Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

MissMurder, no one calls me by my full name here anymore. Just call me Gravey or Gravy. What ever floats your boat.

And if you're really looking for some nice imagination on that back story, there are tons of fanfictions just waiting for you to read them. I know you might think that it's not the best use of your time, but it's always worth it. They are for me, anyway.

Crim86, I know exactly which episode and which scene you're talking about for the Catherine one. I can't remember the name of the episode but I remember thinking the exact same thing about you. I think it was...more of a Marg moment than a Catherine moment. I keep thinking that these little looks here and there can't really all be scripted (correct me if I'm completely off-base here). But I definitely got the impression that Catherine (or Marg) wasn't putting her heart in her words. So to speak. =P

And about the next one, I tend to erase most bad memories. If you get my drift.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Gravey: AUGH! It's SO annoying that we both totally have the same scene but can't come up with the episode.....*thinks* OH! *lightbulb moment* it was because SPIKE had programmed all CSI:NY for today and they were showing CSI, so the "info" was the episode summaries for CSI:NY and not for Vegas..TOTALLY just rememebred that...Not sure if I totally got your 'drift' but I think I did...Thanks for havin' my back :)

I agree about the PureJoy look being more of a Marg thing...Kinda replaying it in my head, it almost seems as though (yeah, like it would EVER happen!) she was really hoping Billy would remember his next lines...But then you could spin it and think she was humoured by something and was trying not to laugh..or maybe she threw that extra "pursue her" in there and she was anxiously awaiting a reaction? I don't know...I'll stick with what YOU said ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I think it's quite easy to know that Gil and Cath have known each other for 20+ years. If you have read Catherine's original profile (which isn't on the CSI website anymore, but can be found in the companion book), she started her work at CSI as a labtech, and it was Gil that had invited her to work for the lab. Then, in season one's Boom, she said she believed Nick was innocent judging with 15 years of experience, which means she had been working as a CSI for 15 years by then. We're in season 9 now, so I guess it's safe to say that they have know each other for at least 23 years, and somehow I think it's probably even longer. I also have a feeling that Gil knows exactly how long it has been. Remember that when they were waiting for the back manager in Inside the Box, Catherine asked him how long they had known each other, and he answered her with another question..."in days, months or years?" :)
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Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Then, in season one's Boom, she said she believed Nick was innocent judging with 15 years of experience, which means she had been working as a CSI for 15 years by then. We're in season 9 now, so I guess it's safe to say that they have know each other for at least 23 years, and somehow I think it's probably even longer.
Not quite, E.
Cath's quote in Boom was:"Nothing, except my gut and TEN years of experience. He didn't do this."

The question is...does that "ten years of experience" mean just as a CSI or is that counting her years as a lab tech too? But anyway you look at it, it's basically at least 20 years.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Damn, I should have checked the script before making that statement. lol. I do think she meant ten years of being a CSI, though, because lab techs just process the evidence. They don't use it to prove anything, or solve cases. That's CSIs' job. On and this...(I just checked the script lolz) season three's The Executive of Catherine Willows, Catherine and Gil recalled the John Mathers cases that Catherine had worked on when she was a rookie, and Warrick mentioned later that it had been 15 years prior. So there you have it, Catherine and Gil have known each other for at least 15 years at the point. And you're right, k, anyway you look at it, it's been 20+ years. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

SO yet another PureJoy moment I love: whatever episode(I have episode amnesia today) it was when Gil is walking down the hall and Cath kinda comes alongside and tries to get him to take time off to go pursue Sara...

Hey to answer this question, it is season 8's You Kill Me, the one where Hodges makes a CSI board game and the one where everyone tries to make Gil feel better :)

MissMurder, no one calls me by my full name here anymore. Just call me Gravey or Gravy. What ever floats your boat.

And if you're really looking for some nice imagination on that back story, there are tons of fanfictions just waiting for you to read them. I know you might think that it's not the best use of your time, but it's always worth it. They are for me, anyway.

Whoops sorry dear, I will be sure to call you by your nickname from now on :hugegrin:.

And fanfiction is not a waste of time for me :lol: Love to read some, have you any suggestions of which ones I read? Need some PureJoy fiction in my hectic life right now, calms me down :D

And on the subject of how long Gil and Cath have known each other, as the quote I gave from Marg suggests, a long time.

I have always had the theory Gil met Cath in her dancing days right around the time when Gil roughly came to Vegas (he was 30 I believe), and judging by his birthdate that would be around 1986? Possibly the year after?? Does that sound plausible??
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I don't know if I read it in a fanfic, or if it was something that tptb put out a while ago and then retracted, but I remember reading somewhere that Gil was Eddie's friend and Eddie introduced him to Catherine.

That always annoyed me, because I was like "Gil and Eddie friends? On what planet did that happen?"
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Gil and Eddie friends?????????

I never heard/seen that on the official biographies or on the show? :confused:

Could have been though, but I'm not sure

Remember in PMJ when Gil and Cath were debating and Cath said that she wished Gil had told her Eddie was cheating on her? Kinda emphasises that Gil didn't know how to tell her her husband was having it away with someone else. He didn't want to hurt her, maybe he didn't know if she would believe him or not????

Again another thing to speculate about :lol:
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Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Now that we have the numbers crunched.....(heehee)

That's EXACTLY the episode, MissSnowAngel! I should have remembered...I HATE episode amnesia!
So I had the weirdest dream last night....I dreamt that I was on a plane going on vacation and Billy happened to be on the same plane (happened..RIGHT) and I was wearing a PureJoy tee (apparently we all got matching tees) and he asked if I was a PureJoy shipper. I, after going fangirl on him, said yes, I'm all about PureJoy, and he wanted to know why...So I spent the next like, hour explaining why PureJoy was the bestest and ranted and the end he winked and said "I agree." And I woke up happy ;)

Back OT:
That's another huge point to take into consideration; 20+ years is a bloody LONG time for anyone to know anyone, and naturally you will have a very strong relationship/bond with that person...just another thing that makes PureJoy so, well, PUREJOY! :) I was also thinking last night how Grissom kind of lets Catherine deal with her own problems; but Cath lets him in when she needs/wants to, and he backs off when she doesn't, and sometimes Cath even lets him help her even when she doesn't necessarily want it, but knows it's the best.
I have absolutely no examples for this 'theory' but I feel better for saying it :) Anyone have anything to back me up? :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I'm so upset that this is Billy's last episode this week, I'm going to miss him soooo much. I bet that I'll cry (when I watch it, probably sometime in February), and I'm sure that I'm not the only one... I'm really going to miss his relationship with Cath, it's going to be so weird without him... Did they have a cute scene in the last ep walking down the Strip? What did they talk about? Gosh, I'm going to miss everything about Billy/Gil, it's a huge loss to the show...

Crim, I agree with everything that you've said about their relationship, they are really going to miss eachother when he goes, it seems like Cath is loosing everyone she loves... :(
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Hey Crim86 don't worry, everyone has bouts of episode amnesia from time to time, believe me when I say you are not the only one!!! :lol:

Awesome dream by the way, I would have woke up happy too :hugegrin:

Don't know if I have anything to back you up dearie but I have thought along those lines as well. Gil knows when to back off, so does Cath. They have always been so in tune with each other's needs. It's adorable :D :adore:

And yes Steph, it will be so strange not to see Gil and Cath interact from show to show. Gil will be missed terribly.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Did they have a cute scene in the last ep walking down the Strip? What did they talk about?
They did and it was so cute.:adore: They talked about why he came to Vegas. It was typical Purejoy.
That always annoyed me, because I was like "Gil and Eddie friends? On what planet did that happen?"
I'm with you. I find it hard to believe that Gil and Eddie were ever friends cause everytime we seen Eddie, he was such a jerk. I just don't think Gil would put up with that. I'm still a little disappointed that Gil never told her about Eddie cheating, but then, right of wrong, he didn't want to hurt her and cause her more pain, than what she was already going through. He was trying to look out for her.
Gil knows when to back off, so does Cath. They have always been so in tune with each other's needs.
And the great thing about that is, they don't have to voice it. They just know it by the other's mood or gesture. One look into the other's eyes and they know immediately what's going on.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

And yes Steph, it will be so strange not to see Gil and Cath interact from show to show. Gil will be missed terribly.

*groans* I'm not looking forward to him leaving... I'm gonna miss him so much and so will Cath. At least we know that he'll be back, but the 200th episode looks like a long way off. Think he'll come back and surprise Cath? What would you guys like to see?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I'm not looking forward to Billy/Gil leaving either :( I think Cath will be expecting him to come back...I think something inside her will keep her going until he does; and she'll anxiously await his return to Vegas and to her.
What number episode are we on right now, like this week? It'll be sooner than you think. Billy himself said he'd be on set so we can imagine him there, watching over everything...That kind of makes me feel better.

Anyway, I was watching The Theory of Everything and when Gil was telling the team about the String Theory (which, according to Nicky: "Grissom theory is better than any bedtime story" I SO agree, Nicky!), Cath just had the most rapt attention...She truly looked interested and like she was soaking what he had to say in. I LOVE IT!

Are we allowed to start a 'support group' thread for when Billy/Gil leaves? If so, what should we call it?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Wait...I thought Gil was going to leave in the 10th episode? I mean isn't he going to announce his decision in the 9th episode and leave in the next (which will be aired in January)?
Anyway, here's one sure thing...that we'll get to see Gil in the 200th episode. Both Billy and Marg have promised that, and they probably already have it shot. lol. Who knows, maybe in this episode Gil will come back from Mexico and take Cath with him. :D As Billy said, "it's been brewing all along!"
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