Hit and Run
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates
I think she should have taken his office but I can understand her reasons not to but his office was pretty nice:thumbsup: They shared a lot of memories in there and I guess Ecklie kind of knew what was going on because of how he mentioned he didn't want a shrine, rofl. I am not sure about the pig, it might be a new pig that Hodges brought in; no idea. I am not sure if Cath would be thrilled to always have a fetal pig on her desk though, rofl.
Yes, them talking is a GOOD thing. If he has two women to choose from, hopefully he'll pick Cath in the end.
Aww...that is kind of a sad thought though...But I guess it's best for the remaining team (CATHERINE! haha) for it to be used again and move on...Enshrining it would inevitably lead to prolonged sadness...*sigh*..he didn't want Gil's office turning into a shrine.
ANYways, i wish Cath had Miss Piggy in HER office (which in my opinion, should be Grissom's former office) but that's least it's still around as a very potent (in every sense of the word ;p) reminder of Grissom. I'm also thrilled to hear Cath is still talking to Grissom in some way or another; keep your chins up, Grillows! They will be having kids before you know it!
I think she should have taken his office but I can understand her reasons not to but his office was pretty nice:thumbsup: They shared a lot of memories in there and I guess Ecklie kind of knew what was going on because of how he mentioned he didn't want a shrine, rofl. I am not sure about the pig, it might be a new pig that Hodges brought in; no idea. I am not sure if Cath would be thrilled to always have a fetal pig on her desk though, rofl.
Yes, them talking is a GOOD thing. If he has two women to choose from, hopefully he'll pick Cath in the end.