Ghost Hunters

HAHA! I loved that scene! And then Brian was like "She's as big as the stadium." or something to that effect.

YAY steve! sorry i just felt the urge to say that. lol.
I remember that too! I love Steve and Brian they make the funniest comments. But I thought it was funny too when Jason came while they were reviewing the evidence and then listened to audio for like 20 minutes and then left. But he said something to Brian and Steve about being too quiet and then he left and they started talking and laughing and Jason stuck his head in the door and said "I knew you weren't always that quiet." I thought that really funny for some reason.

I can't wait for another episode!

I remember once, at the end of the first season, there was a day that I had been sick and stayed home from school and there was an all day GH marathon. I was one of the happiest sick people I have ever seen :lol: But do you think they will do that at the end of the second season?

I really like your icon Speedmonkey2.
"nice shoes" Teehee, I love that part. lol. Thanks I love my avvy to.

I didn't see the part with Jason. Sounds hilarious tho!

Oh, I sure hope they have a marathon..even tho i've already missed like alot of school this year because I couldn't get rid of the dang flu. But I don't care this Steveo were talkin about here. lol.
omg i love ghost hunters....and omg is grant wilson,steve gonslaves and thios other guy which i forgot his name
OMG! 14 hours? On Sunday????? Oh boy, me and my best friend were going to see a movie and hang out together on Sunday.

Ghost Hunters (Including Steve) or Movies with friend? Tough decision!

I didn't see all of the other night's episode. My remote control broke so I couldn't use the jump button and I was too lazy to get up and turn it with the buttons on the TV, so I didn't get to see it all.

Did anyone else watch all of it?

Next week's episode: St. Augustine, FL

Grant and Jason seek out a haunting behind bars in a 19th-century Florida prison. Ohh... spooky!
It was really good. I think this is the first time that I actually saw an episode where Grant and Jason actually confirmed paranormal activity. They heared a female voice saying "Help me" and like a black figure move away really fast, and then a white figure lean over the raling, look down at them and then step back.

But it was soooo cute because Grant, Jason, Brian, and then that other kid...I can't remember his name but his last name starts with a P...anyways they had all gone up the tower and Steve hadn't done it yet because he's afraid of heights. So he finally did and he went up it a little and then he stepped back down and Grant and Jason came with him. An jason kept asking him if he was all right. And es was like "yeah, i'm fine." and It was just sooooo cute. And jason patted his stomach it was cute.

Yeah hm...steve or hang out with a think i'd choice Steve but that's just me.
Oh my goodness! That was so cute when they were looking around the lighthouse the first time and they went out onto the little looking out thing and Steve was just standing behind Jason and Grant. He wouldn't go out there to look and I thought that was so cute. And I know that it isn't cool to be afraid of heights, because I actually am sometimes too, but he just made it look so darn cute.

I had a big problem with choosing to hang out with a friend or watch GH and I came up with a pretty good decision, or at least I think it's good! I have been watching GH and am going to until 4 and then me and my friend are going to go to the movies and my mom said she would record from 4 until we get back. Then I'll finish watching the rest of what is left until it ends.
Yeah that was so cute. I"m actually afraid of heights myself. That's a good solution. I jsut saw the one where Steve and Andy got into a fight. And I just love it because Grant and Jason take steve's side on like everything. lol.
I just saw the episode with the Winchester Mystery House and when Steve, Donna, and Tango were going to present their findings to Jason and Grant, I just now noticed that Steve was wearing pajama bottoms. I was like 'Oh that is so cute' But I was just amazed because I have seen that episode so many times and I just NOW noticed that.

And I was just wondering something after watching a few episodes of GH. Have you ever seen Steve really, really excited about something where he actually shows it? I personally haven't, except for he kind of got excited about the bed thing on the Queen Mary. But I was just thinking about that, because he always seems so quiet and calm and doesn't really show any emotion. But we all know how some people get excited, and I was just wondering...
I just noticed the p.j's to. Awwwww....yeah I haven't really seen him get excited except for Queen Mary. I've seen him laugh and get kinda mad before tho. But never really excited.
I know that we have talked about this before in the past, but I just can't get over the tiara that Steve made Tango wear. That was hilarious! I laughed for such a long time afterwards. But, it was funny to me that Tango didn't even give it a second thought. He didn't try to see what it was, he just wore it. And Jason and Grant's expressions were priceless! It was just so funny to see Tango walking in and then Jason's eyes went right to the tiara.

Steve was laughing in that episode, though. Even when Jason said not to do it again, he was still laughing. That was such a cute joke.
Was that one on on Sunday? Dang! I missed it! Errr!

I can't remember the investigation but all I remember is there were spiders on the windowsill and steve jumped back. It was so cute. I was like Awww poor steveo.
I love that one! I actually don't remember what the one was......

But he jumped so far back, it was hilarious. And then whoever he was with was like it's dead. And Steve said something like "Dude! I just saw it move, it's not dead!" He kind of looked scared.

AND then, the Bats! I don't remember which episode that was but Jason and Grant got so freaked out and then they made Dustin and Tango go sit down there all by themselves! They crack me up sometimes!
HAHA yeah! Aww poor steveo's afraid of spiders.

I loved it when Brian and Tango were running and they stopped by grant and jason and then later tango was like "See what happens when you run." haha no tango it's called you were scaared. haha and steve and his "bastards." i still love that.