Grade 'Boo'

Was it just me, or was there real emotion in Danny's voice in the interrogation scene where he's telling the shooter (I think this is the right quote) "The Devil didn't kill that family, you did." I think he was thinking about how that poor little kid had to watch her entire family be murdered, and was even shot herself for her troubles. He was also clearly affected when they opened that suitcase and found the dead child inside.

Nice to see Mac acting the way a normal person would who's being harrassed at 3:33 in the morning, and whose suitcase was returned with a bloody t-shirt inside. That sort of thing will get to you after awhile.
Carrieattheprom said:
Was it just me, or was there real emotion in Danny's voice in the interrogation scene where he's telling the shooter (I think this is the right quote) "The Devil didn't kill that family, you did." I think he was thinking about how that poor little kid had to watch her entire family be murdered, and was even shot herself for her troubles. He was also clearly affected when they opened that suitcase and found the dead child inside.

Yeah, Danny does not deal well with dead children. I love how deeply the character feels injustice towards children.

It was OK. Not too good, not that bad. Kinda rushed the cases, but it fit the day well.

Out of the 2 cases the Amityville case was better.

Where was Flack, man?

He wasn't! He had 3 scenes ~ a total of 3 min. of screen time, but it was mostly Mac & Stella. That's not being in a episode. :rolleyes:

Danny with that little girl is the definition of sweet & tender love. Beautiful! Now, he seemed more sensitive to the girls tragedy than Lindsay. :rolleyes: Lindsay being nice to her came out fake, a cold smile and here, take a toy. They would have done better with Danny & the girl alone.

BTW. How talented is that little girl. OMG! She only had 2 sentences, but her face was amazing. Those looks when they came to see her and talk to her, were priceless. Bravo for her!

Hawkes, they don't just not give him screen time, but they put him on a screen inside a screen. WTF? :(

The 333 is really getting to Mac. Oh, wait, Flack was in the episode. Mac talked to him about the 333.

Stella perfect as always. She's lovely when she makes those cute remarks. And I love her clothes and her shoes.

Glad to see Sid & Adam. :D

Indeed. Like I said, Danny would have been better going through the house. But I will say this: Anna didn't suck as bad as she usually does. She was merely wooden as opposed to downright painful to watch.

True. Lindsay, not as bad as I've seen her before, but then she was in the dark a lot. She did OK ( for being her). Word of the day : wooden. ( thanks for finding it. perfect fit)

I don't know what it is about Danny, but he'll banter with Flack or Hawkes all day long--but around Lindsay he just seems tired and overly mellow. I really have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

That was weird. No chatter, no affection. That's Danny being happily in love? Maybe he was just being professional?

Ruined opportunity for not using ScaredyCat!Flack.

Dear TPTB,
Where's your mind?
No love. :(

BTW. Since when do they record the crime scene? They never did that before. Not even voice recordings. But, it's a good idea. They should keep it. Just let someone else do the job. :p

No volume for this episode I guess.
Good epi, I'd give it a B.

The Amityville story was interesting, and I thought the sheriff was cool. I would have much preferred it if it had been Danny and Flack investigating that one, though, I would have loved to see Flack's reaction to the Amityville story and if that old lady had attacked him instead of Lindsay.

I loved Danny and the little girl, so sweet!

The voodoo case was really creepy, especially that beginning scene in the graveyard.

Was there a reference to 9/11 in that scene? I think the old gravedigger said something like 'when the planes hit, guys like us couldn't dig fast enough'?

Oh, and the young gravedigger was kinda cute. ;)

Loved Sid and how he decorated the morgue for Halloween, I bet it's his favorite holiday of the year!

Adam was cute and funny in that scene where Mac explained how the dead guy got jute under his nails.

The voodoo shop scene was good, I liked seeing Mac freaked out by the whole 333 thing. I felt so sorry for him when the blind lady said he was 'cursed', and then when he saw the numbers on the other one's eyes. And, ok, it wasn't right of him to grab her arm like that, but I don't think he really hurt her, and I think most people tend to freak out/act out of character like that if they were being harrassed, weren't sleeping, and had just been told they were cursed. I think it maybe seemed a little worse because it was a woman he grabbed, and Mac is not the kind of man who would hurt/intimidate a woman, but again I think that shows just how freaked out he is. By the way, can someone tell me what the woman said about the significance of 333 before the whole son-of-the-devil-sins-of-youth thing? There was something about the 'just' and 'absolution'.
I liked how Mac told her what had been going on, it shows how freaked out he is.

Oh, and 'tree, tree, tree' was hilarious. :lol: :D :lol:

What I liked best about the scene is how Stella calmed Mac down by saying his name, and touching him on the shoulder.Good for you, Stell!

So a good, creepy episode.
MacsLady said:
Was there a reference to 9/11 in that scene? I think the old gravedigger said something like 'when the planes hit, guys like us couldn't dig fast enough'?

No you misheard. ;) He said 'when the plagues hit'.

eta: When I first watched it I wasn't paying attention because I didn't even notice how the morgue was decorated! On second viewing though I loved all the candles... It's nice how they portray Sid, creepy, weird and serious but with a sense of humour. :)
Elsie said:
MacsLady said:
Was there a reference to 9/11 in that scene? I think the old gravedigger said something like 'when the planes hit, guys like us couldn't dig fast enough'?

No you misheard. ;) He said 'when the plagues hit'.

eta: When I first watched it I wasn't paying attention because I didn't even notice how the morgue was decorated! On second viewing though I loved all the candles... It's nice how they portray Sid, creepy, weird and serious but with a sense of humour. :)
Oh the PLAGUES!!! That makes more sense. *slaps head* Sorry. :D I like how they portray Sid too, he's so weird. But I like it. :)
Oh, yeah! Sid totally rules. Decorating the mourge like that was a totally Sid-esque thing to do! He sure seemed to enjoy the whole "medically speaking, your vic was a zombie" idea.

Poor Flack and Hawkes got short changed! They were barely in the episode at all! :( At least Hawkes got to fire off a rifle(and look sexy hot while doing it).

Yeah, I agree that one of Danny's best traits is the deep injustice he feels toward children.

That stuff the elder grave digger mentioned about the phrase saved by the bell is true by the way. I had actually already known that, having read about it.
I rewatched the ep. today, and it reminded me of a couple of things I forgot to mention.

Danny, darling, it's probably a good idea to yell "get away from the wall," before you start hacking at it with a crowbar.

The actor who played Henry looked familiar to me, but I couldn't think of who the hell he was. Finally it dawned on me and I yelled out "Robbie!" My parents looked at me like I had three heads until I explained Seth Peterson played Robbie on "Providence."
I agree with a lot of the things people have said. I used to be a DL fan until this episode. Everytime Lindsay said "Danny" I cringed. She called him over a lot this episode, and then the way she talked to him she seemed really full of herself and her findings. I got some real satisifaction when the little girl wanted nothing to do with her stupid stuffed animal.
I give it a "B", as in B-Movie :) Which is what I feel Joe Dante gave this episode - for instance, the longer opening scenes before the credits came up, and the framing of the shots.

Bruce Dern was awesome in the opening. I agree, Picardo could've been given more to work with - maybe if we speak up loud enough Sheriff Benson could show up in a future episode and they could give him more to work with.

I'm surprised no one has spoken about the actress who played the old woman in the Amityville case, Julie Adams. If you're as old as I am, and have an interest in B-pictures and classic monster movies, you may remember that she was the love interest/scream queen in the famous 50s horror film Creature From The Black Lagoon. She looked fabulous in 3-D back then :) In fact I loved that they cast a number of famous B-people in the episode as part of an in-gag (and the coincidence of Robert Joy also having a history of being in horror films added to that).

I guessed that the zombie case had something to do with an insurance scam, oronically because that afternoon I saw a similar story as part of the recently released to DVD The Vault Of Horror. That ending did come out of left field, though.
I gave it an A. It wasn't the best but it was still pretty good.

Kinda bummed out that Adam only got one scene though. :(
You know what was most horrifying to me?

Flack's tie.

No, really, that red polka-dot thing scared me more than anything else that happened in the episode. :lol:

I agree that the graveyard dude, the sheriff and the crazy, old lady were terribly underused. I love the actor who played the sheriff! :D He's great.

Danny really was very sweet when he got the girl out of the wall. I get why people think he should have warned the girl before knocking down the wall. I can't imagine what would happen to Danny if he accidentally whacked the little girl on the head. You can sense his kindness in that hospital room too when they went to see the injured little girl.

And yeah, I can't believe it either but that little girl really did outact Anna Belknap. :lol: She was just there in the bed but you take one look at her and you just wanna hug her and tell her everything's going to be alright. Just like that. Lindsay didn't annoy me this episode either, but I have to agree with the 'wooden' description. All the emotional cues I had to see from the characters around her because they were the ones who usually carried the scene.

About Lindsay 'cutting Hawkes off' during that pine phone call? I didn't see it that way ... until Danny gaped after her with his look that said, "What the hell?" :lol: That made me laugh. Danny's line of, "You can't lo-jack a dog, can you?" was funny too.

And seriously, where the heck was Flack? Did his horrific ties suddenly come to life and trapped him in the closet or what? :p

P.S. Those who were actually freaked by the Amityville haunting ghost story? This website oughta give ya some laughs about it.
Flack's tie.

No, really, that red polka-dot thing scared me more than anything else that happened in the episode.
Perhaps that is Flack's idea of a little Halloween fun...scaring people with hideous-looking ties. :lol:
:lol: I agree! It's like when they're in the scary house, all their common sense goes out the window. Sheesh. I understand it's for the sake of thrills and suspense, but how are they going to see their way around if all the lights are off? :rolleyes: