Ghost Hunters

Oh boy! Steve is so funny sometimes! Did you see the eppy from not this week but the one before with the lighthouse? I just saw the whole thing last night and I was amazed at the evidence! I couldn't believe that they actually were able to see the hand going over the rail and that figure up on the lookout place! That was awsome and all of them were excited about it! Brian H. couldn't stop freaking smiling!
I'm not sure! I saw a bit of it but only for like 5 minutes. I am so bummed but I am definately going to watch it when they repeat it this week.

My mom and I watched the lighthouse eppy together and now we're planning a family vacation to go there, lol.
I know, that's about all I saw of it to.

Aww that so not far! I wanna go! But i'd probably be like Steve. I'm scared of heights and
Did you see last night's episode? I didn't see all of it just several different parts of it, but I saw the part where they were setting up the equipment and Brian sat down in the chair looking thing (Like a shrink) and then he said one of the most funniest things ever:

"Yes doctor. I've been abnormally stupid for the past 12 years.... psychotic too!"
Hahaha, no I didn't get to see it. I had stupid finals this week and the first 3 days of next week, but I'll just watch it anyways, who needs finals? lol.
St. Augustine Fl rox my sox. That is officialy the case where they've caught the most evidence on film. i gotta say "Way to go,TAPS" Any ways the one with they smells was pretty maessed up and last week's when the entity called Grant's name but it was too soft to be picked up on EVP. that sorta sucked.
I watched the marathon they played like a month ago or whatever and I don't think I have laughed that much at GH EVER! They're hilarious.

I saw the one where Steve and Kristin were reviewing evidence and Steve was burping, eating, and he basically wouldn't sit still. So then Kristin said "Do you have ADD?" And Steve was like "Oh yeah. You should see the things I do in my mind." And Kristin was like "I don't even wanna go there."

I laughed so hard and Steve is my #1 man, lol.
I feel so bad. I haven't watched GH in like....forever. And that so sounds like something Steveo would say. He's just so cute and stubbly. lol.