"Go To Hell" Discussion *SPOILERS*

xfcanadian said:

I thought for sure the minister was going to be guilty of something.

Oh really? You mean something like, oh, say murder :D

That he wasn't guilty of the original murders (or kidnapping for that matter) was a twist, but in the end...

Well, it was nice to see Grissom and Catherine on the same case for a change - I liked the rapport they used to have. Unfortunately I don't expect the return of that any time soon (preview of next week's episode causes me to doubt :rolleyes:)
Grizzom said:
I fear we must abandon all hope that anybody in the cast will give Gil or Sara any serious grief about their little secret. Even Ecklie was nice.

Probably no actor or actress would agree to anything GSR-negative because they didn't want to be stalked or harassed in real life by the GSR fans. Not that I am saying that would happen. But I bet Marc Vann got combat pay for his little scenes.

I do hope you realise the irony of your obsessive posts digging at the GSR fans :lol:

As for the episode, it was good, nice 'n dark, the way CSI is at it's best. And for all it's oddness, I loved the subtlety they showed with parts of it - said it before, say it again - they don't need to be in your face, thats one of the joys of CSI above a lot of other shows.

New character first impressions - hopefully it's true she isn't in it for long. Can't be doing with some pretty young thing put on show just for the hell of it. We have CSI Miami for that.

Loved seeing Brass in it a lot. If there isn't enough Gris in an episode, which is often the case these days, then a lot of Brass and his sarcasm kinda helps!
Overall I thought the episode was really good. It felt like the old episodes again. Although I think that the whole exorcism part was kind of a stretch. Some other notes on the ep:
-Ronnie is seriously annoying. I thought Sara telling her off and limiting her questions was great.
"I'm gonna have to limit you to 20 questions per case." "Really?" "Nineteen" lol
-Sara was back to her old dry-humored self which was a nice change.
-Warrick and Nick were their usual great selves.
-Did anyone else notice that Loiuse Lombard (Sofia) was back in the opening credits? Is she on or off??
-Cath was great in her scenes with the little girl. You could tell how much it killed her to see a young girl that messed up.
-Grissom and the bees were so funny. Looting the crime scene. Only Grissom.
-Brass was great as always...

I think that's it for now.
I loved the episode ...

- The filipino reference ... Balut
- Brass' line "Why don't you supersize ..."
- Archie's moments with Warrick and Nicky
- Sara and Ronnie ... how Sara was talking to her about the possibility of cop involvement
- It was nice to see Nicky and Warrick together (in the house at least)
- I liked how the girl was just acting out (but the parents and exorcist were blaming it on the devil)
Ronnie is clearly a pretty face but frankly sounds like a no-brainer literaly! Far too cheery to be working around the sort of tragedy these people are used to. Sara in her younger days used to be very enthusiastic and pushy but she always took her job seriously. This girl reminds me of those young women who get all fuzy and cute around babies but couldn't tell a dirty diaper from a pair of shoes!
The reaction to this episode surprises me. I thought the cases (both of them) were awful and the resolutions were unclear. I had to rewind and watch the Sara/Ronnie case again to figure out what happened to the bum.

The A case...I know it's sad that the girl ended up so messed up, but she was EXTREMELY messed up. Watching her in that room, smiling like she didn't have a care in the world, was far more disturbing than the exorcism scene. It was weird to see Cath and Grissom react to her death as if she was an innocent. I know it had to be a shock to see her killed like that, but... I guess the writers were trying to provide some ambiguity to the resolution of that story (i.e. maybe the priest was right). It didn't work for me.

The only thing I did like about the episode was the interaction of the main cast members. Brass was awesome. He is so underutilized most of the time. My favorite bit of his was nonverbal. His reaction to Sara's look after Ronnie said she thought that was her dad's favorite move. That was priceless.

I also loved the Cath/Warrick scene where they both tried on the shirt. They work well together, and the aesthetics of a shirtless Warrick are always appreciated.

The verdict is still out on Ronnie. She's obviously green, but I didn't see enough of her to be annoyed. I thought the reaction of everyone was fun to watch. I loved Sara's sense of humor with and her admonition to Ronnie.
i was not a huge fan of this episode.
i can't imagine a 12 year old girl, killing her mom and baby sister.
i did not like how cold sara was to ronnie.
i did not like ronnie.
I did love grissom taking on the bee investigation.
i loved Brass' comment about "super sized".
I really saw Warrick as still the rock. Love him and the intereaction with Nick and Cath.
I am still upset about sara leaving, please forgive me that I am in a bad mood.
I was laughing when Grissom said he clear the bees with animal control (just like if they were the family pets) so he can remove them from the scene
Hmm - I don't know about this one. The pacing seemed off, that's a problem they have lately, they need to cut down on the case time to get in the GSR shit. Introducing Ronnie in a totally useless B-story was, meh - really what was that?? And Sara showed clearly that she has no supervisor potential at all. Give a newbie a break goddamnit woman!

And stop with the sympathy inducing sling already, it's not credible that a CSI would be working with just one functioning arm. And even less likely to have a sling 15 weeks after a fracture. It's just cheap an silly to try and evoke emotions like that. Sara will not get sympathies from the one who can't stand her regardless of how injured you make her seem PTB! I used to like Sara - now I can't stand her.

They should have made this ep just about the exorcism and forgotten about the rest - now it seemed disjointed and the explanations as to the why's and how's were lacking IMHO.

Loved Warrick, oh loved me some Warrick!

I can't put my fingers on it. but somethings amiss with this eppy.

And net weeks seems to be one to totally forget about.

I just want to know why they put my Nick in the same eps as the horrid GSR? Is that on purpose? Gah!
S_Bright said:
The pacing seemed off, that's a problem they have lately, they need to cut down on the case time to get in the GSR shit.

See...I consider comments like this (and your "horrid" comment) as baiting. It's fine if you don't like it, but do you have to be so crude in your contempt?

S_Bright said:
And even less likely to have a slog 15 weeks after a fracture.

Is it supposed to be 15 weeks later? I thought that since the cliff-hanger bridged this summer that we are continuing from that point in time.

I don't see why Sara couldn't investigate the crime with a sling on. If you want to talk credible, why were Nick and Warrick allowed to procede with their investigation in that house when they realized there was a break-in? Sara got slammed by Brass for doing that in an earlier season, but now it's ok since it isn't her.
i guessed i was pleased by the episode overall. i did think there were too many loose ends to many of the ongoing sdtories. And i really didnt expect what happened at the end of the epi. It was good! I'm happy! :D
Hey all while we all have the right to our opinions and the right to disagree with them can we please remember the rule of the board regarding Show Criticism. Thank you. ;)
I guess it's time to step in and discuss last night's ep. I've been sorta on the fringe of the boards since last night, but now I'm back in action.

Sara's case: I know it's the B-case, but I want to get it out of the way because it's shorter and I don't have NEARLY as much to say about it.

The case itself wasn't that twisted, wasn't that interesting, and I'm still completely confused about what went down. I mean, the handcuff marks on the DB seemed really deep, as if the handcuffs were on for a while and the homeless man was struggling against them for quite a while. But, maybe the pronounced nature of the wounds was due to lack of bloodflow, or some other condition that just made them show up more... I don't know.

I still don't understand what happened. I don't know if he just suffered a heart attack, or if he was the victim of police abuse.. no clue.

That case was really fuzzy for me, but usually by Friday I've seen the episode twice, and I only saw it once last night because my hubby had to get up early and we decided to wait on it.

The A Case: I felt it was really jumbled at points. At first, I was really excited. It felt like a season 3-4 episode to me. That might sound bizarre, but there was this dark quality to it, and the mystery of what happened to these people who were in this rather seedy hotel.

I don't know... Parts of the case really hit, others didn't seem to. I thought we spent way too much time talking to the extremist preacher at times. I did like how creepy he was. I did LOVE that last moment when he went in to talk to the girl, and how we had no idea who it was who wanted to talk to her until he was closing the door. The look on his face as he made sure no one saw him was absolutely chilling.

Ronnie pissed me off, and you could tell Sara was trying to be accomodating at first, answering her questions. She was trying to be understanding, but after the third about wondering if brains tasted better than flesh, I could understand Sara's frustrations. She doesn't really dwell on those things because she wants to solve the case.

However, I also understand Ronnie being fresh out of college, and still in "lecture" mode where you get to ask lots of questions, and where you want to ask as many questions as possible to make sure you ace your test.

I do think it worked out, though, and Ronnie seemed able to stick to the 20 question rule, since she was in school recently and understands boundaries and rules, and Sara seemed to be able to deal with that.

I think the line was crossed when Ronnie, naively, or whateverly, decided that not questioning the cops was a good idea. The way she said it, made it feel like she didn't think that this matter, the death of a homeless man, warranted stirring things up with the police. And, that stung me, too.

So, while Sara did chew her out a bit, I think it was a necessary wake-up call for Ronnie. She's fresh and alive and awake and eager to learn and please, but she's not yet tough. And, I think that's what the scene was illustrating. She doesn't want to stir things up. She wants to be able to do her cases, and enjoy her work, and go to bed at night without any significant worries attached to work.

Wouldn't we all love that? But, it seems to me, that Ronnie's not yet built up that tough skin. I do think she can get there, because the sad reality is that in some professions, you have to have a bit of a tough skin on top to be able to handle stirring up things that you might not want to. Sometimes, you have to tlak to people, and deal with people, that you never would if you had the choice.

And, I hope Sara doesn't snap at Ronnie again, because I think this one time made the point. Ronnie's sweet and eager to learn, and Sara tries to accomdate the questions by limiting her to 20 rather than telling her to shut the **** up... But Ronnie will eventually need to toughen up a little for this job, and I think Sara just snapped a little because her job is so important to her. She wants to know what happened to the least of these, and the most honored in the physical world. She doesn't care about status, or whose door she has to knock on if she's going to get answers about what happened. She's driven and determined, but she's also had years of experience and a lot of crap in her life to toughen her up.

So, in short, I think Ronnie's going to go through a lot in her short period, but if she ends up getting overwhelmed and breaking down crying, I don't have a doubt that Sara would be there to comfort her.

As for the scene when Sara went to he crime scene, it didn't strike me as particularly strange until other people pointed it out. See, people come and visit our workplace all the time. They still have their keycards (a major security issue, in my mind, but that's not my department). So, it's not unusual for an old photog or PA to show up for no reason but to chat.

So, when I watched the episode I really didn't see anything weird with Sara going to see where everyone was working. However, it does raise a bunch of questions. I mean, maybe she was meeting Gil for breakfast, and he was supposed to be at the crime scene line to meet her, so she went to talk to Greg.

I mean, Greg did seem to know that's who she was there to see. So, that's the easiest scenario in my head is that she was there to meet Gil, and he still wasn't down, and she's just so used to walking into crim scenes that she went upstairs to get him without thinking much of it.

However, I do think that this once can slip by in my mind, but I do hope they don't have people walking willy-nilly onto crime scenes in the future.

That said, the moment reminded me a little of the go-kart moment at the end of the last episode where Gil was all "little boy with candy" and Sara was just smiling and shaking her head. I'm a wife. I do that often. :)

When the episode was over, though, I felt a mixture of being overwhelmed and underwhelemed at the same time.

I think the B-case was a throwaway to introduce the new girl and quickly introduce new conflict in Sara's new shift. The A-case was interesting enough, but after a while there were TOO many variables that got confusing. I figured early on that the shirt had not been worn by whoever they were implicating for the murder... It just felt wrong, for some reason, but I'm good at guessing. :)

I DID love Mandy having half a dozen fingerprints. That works for a seedy hotel, and is as it should be. I liked Warrick trying on the shirt, then giving it to Cath because it reminded me of Gil's experiment with sweater splatter when that boy who wet the bed killed his little brother who idolized him...

There were elements that I loved of the episode, but I think the superfluous B-case pulled me out too much.

Personally, I thought the episode was ok..it didn't deserve a 2 thumbs up but it was pretty good. I watched it with my friend and we decided that amy was a little natalie. We thought she was going to come back in like season 10 and avenge them all..until she was thrown of the ledge. Ummm anyways.... I didn't like the bplot, it was kind of stupid. It took time away from the aplot, which I liked a lot.

We got freaked out and my friend slammed against the window of the room we were in and we both freaked out..this was during the white exorcism scene...ha ha

I also didn't like Ronnie. she reminded me of my exchange student! God, all those questions drove me nuts! I don't belive she was old enough to be working there. She looked 16 maybe 17!!! God, they are casting younger people older and older people younger!