Well note the conversation in the diner. Thanks to Taz for transcribing it for me.Sofia_Willows said: I was thinking that as well - they had both worked the case and yet neither are anywhere to be seen while the others are having breakfast at the usual cafe?
Sara: why do we always eat here
Greg: open 24 hours
Sara: everything is in vegas is open 24 hours
Greg: it's cheap
Nick arrives: why do we always eat here
Greg: it's tradition
Sara: ahh tradition like becoming property exchange between your father and your husband
Gil is not included in that...perfect reasoning for that as well. Gil has much better things to do like eat with a lovely blonde, who can stimulate his mind, among othe parts.
Tazzer said:
And did you see him really checking out the food, the finger food LSB to go with licking the frosting off of each other’s fingers. I bet he tasted that butter cream frosting before he left.
All this food got me to thinking about the cup of joe Sofia had in her hand. You know he can fix coffee just the way she likes. For those mornings when she stops by to visit with him after they both get off work. The perfect way to unwind together after a long hard shift. I see her even offering up to help him feed his beloved bugs. How adorable would it be both of them leaning in together cheek to cheek dropping in food. (can't seem to help but gush over these two
Did anyone else find the convo Hodges had with Gil interesting? When Hodges said "they were not the marrying kind", Gil rushed him quickly out the door. Big red flag. Gil is very much so the marrying kind. I think since seeing Sofia in the infamous "red dress" he has been humming here comes the bride. She not only has alluring looks but intelligence and mystery that just caught him hook, line and sinker.
Oh and loved how his eyes went to the ring on the brides hand when he was talking to her. There is no doubt the man is ring shopping. We know he likes classy jewels. He will do lots of research to make sure he gets the right ring for his lady bug love.