Grade 'A Daze of Wine and Roaches'

Nope, not terribly exciting. The interaction between Danny and Flack in that wine cellar was priceless, as usual. Even Lindsay was just average: neither annoying nor precious.

Well....let me start by saying I loved the first half of the episode. The last half..WHERE THE HECK WAS FLACK? and I wasn't so into the outcomes of the cases.

But I loved the Flack/Danny/Lindsay scene. Classic line right here

Danny- "he was screwed to death"
Flack- "6.5 Messer..little shaky on the landing"

I give it a B-. I enjoyed the first half..lots of Flack in the beginning but he then mysteriously disappeared from 10:30 on.
I was a bit underwhelmed with this one. I hate the "politics" thing going on with Mac and whateverhisface. Just stick to the cases please.

Disappointed with the lack of Danny/Lindsey. Maybe that will pick up later.

I didn't see the girl as the culprit either. I had her "people" pegged for that one.
I usually just vote and don't bother to comment on why but I gave this a B+ purely because of the scene between Flack and Danny and then Adam in the lab. I found the cases fairly uninteresting - poor little rich girl is a sociopath? Seems I've seen that plotline somewhere before and please, leave the bugs to Grissom. There might be some potential in the Mac/Gerrard conflict. Makes a nice change from all the fauxmance but can't we just get back to the cases and the science?
I thought it was a fairly good ep. I could do without the political ramifications of Gerard being made and now being Mac's boss, but I'll withhold further judgement on it until I see the upcoming storylines on it.

I had the young girl pegged as a person of interest from the very beginning, and I thought it was kind of a fun (but frustrating) twist at the end that there wasn't a damn thing they could do about her. She was a manipulative little bitch, but they couldn't get her on any crime, and as Stella said, "It's not illegal to be a sociopath" (loved that line).

There was a little too much Danny/Lindsay in this ep, but surprisingly, the "togetherness" didn't annoy the living hell out of me and force me crawling out of my skin, which I was totally expecting. The writers (IMO) steered very clear of any sort of romance angle between the two in this ep, and went back to what I think is best about the two characters - their easy going snarking at eachother, and on-the-job competitiveness. That, I can take.

I was actually rather bemused at the end, seeing the guy commit murder in defense of a bug which gives most of us the heebie jeebies and sends us running for the nearest rolled-up magazine to give it a good solid whacking.

And Flack is a Wine Guy, who knew? :) And Danny is a Beer Guy, who was surprised? :lol: Loved the banter between the two of them tonight. Finally, of course it was great to see a little bit of Adam and Sid goodness tonight, always a pleasure! :D
I thought it wasan ok episode, def. not the one that should have aired following a mini break. The one thing I hated the most was the confilct between Mac/Gerard, I fear that they are going to make thta a big part of the show, like how they do it on Vegas. Which I think will sux. But my mom thinks they are just having him around until the epsidoe where Mac is going to be investgated for some case or something so if that what their doing then that ok.

Also what did Lindsay say when her, Danny, and Adam were in the lab looking at the wine bottles (right before she figures out the labels been changed) I couldn't really hear it. Does anyone know.
Do you mean the comment about how they don't just eat "beer and buffalo burgers" in Montana, Railynn? That line was a bit hard to understand.

Even though the Mac/Gerrard thing is one of those it's-been-done-before situations, I'm at least glad that they're having a multi-story arc with it (since the actor is listed as a recurring character or whatever)--yay for continuity. :lol: And, quite frankly, I'd rather see a running storyline about this than concentration on romantic storylines. ;)
I missed the Danny/Flack exchange but it was funny lol

Can someone go over the thing with the rich girl for me again? I kinda get how she was manipulating but what was the motive? Or was it just supposed to be a sociopath thing like they said?

I soooo wanted Grissom in this episode lol. I wonder what he'd think of the jeweled bugs.

I have some thoughts on Mac/inspector guy but I'm gonna have to relegate it to spoiler area.
This episode wasn't too bad in my opinion. The case of the U.N. I felt was rather dissapointing in my opinion. I was hoping for what I felt could be a huge diplomatic uproar over such an incident but instead just another typical murder.

No SMacked either. :angry: No Peyton either.

Overall, not a bad episode but I've seen better.
Not too bad, who thinks the little Evie will be back?

I love the whole Danny/Flack bit. Classic!

Danny- "he was screwed to death"
Flack- "6.5 Messer..little shaky on the landing"

But like CSI: Miami a re-run next week. That's just cruel!
There is no excuse for the level of boredom induced by show tonight. When the highlight of the episode is recognizing Doc from Third Watch, there has clearly been a breakdown in the creative process. The writers should be ashamed of themselves for unleashing such a steaming pile of elephant dung upon the masses.

Some thoughts:

-So now Capt. Gerrard is Mac's political nemesis. Well, yeehaw. As if this show didn't have enough aborted, flaccid, or badly-executed storylines. This has been done before and much more adroitly on Vegas and Miami with Ecklie and Stetler respectively, and I don't want to see this sloppy hash reheated for a third time.

Does Gerrard's promotion mean he's no longer Flack's captain? If so, the writers have neatly sidestepped the issue of Flack's conflicted loyalties. With Gerrard no longer his direct superior and now lumped with the suits most street-level cops loathe, it will be easier for Flack to side with Mac if and when the shit starts to hit the proverbial fan. After all, he's a suit, and the stationhouse camaraderie has been severed.

That things will pan out this way is hardly an absolute, mind; from the brief glimpse of Flack and Gerrard, it seems that Flack has a great deal of respect for him, and there may yet be another clash between him and Mac if the latter impugns Gerrard's character. I also find it interesting that Flack didn't weigh in either way in the peen-joust between Gerrard and Mac, not even with a smirk or a sympathetic look. Methinks Flack is more attuned to department politics than most would think.

Is it wrong of me to say that I have a grudging respect for Gerrard? Yes, he's a ladder-climbing dillweed, but he was honest in his response to Mac's question as to why he was angry-so honest that it momentarily stymied Mac's fulminating pique. He's an ass, but he's not skeevy about it. I'm sure that'll change as the arc progresses, but for now, it's refreshing.

-The cases were as titillating as prospecting in an octogenarian's bowels for impacted treasure. Brown gold, that is. I'm tired of swanky rich people pushing each other's buttons. I'm not fascinated with how the "other half lives" and dies, and just once, I'd like to see someone in a tenement brain their alcoholic father in the head with an iron skillet because he stole the kid's lunch money for crack and hookers. Anything but swotty, insufferable asshats with far-fetched motives and outlandish science.

-I don't know if the gobbledygook about tears having different chemical makeups based on type is true or spun-sugar crack, but it was flimsy and hideously contrived, and even the most credulous nitwit would have trouble believing it.

-Speaking of a complete collapse of the suspension of disbelief, the motive in the bug bling case was sheer pap. It was honestly insulting, and for the sake of my sanity and my rapidly eroding patience with this show, I'm going to tell myself that the producers called for the script before it was finished, thus forcing the writers to pull a resolution out of their asses at the eleventh hour.

Flack is lovely, but there isn't enough of him to justify subjecting myself to such subpar bilge for an hour every week, and if there isn't significant improvement by the beginning of S4, I'm done.

Big honking F.

I was, quite honestly, bored with the entire episode. I was skeptical that the writers' wouldn't be able to pull off such outlandish storylines -- and I was right. I don't think they handle this "glitzy, glamorous, and oh-my-god-that's-so-cool" asinine protrayal of New York very well. It's rare the episode ever resembles anything close to a coherent thought (an exception being the A-case for 'Sleight of Hand'). Doesn't anyone get shot on the street anymore? Mugged maybe?

Though regarding this episode, I nearly balked at Stella's quip about the different types of tears. That was supposed to be the viewer's revelation that the girl was a little psycho? God, the rich are crappy parents. It seems one out of three are doomed to a life of murder.

Bite me.

I hope the friction between Gerrad and Mac is only temporary -- an arc for whatever upcoming episode it's meant to serve. I don't need to be experiencing deja vu every time I switch between Las Vegas and New York. I'll start to confuse the two of them together.

The conclusion to the B-case...left me hanging. I guess when trying to get rid of one of restaurant's most heinous careful you're not employing a total psycho who'll live among them.

But once again, I enjoyed Flack and Adam. I am excited for some of the upcoming storylines, but tonight I was diappointed and left switching to SpikeTV to pine after Season One.

I gave it a C.
Sorry....can I just ask something here? I haven't seen the episode so can't comment on specifics, but all this Danny only drinks beer stuff....

How come when he was being stood up by Lindsey he was sitting in the restaurant drinking a glass of wine? I can understand that if she was there and had wanted wine then he might have drunk it too, but while sitting on his own? Waiting? He would have felt free to drink whatever he wanted. Just doesn't make sense.

*sighs* Seems to me to be yet another example of the writers letting continuity fly out of the window.....
I liked it. I found that Danny and Lindsay's voices were much more lively than they have been, which is probably because of the hearing thing. I enjoyed their bantering :) but I only have one complaint....WHERE WAS FLACK???? I was happy to see him on both cases but then he just vanished...:confused:
B: The cases were strong. The Evie-case was really good and I liked how they tied that in with her diplomatic immunity as well as how she manipulates others around her to do her dirty work for her while she watches everyone fall into the traps. I knew that it was the caretaker(?) who killed Simone since the beginning and I was right. However, I didn't know that Evie was behind the scheme. It's amazing what a young girl can do.
The other case with cockroaches was really fun actually! The evidence they found was great and it all seemed really fun to shoot! Lucky for the actors. I found myself chuckling at the end when Danny said, "YOU KILLED A GUY FOR A COCKROACH?"

Both of the cases kept me captivated and that's why I give it an A.

Plus there was alot of Flack and Lindsay. That was pretty awesome!