Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

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Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

Haven't seen Terror Twins yet, gotta wait until I get paid again to order S5. *weeps* (if its from S5??)

Erica - What episode is the pic from girl? Its a nice slice of G/C cake, yummy!

Watched Jackpot again last night, shamelessly addicted to it. The look on Cath's face when she sees Gils desk LOL! 'Hello dear' :D and how could I forget 'I'll make it up to you' Ooooh I bet you will baby! ;) Sweet end line too. 'I'm trying to change' Bless!

And people, I still want a nickname!! :p

EDIT - Do we have a G/C song thread anywhere? Can't seem to find one and I have some great songs for our OTP.
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

i think the pic is from btk...but i could be wrong.
i think i see the dancers in the backround...from cirque du soleil
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

19ams87 said:
Haven't seen Terror Twins yet, gotta wait until I get paid again to order S5. *weeps* (if its from S5??)

LOL! The Terror Twins isn't the name of an episode. They are our favorite GC smutty fic writing duo. So many great stories. If you want smutty GC, check out the Old Bugman series written by the TTs (any recent updates on that yet, ladies?)- and so much more!
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

kaylyne said:
19ams87 said:
Haven't seen Terror Twins yet, gotta wait until I get paid again to order S5. *weeps* (if its from S5??)

LOL! The Terror Twins isn't the name of an episode. They are our favorite GC smutty fic writing duo. So many great stories. If you want smutty GC, check out the Old Bugman series written by the TTs (any recent updates on that yet, ladies?)- and so much more!

We just finished "Shiver" which is a standalone, but no new Bugman yet. We'll have to see where G and C take us on that ride ;)

And the website is updated thanks to the wonderful work of Sydne.

Oh for the Terror Twins to be an episode....I like that :devil:
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

MissCriminalMind said:
Ohhh the TT site!!! My little warm corner! :devil: :devil:

Hey MissCriminalMind, don't forget we have to have three lines of text in Shipper Central.

And LOL about the TT website being a "warm" corner. I'm pretty sure it's warm for our favorite couple ;)
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

LOL thanks by the way *hides from modslap*
Yeah, favorite site for my grillows taste!! :]
Btw!! I just adore "shiver", final chap was really sweet and well... hot!
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

19ams87 said:
Erica - What episode is the pic from girl? Its a nice slice of G/C cake, yummy!
ams it's from Built to Kill, Part One, when Cath and Gil were walking into the dressing room of Cirque du Soleit. Great scene, isn't it? ;) You can check for a lot more C/G caps (and Catherine ones, LOL) on my screencap site Beyond Imagination if you like. :)

Also, if you are new to this board and would like to read fics written by our (in)famous TT, you can always go to their site at Terror Twins, Inc.. :D
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

Hey CG Fans!

In honor of the Husband coming back I give you this:


Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Hey CG Fans!

In honor of the Husband coming back I give you this:



*dances* Hubby's coming home, hubby's coming home.

Even if they don't air it (because it would have to be on Pay Per View) I bet there's a great reunion between them :D :devil:
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

Thank you WP! That is such a lovely picture of Da Man! I just love his :D! :devil:

OT: Congrats on your achievement! :D :D :D

Back on topic: I really look forward to tomorrow. And I hope we'll have a nice scene of the G/C reunion, even if I don't think we will... :rolleyes:
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

Well I kinda meant any wedding fic, but hhunter PM'ed me the link to TT drumchik's wedding fic :) Loved it.

Thanks for the pic WP. Thats such a nice pic. I wish that TPTB would take some of Billy and Marg's togetherness and translate that onto the screen for G/C.

I hope we'll have a nice G/C reunion too. I think we'll at least have one scene, shippy or not, because he'll have to talk to her about how its been and things. And I hope they'll talk about Keppler too, just because the way they work and interact with Cath is so different.
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

Oh ET moments, where art thou? I really do miss laughing my butt off on the floor as I watched it on September 22nd of last year. I taped it and downloaded it...probably watched it about a thousand times, actually. You're know you're addicted to a ship when... Thanks for the picture WP. I also have a question for your DP. Is that an actual picture of WP in a suit? He looks yummy. :D

G/C reunion? One can only dream, right? Don't know if TPTB are so kind as to give us that one moment, which should happen for sure in real life. They had to have filmed something along the lines of that, or it's just not realistic at all. (Sigh)
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CS

omg, did you realy complete Shiver?
I gotta run read that, because that's really one great story.
*runs off to TT*
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