Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

i agree. King size bed.. but only use up half of it!! haha. kaylyne.. LOVE that pic. that's definatly what their room would look like.. just add their bathroom on there

ah ha ha ha ha... :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Asian Pride, guys, Asian Pride.

Haven't posted on this thread a while. Things are really hectic with junior year of high school, and can barely find time to post on my favourite thread :( Tragedy, I know.

I think we all want PureJoy to be the canon ship, but doesn't look like that's going to happen (but the ultimate optimist somewhere inside me is screaming NO). Although if things do turn out the way some rumours are hinting at then, we may just have a chance. But perhaps it would be best resolved for all of us if nothing ever happened, or if a ship went canon on the last episode but that's still a ways away, right? (sigh) Shipper Gods, Where Art Thou?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

haha the pic is cute :D well i can see that the bathtub is small..i think they need to squeeze in.. :devil: :devil:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Let's hope that person doesn't get lost again grrrr.
:lol: I guess so... :rollseyes: I don't mind GSR shippers even though I don't agree with them. :)
What is G and C's bedroom like?
I somehow imagine a plain wall and a giant bed and a table and a BUNCH of books and that's pretty much it.
Cold, hard, proof. Like they ignored that.
But--they couldn't have! Ugh!!! I can't believe it. I mean, they are the SHIP. NOTHING can break them apart. They're so meant to be!
Star-crossed lovers (only without the dying like Romeo and Juliet and... without them being dead).
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

hello 19ams87 nice to meet you too :D *shakes hand*

Graveyardintern Im guessing youre asian too? :p

Haven't been posting here that much cause I noticed that the sparks GC have suddenly made the room dark. *sniff* and lol, yes I agree...starcrossed lovers indeed! I remember the pic I saw with them looknig at the stars... *squees* oh so fluffy...
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Butterflied was on last night and I thought of them in the tub together and Grissom's comment of 'going back to the bedroom.'
And the 'got silk?' question. :lol:

So, (without going over the PG line) do you think their bedroom has silk? I'm guessing...YES, yes I do :)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Haven't been posting here that much cause I noticed that the sparks GC have suddenly made the room dark.

Yes dear, but us lot (the PJ army as I like to call us) make the room bright and fun with memories off the good ol' days.

I imagine C/Gs bedroom as quite light and small. With wardrobes in front of the bed. I may make it on The Sims and post it LOL. I made G/C on The Sims, they had crazy chemistry! Then they got married and had a Someone else please tell me they do that and im not just unbelievably sad!?!

And, of course it has silk. With an endless supply of peanut butter :devil:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

^^ Uhuh. I was hoping you'd say that :D Go PJ army! sign me up :)

You play Sims? Do post the pics :lol: hopeless romantic is more i like to call it. *gg*

ah butterflied. and to think I just saw the eppie last night.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

19ams87 said:
kissmesweet You were on about a poll right? Here it is.

Cold, hard, proof. Like they ignored that.

Let's hope that person doesn't get lost again grrrr.

I rekon Danny Cannon was surely a GCR shipper too. On the Invisible Evidence commentary, when Grissom stresses out at Sara, DC says 'oooh don't wanna get Dad angry.'(or something to that effect) If Grissom daddy, whos mommy?! :p Says something about what DC thinks about GSR too. I ain't sayin nutin...

I wonder if any of TPTB have ever read this thread, *talks at TPTB* see how annoyed with you we are?! Give us our friendship back you ejits! Lmao.

the poll was between valentines and the finale. there was another poll with several shows and gc was on the poll. guess what...gc is the only ship on teh poll that hasn't sailed yet. and gc finished a respectable 3rd i believe (may be 4th).

ah, teh electra complex. poor daddy's confused and needs a shrink. all the commentary mention the relationships as gc as parents and the others as their kids. so things are rather backwoodsy right now.

there was no choice but to destroy the relationship between gc in order to do gsr. if you watch the end of s6 you will see several eps with awkward gc scenes where they don't even look at each other. it's unnatural and it looks as if the actors were following direction that made no sense. what is sad is that billy and marg are both brilliant so the fact that it is ooc made them stand out very badly. my understanding of s7 (haven't watched, won't watch till my csi is back) is that this trend continued thru about half the season and even now their time together has been limited more than usual. personally, i would dare tptb to do a pure gc ep with the existing relationship just to see what happens (like i don't know what would happen).

as for their bedroom. we've seen cath's and i would imagine she has the most say in how the home is decorated so i say we go by her bedroom as a base. anyone got that cap?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

coolcatz I agree that they had to steer away from the engery and natural chemistry Billy-Marg/Cath-Gil have in mid-season 6. I mentioned that a few posts back that season 6 started out ok but towards the end, it focused more on Gris and Sara.

Season 7 is lacking some, there were some good Cath/Gil moments but *sadly* all that 'spark' and electricity between them has gone. :(

Yes, I also agree with the bedroom. I can see a white room with some color here and there and like someone else said, lots of books. :D ;)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

I love the ideas of a bedroom you guys have head. Sounds awesome. Keep them coming!

As for the Sims, you're not sad. I had the Sims too and not only did G and C constantly have (the word that's over PG13), but they did other things too - one night they played chess in their pajamas, another they played with Lindsey's dollhouse...
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

woohoo!!!! i loove the poll...btw i think it will happen as all of the episodes have gc moments....well to be more specific...more loving gc moments :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Yes dear, but us lot (the PJ army as I like to call us) make the room bright and fun with memories off the good ol' days.
Yeah well. I totally have faith that TPTB will bring back Old-School Grillows, because hello!--they sell!

I love the silk bit you guys incorporated into their beds.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

^ GC does sell... it did- scratch does. I dunno if they even noticed the fans "changing" their minds about the show :rolleyes: I wish they'd return the classic (loved) csi... -_-; if thats possible.
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