Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

^ I love what you wrote, Innocent, and I think you probably took the words right out of many Cath/Gil shipper's mouths. I feel bad that the current PTB don't see it the way we do, but one good thing about fiction is that you can have it go anywhere you want in your own imagination. *is still bummed by the Marg/Alan news*

So, has anyone watched that new preview of next week's episode? It's the scene where Gil announces to the team that he has decided to leave CSI. There's a large amoung of C/G going on there. Their facial expressions, the eye contacts... I absolutely love the looks Gil gives Catherine in this scene when he's talking about leaving and how the lab will be in good hands taken over by Catherine, but they break my heart, too. It looks almost like that he's decided to leave the lab, but is having a hard time leaving her. And when she asks him if that was it after he has handed out the cases but before the announcement, it's like she already knows...or has feelings that something's going to happen...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

InnocentGuilt, be assured, I'm sure we've all had very random and exaggerated shipper moments like you just did. =D And we've all hoped very similar things, so don't be sorry when you're sharing. This forum is like AA...only for PureJoy addicts. =)

I just watched the episode and the last scene is full of screencapping joy ! They were so cute together and when Catherine said "Maybe it just...wasn't the right girl." That was...HAHA. Her expression was kind of bittersweet when he mentioned the girl he was in love with at college. But that of course could just be Marg's input on that scene.

About the ending, I didn't really feel that it was a reference to Sara but instead just about his life. He felt like he needed to take more risks that he was currently taking (i.e. none) and not necessarily in terms of Sara. It could also have just been a passing thought (I mean..I always have those..) that can easily be taken as a romantic reference but..I didn't really feel that. Although I'm sure why others see it as a possible reference to Sara. =P Meh. I really enjoyed the scene. Just imagining how the characters got to be on the strip...just the two of them...alone. Makes you happy, doesn't it?

And Erica, I was just going to say the exact same thing about the preview for '19 Down'. I was thinking the exact same things when I watched the preview kind of broke my heart a little.

The way he (Gil..or Billy) looked at her when he was uttering the words "I'm going to leave CSI" was....GAH. And I believe that they will set it up so that Catherine and Gil have a conversation previous to this announcement that hints at him having something big to tell everyone. She obviously had an idea that it was coming, but she did look a little surprised when he did say that. Broke my heart. I know I'm going to cry when I see the episode....and the one after that. OMG.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I think Cath had to know of Gil's leaving prior to his announcement in that scene. He said that she's taking over as supervisor in his place. She would have had to at least been offered the position and said yes before he made his announcement to the others. You know she wouldn't have said no, but she still needed to be asked about the position. And as far as Cath's reaction (the heartbroken look), I'm guessing that was Marg's true response in that scene. I'm guessing there wasn't much acting involved.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I really hope they have a scene where he tells her first before he tells the whole team. I didn't think the way she looked at him was necessarily a shocked expression as much as a sad/hurting expression, so maybe he had talked to her first. Either way, there's no way for her to prepare for something like that actually happening, so when hearing the actual words come out of his mouth, it's heartwrenching. I really wished we'd get a hug cause it's just the perfect opportunity. All I know is, after seeing them look at one another the way they did, this is going to be hard to watch.:(
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I think if Grissom left Vegas to go after Sara, it would be mute. It wasn't, to me, like Grissom was saying I don't want to be with you, because I think he did love her, though obviously not as much as Cath, and this is where I get confused so I won't go into detail on that entire thing. But Sara just flew off the handle and took his devotion to his job, to his friend, his 'work family,' as Cath cleverly covered, and his memories as 'I don't love you. This relationship has really just been pointless.' And she ran off!

I get that the city has ghost, but hello! Cath has so many ghosts in that town and she stayed, and I'm a hopeless shipper, I think she partially stayed for Gil. I know if I stayed in a town where three men I loved or had at one point were shot down, I'd leave.

But Sara got into one scuff, she freaked out, and she expected Gil to come to her beck and call. If he chases her, he's chasing her because he fears what would happen if he stayed and persued an actual relationship with his soulmate, Catherine. And I think that's a crappy way for TPTB to handle it.

Grissom may have loved her, but he resisted her for six years for a reason. I think he was still waiting for Catherine, and I think by the time he started dating her, he thought that he could never give Catherine what she wanted so he settled for Sara, which was waaaay wrong!

I'm finished with my rant. I'm very sorry about that. I just thought about it and I had to get it off my chest.

*stands up and applauds*

That was absolute brilliantness, and I 110% agree with you on every single point.
I think if he didn't leave Vegas he and Cath would inevitably end up together officially and I think that would throw a wrench in the status quo...I don't know how, but I just think it would..not that I wouldn't LIKE it! *taps ferociously at TPTB*
Anyway, Maybe leaving Vegas will help Gil clear his head and get over Warrick and his obviously failed relationship with Sara and he can re-adjust his life. He will always be a philosopher, a scientist, a very loyal and caring friend, and he will always be Cath's soulmate, and I think he will stay in touch much more so with her than with anyone else.

And you bring up another point when you say "he settled for Sara" I think at some point, he was in love with her...Marg said that Catherine's advise to Sara would have been "Gil is not emotionally available- end it while you can" and it's true. The reason Sara didn't work out was because (No ship bashing intended here, just stating what I see) is that BOTH Gil & Sara were and are emotionally unavailable; they were TOO similar. They are two people who aren't exactly socially gifted like everyone else (in a manner of speaking), they are both philosophical and scientific, they both are, in a way, outcasts, and two people of such similarity on so many levels, can hardly ever be together. Cath is everything opposite of Gil; she's not necessarily philsophical, she's social, she's graceful, she's pretty much everything Sara is NOT, and that's why PureJoy works...among other reasons :)
GLAD to get that off of MY chest.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

^Very well said. You couldn't be more right and I feel the same way. It just seemed to me like the whole relationship was nothing but a train wreck. To me, it seems to make more sense with Gil and Catherine. They've known each other 20+ years, stood by each other through who knows what, and knows what move the other is more than likely to make. Their history, alone, is enough to go on. I bet neither one has a history with anyone else like they do each other. They have a relationship that goes above and beyond what a normal relationship exceeds.

This is a completely random question, but would someone mind sending me a pic or two from the 2nd ET kiss? You can pm them to me if you want. I have an idea for a banner and would like to use a pic from that.
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Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

hey can some one tell me how to do the little spoiler things?
I watched the preview also but don't want to spoil anything for anyone
I really want to put my input in though =)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates


When you want to post about spoilers, go to Advanced posting and click on the little
guy. When you do that a pop up will ask you to enter what your spoiler is about (i.e. last episode) and then you but your spoiler in between the spoiler tags.

Now you can rant and rave about the last episode that hasn't aired everywhere and not spoil anyone.

Also, you don't have to use spoiler codes after an Episode has aired. So you can talk freely about the last episode that aired on Thursday.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask a mod. :) Thank you.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Thanks for clearing that up Hells Bells :)
I have watched the preview like a thousand times! When Gil says he is leaving, Cath just looks so heartbroken :(
Especially when his cell phone rings and it cuts to her, and it looks like she is about to cry. I can't belive he is actually leaving........ I really hope its not for Sara (no bashing intended) because he broke up with her so I don't see the point in him chasing her. They are just to alike.
I really hope we get a scene just between cath and gil explaining why he is going because I think he owes her that
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Hey ya'll :)

I was actually watching Empty Eyes today on SPIKES's CSI marathon *cheers* and the scene with Gil & Sara when she's watching the news story of the caught killer and she's crying.."I held his hand" and all that stuff, & then Gil wipes her tears away (which, even PureJoy shippers, I think, admit is sweet)...I think even in that really kind of intimate I still felt separation between them. I don't really know how to explain it but there's complete cohesion with can feel it and see it.
Had to point that out ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I saw that preview as well. A friend of mine were talking about that scene. Catherine looked truely dissapointed. Marg looked dissapointed . Marg new the her last scene with Billy was comimg up and she conveyed her feelings through Catherine. It was heartbreaking to see her react that way. I hope we get to see more of them talking like in last weeks episode.

And if anyone has a question regarding spoilers or Shipper Central rules, don't hesitate to PM one of the mods. Thank You :D
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Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I think there was always a gap between Gil and Sara. They never did fit properly and I like to equate them to puzzle pieces that didn't fit so someone kind of made them fit with a mallet. It was always Gil and Catherine. Gil and Catherine could have arguments, could talk arguments out, could talk without speaking. Gil and Sara...*shrugs* they just seemed like a little girl begging for a father figure. She looked like she wanted his approval to me, not his undying love.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I don't really know how to explain it but there's complete cohesion with can feel it and see it.
Had to point that out ;)
Yeah, I know what you're saying. It can't be explained really, but all you have to do is watch them and you know it's there. No words are needed and, in their case, actions definately speak louder than words.
They never did fit properly and I like to equate them to puzzle pieces that didn't fit so someone kind of made them fit with a mallet. It was always Gil and Catherine.
Well said, I've always kind of looked at Gil and Cath like a puzzle too. The only difference is, no matter how different the shapes are, there's always going to be a piece that fits with the other. They each have pieces to 'their' puzzle that only they themselves can complete and that's the real beauty of it.:)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

I've always kind of looked at Gil and Cath like a puzzle too. The only difference is, no matter how different the shapes are, there's always going to be a piece that fits with the other. They each have pieces to 'their' puzzle that only they themselves can complete and that's the real beauty of it.

I agree, I have always looked at Gil and Catherine as a sort of puzzle also, and as you have said no matter how they change shape, they always fit.

Every time they argue or disagree, they always make up. Also, they make up really fast. Like in Pledging Mr Johnson, they fight and soon after they are back to being in the other's good books again.

They have a chemistry that just can't be denied. :)

I loved the little scene in Young Man with a Horn, such a sweet little scene, and they are back to being open with each other. That is so good:adore:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

Good points, ya'll :)

I loved the scene in Young Man with a Horn too...It's just so natural, I mean how awesome is it to see Gil out and about, not locked in the lab or in his office with "Terry" the turtle (if anyone has ever seen the Live with Regis & Kelly episode when Reg goes to visit the CSI set...Billy announces that the turtle in a jar's name is Terry...Marg goes "Poor Terry!" hahaha) or at home thinking about Sara and how that whole disaster failed, WITH Catherine, on the strip, enjoying the sights and sounds, and having conversation about something OTHER than a case. It's just awesome. I really enjoyed seeing their bond in a 'real life' way to so speak.
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