Okay, well, so many people have said everything so much better than I would have, and yet, I'll babble anyways. Generally liked the ep. Been a few days now, so let's see what's actually memorable to me?
ummmmm....WTF did they do to the theme song and credits?!
Noticed of course, that Adam starts the show off w/o clothes, Mac appears repeatedly in t-shirts and casual thru-out, Flack has a scene near the end in rolled-up shirtsleeves. Perhaps wardrobe's finally catching on to a few things here? As for Sheldon, I truly hope he get's more to do this season. He may not get much, but like Adam, he delivers it well. "Incompatible" was great. Also like his look this season. Danny? Carmine was good as always. Way to get up the nose of Lady Liberty btw. Gonna leave the wristband alone for now. As for "Boom" Monroe? *shrug* Looks like they're trying to go back to a more lighthearted version of her. No more angst is good, is all I'll say. As for Cranky Flack: Bet I could cheer him up, no worries atall now. Hope this incarnation survives whatever TPTB throws his way this season. And for all the science, it takes a cop to remember the door was locked from the outside. Buy that man a new tie.
Rock on Rambo Stella, even if the circumstances of your scene could be seen freakin miiiiiiiiiiiles away. Aside from that, I thought the story was pretty good, and the manner in which it was initially laid out was well done, well paced, and interesting.
Loved Mac in the ep, but what the hell was with that blood sequence?? He looked like he was back in Mission to Mars picking skittles out of a DNA column.
333? No matter what time zone he's in? *yawn* Sorry. Er, Jetlag? *meh* Only bonus to that was seeing Mac in t-shirts and prone. For me the better creepy moment was the viewfinder camera.
ME's and Lab Techs: Wahooie, f****** Sid's back
Dude, where's your hat?? Personally hoping Claire Forlani does come back, even if it's mid-season. Hope the intervening storyline from TPTB isn't too torturous. Adam? Adam rocks, long deserved to be on the main roster. As for Kendall? Well, um, I loved Adam in the ep... did I say that already? Not so keen on Kendall yet. Time will tell. Must Fight Crime - I mean, Urge To Dislike Her After Only One Ep.
RE Continuity: Whoever the Labs have contracted to clean up after them? Could you send them around to my place? Please?? And no scars, no nothing for Adam and Danno? Flack must've got them referrals to his fantabulous doctor. Surprise.
RE Misplaced Non-Acting Guest Star: Seems to be the only continuity TPTB bothers to include year to year.
It was nice to see the whole team working on the case. And Kudos for putting the series so obviously back in New York as opposed to seemingly AnywhereUrban, USA. We'll see how long that lasts. Probably other stuff I'd meant to go over, but heck, fair's fair, guess it ain't that memorable then.
For a CSINY Ep? Mebbe an A. But for a premiere? B+. Still, bodes pretty well for the season. Definitely tuning in, even if after the opening credits.