Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

I think it's sweet that she knows his car. :p
Maybe he does stop by once in awhile at the Dominion. I'm thinking he just sits in his car though. :confused:

Before work. Or perhaps after work. :)
me too
that he drives by the Dominion and sits in the car
what would he say to her

there is the question.. what would he say to her if he saw her?
That is the question, what would he say to her if he saw her?

Let's say she comes out and sees his car, he then approaches her.... :D

I believe after DaHug in POTTR, they still keep in touch with each other.
Not by phone, email, I'm thinking in person. :p

Another pic:

I think in person too
I'm sure he goes to the Dominion or goes by it

and I hope he would say something like

"How are you?" or "Can I see you?" something to start off the conversation before digging into 'true feelings'
Yeah "How are you?" "How's it going?"

It's been one year since they find her daughter's body. :(
I'm sure he thinks about that and knows just how hard it is for some people when it comes to anniversaries. Unfortunately this anniversary is a sad occasion. :(

yes, another heartfelt momento or something
like you said WPRMW, her mother's ring that Zoe had on that no one can seem to find...?? :confused:

I bet Grissom has it and is going to give it back to Heather
what do you think?

another picture

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^^ that should go in the shipper caption thread

You should've posted it then, dork!

That would be nice if Griss had the ring and gave it to her.

Heather: More tea?
Grissom: Nah, I'm fine, did you see this mornings paper, its got our engagement picture in it?
Heather: *laughs* Catherine and Nick did it, I swear!
of course YOU would say that :rolleyes:

and I like the idea that Grissom has her mother's ring, he probably found it in Snellars house after his stuggle with Heather

he didn't turn it in to evidence as a way of seeing her again

**Grissom breaking the rules for Heather** do you think he would do that for her?

hhunter said:

and I like the idea that Grissom has her mother's ring, he probably found it in Snellars house after his stuggle with Heather

he didn't turn it in to evidence as a way of seeing her again

**Grissom breaking the rules for Heather** do you think he would do that for her?


Breaking the rules for Heather, Grissom? You bet!!!

I also think he secretly keeps a photo of her in his bedroom.
He did give a little smile when he was looking at Zoe and Heather's pic. :D

I think so too, he'd break the rules for her
and since I'm on a Catherine roll, do you think She knew of Grissom's attraction to Lady H?
like at the end of Slaves when he says .."Catherine, I've never told anyone this before..."

Do you think he told Catherine his attraction to Heather?
Here is more of Grissom 'loosing his balance'
with the lady :)


He is probably in the Dominion right now with her.... ;)
OT: Melinda Clarke


This pic is from the OC Finale party.

If Heather were to return would you like her hair more red than dark. Just wondering? :rolleyes:

Only 2 eps of the OC.
I'm going to miss MC.
I like it dark, it goes with her DOM personality
but the red hair goes with the Heather personality

so how about dark with some red highlights :D

but what do you think Grissom prefers? The dark hair or the reddish hair?
(I have reddish hair but I like Heather dark too)