’s cute when Carmine does it, don’t mean it will be cute on her too. Don’t ever wanna see that again.