Grade 'A Daze of Wine and Roaches'

I wonder what Grissom would have made of ol' roach boy. The bug case was a lot more memoarable than the other case, although I did enjoy the exchange between Gerarrd and Mac.

Why did we need more references to Lindsay being from Montanna? We know she's from Montanna, she just got back from testifying at a trial there, we get it already! We got it way back in Zoo York, STOP BRINGING IT UP!!!

Can we please take a break from the rich people stories already? Or am I going to have to settle for my season 1 dvds?

I really enjoyed this episode. Three people died for some of the strangest reasons. Two by the tricks and schemes of a manipulative, bored, spoilt and evil 15 year old girl (who gave me the creeps) and one at the hand of a cockroach lover who believes roaches can save mankind. I thought both storylines were very well written and the actors did a great job.

Glad to have Lindsay back to her old self. She smiled more in this ep than throughout the previous eighteen. And Anna is one brave woman to go into that room with all those 'monsters' :eek: crawling around.

I think the Gerrard/Mac story has great potential and I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Good episode..

Loved pissy!Mac. I know the other shows have done politics, but could see you Grissom yelling at Ecklie like Mac did Gerrad?
I loved his reaction to the political bs.Mac found a way around it and didn't give a sh*t what Gerrad said.

Lindsey's back, and better then usaul this episode.
liked her scene with Danny, and Flack.
Also thought Adam was with his 'I have no idea what it is' comment. not everyone knows everything for once.
The bug infested apartment creeped me out. That guy was nuts! I to wondred what Grissom would say it he saw the bugs.

The other case was interesting, and Evie was good, even if upper class crimals are starting to annoy me.
I thought the ep wasn't that bad but.............I had hoped they would've picked up where D/L left off in the last new ep they showed. That was just dandy. I hope the writers take it & run with it. I love those two together. I didn't understand about the girl thing either with the tears & all. Guess it was over my head. mac was*sigh* awesome as ever. I love him cause he doesn't play politics. I love seeing him get mad. LOL Yeah I had a flashback to the X-Files thing with the roaches. To kill over a bug with stones is sooooooooooo creepy to me. Yuck!!!!!! I give it an A+. It rocked.

OT: The young lady that played Aiden(At least it looked like her) is starring in a movie with Bruce Willis & I can't for the life of me remember the name of it. Think it's due out this month.

I really enjoyed this one--just genuinely enjoyed watching it. It had a nice vibe to it, and a nice twist at the end. I really thought Evie was guilty, and she was--but not fo either murder. That was clever, and quite well done. Initially I was like, "Huh???" with the roach guy, but he was clearly insane and sometimes insane people kill others for insane reasons. I can get on board with that, though that guy should be a serial killer by all accounts because there are a great many people out there who kill roaches. ;)

The Mac/Gerrard conflict would be much more interesting if Gerrard were still Flack's captain. I think it's unfortunate he's been promoted because it takes away a unique conflict and turns it into something we've seen on the other CSI shows, and also robs Flack of what was turning into a good storyline for him.

Flack's quip to Danny--and I believe he called him "Mess" and not Messer--was adorable. Flack is the funny one, and he's not going to let anyone forget it. ;)

As others have mentioned, lighter Lindsay is a vast improvement. It's a tad unbelievable that a mere week or few weeks later all the angst is just gone, but given Anna's limitations, I think the writers have taken the best possible route. I doubt there will be any kind of Danny/Lindsay love scene if she doesn't lose the baby weight though. And before I get jumped on for being mean, let me just note that it's Hollywood, and that's a realistic assessment. I'm fine going without that kind of scene either way. :lol:

midnight_tiptoes said:
Oh, God, Danny's such an uncultured dumbass. "My favorite wine is beeh!" He's the guy who goes to a nice restaurant and asks for bread right away, probably twice or three times so he doesn't have to buy an appetizer, doesn't order desert because it's 'too expensive, ah' and screws the waiter on the tip.

:lol: Danny is kind of uncultured. I loved that Flack knew all of those things about wine though! How cute was that???? Flack is clearly a great date. :D

I loooooooathe people like that. Ugh. Run to Flack, Lindsay. Run fast.

Oh, I think both Eddie and Flack (with his "Huh" comment when Lindsay said it was good to be back) have made it very clear that he wants none of that. :lol:
Flack's one liner judging was the best part of this episode, but as others have mentioned he should've popped up again somewhere at the end. I'm sure Flack would've made the final interrogation scene with Danny and the cockroach worshiping radiology tech hilarious. Sigh, such squandered potential there.

One thing I've always really liked about NY is that it's pretty much steered clear of politics, but now with Gerrard back again that may be out the window. I hope that any arc with him is short lived. He just irks me.

I was actually surprised that Stella used the tears to pin down Evie as a major suspect, I was almost certain it would be the handwriting sample that she inadvertently provides when she gives Stella her phone number. Granted Stella did eventually bring it up, but I would've figured that to be one of the first things to make her suspect Evie.

Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh over the name Luther Vandeross. How uncreative could the writers be? Unless, of course, it was some sort of homage to Luther Vandross that I didn't get.

What was up with all the product placement in last night's ep? First the close up Danny putting duracell batteries into his flashlight followed by the duracell commercial, then the plug for Timbaland's new album. I mean there's product placement all over tv, but I was surprised to see it SO obvious in CSI:NY.
This episode was cool, but I've seen better. I was happy that Lindsay was back because it seemed really weird while she wasn't on there. Flack had some good lines, which makes me happy. Although he was in the beginning of the episode for a little while, he did just kind of disappear after the first 15 minutes or so. It was interesting to learn about Gerrard and his promotion, so I want to know what will happen now. Danny was pretty funny too.
So overall I gave the episode an A+.
I wasn't particularly impressed with this episode so I'll give it a C. Besides a few cute scenes and the potential I'm seeing in the Mac/Gerard conflict I felt the cases weren't particularly strong.

Lots of Danny, which I really appreciated. His interaction with Lindsay didn't really bother me this time, which proves that when TPTB focus just on the 'office' relationship (as in, all business, work-related talk) it works much better than those forced, romantic scenes, but that's just my opinion. ;)
-My favorite "wine" is "beer" too. :D

-I enjoy a good beer with my burger too. Never had a buffalo one, but there is always the first time for everything. :lol:

-They got the whole "roach jewelry" thing wrong. The jems/chains are not glued onto the roach, but rather a little "harness" is made. This is made from the metal the customer desires, then the jems are inlaid and chains attached. Some just have lapel pins as well. When I find the site again, I will post it here. :D

-I am a little disappointed not seeing Stella go "rambo". Maybe I missed it? :eek:

-Loved every minute of the episode. :D
I don't know why but I don't think that this episode was good, I was expecting it to be good but it was kinda a let down, there was no Smacked chemistry or D/L and the roaches OMG, I was so grossed out I hate roaches, I can live with snakes but roaches Nooooo.
Lets hope the next episode is better.

I love Stella/Mac.
MissKraft said:
-They got the whole "roach jewelry" thing wrong. The jems/chains are not glued onto the roach, but rather a little "harness" is made. This is made from the metal the customer desires, then the jems are inlaid and chains attached. Some just have lapel pins as well. When I find the site again, I will post it here. :D

Eh, they didn't really get the details of the roach jewelry wrong, it's all about customer preference according to the designer. He does it by gluing the chain directly onto the roach.

He did an online chat with The Washington Post a year ago, and I also found his website, Black Chandelier.
I liked that when Stella was putting together that Evie was the villaness pulling all the strings she didn't get mad, just kind of resigned ... I found it realistic, especially in Melina's skillful hands. I also like when she works with Hawkes.

I thought the eppy in general was quite good, although I agree with some of you that the whole Girard thing is kind of cliche (noble CSI meets politcal creep, as one of you mentioned).
I am really looking forward to watching this episode from all the reviews it has got. Unfortunatley, UK is quite a bit behind with the episodes. Looking forward to the Raising Shane episode too. Not long for that one. :)