Ghost Hunters

Ok, then that's why I was thinking of. The episode wannabe popped into my head from Miami "Is that really Lizzy borden's axe?" and then speed's like "YOu should probably get you rmoney back, the real axe doesn't have a handle on it." you know speed...steve...*shrugs* they look alike to me. I dunno I"m weird.
Yeah. There is a little song I learned when I was in elementary school and it goes like this:

"Lizzy Borden had an axe, gave her mother 40 whacks.
Once she saw what she had done, she gave her father

But I remember on the Lizzy Borden episode when TAPS was driving there they were all trying to remember the song and then they kept getting parts mixed up. It was pretty funny.
Ok, Yeah, I knew that song to. Haha, Oh man I"m gonna be signing that song in my head all day now. lol. I can't wait til the new season starts I want to see Steve.
Steve looked super adorable in the episode from last night. I was so happy that there was a new episode. It was really great!

I was so freaked out and as I mentioned in previous posts, this sanotorium was featured on another show as well and they thought it was haunted too. But man, I got the heeby-jeebies!

I thought it was hilarious when Dave Tango and Brian were walking down the hallway and then Tango started running and pulling on Brian. Then they ran into Grant and Jason and they were laughing at both of them.

I was seriously creeped out by that figure thing that ran past the hallway on the thermal imaging camera. But I thought that was a really good piece of evidence that Jason and Grant caught.

And last but not least, there was a sweet moment between Donna and Brian. Donna said something along the lines of "I'll always be here when you need someone to talk to." How cute!!!!!!!
While last night's episode was awsome!! I am happy that they focused on just the one case. I have never been a big fan of the two case episodes, there is just so much more to witness and they can spend more time investigating with just one case. Two cases per episode just makes the whole process rushed. Anyway, the whole episode was great, that image the Jason and Grant caught with the thermal was cool, and the other piece they caught, that thing that flew out of the wall, that blew my mind. The scene with Tango and Brian, that was classic. I like the fact, that you didn't see the same TAPS memebers together the entire episode. Ever differnt time in the investigation, it was always Two different TAPS members together, except for Jay and Grant of course. I missed a couple of minutes of it, because my dad called, and I had to go get my mom, but that's ok. I'll see this episode agian. If I could have gone to bed at 11 last night as still got up a 5:20 this morning, I would have watch the reshowing of it last night, but I am not a morning person, so I went to bed instead. It's nice to see that the memebers have accepted Brian back, but I am a little tired of the whole story. They made such a big deal out of it last fall when he left, and then when he came back, he had to prove himself again, blah, blah, blah. I hope they will eventually leave that part out of the show. Brian know he messed up, we know he messed up please drop it ok. Anyway, that is my two cents, It's going to be tough to choose between this and LOST, but I think GH will win out everytime. Except for when there isn't a new episode of GH.

I cracked up laughing when Tango was pulling on Brian. SO hilarious and Steve and his "I swear I just saw legs walk over there." or soemthing like that and then he goes over there and he's like "Bast****." Cracked me up. and in the beginning that lady was like "THis is there body shoot." and Grant's like "What you have a body shoot?!" I loved the new episode can't wait for next wednesday.
I'm glad that Brian came back to the team and I honestly hope that he stays. At first, I didn't really like him. As a matter of fact, he was the one person from the show that I didn't like at all. But he better leave his personal problems at home or somewhere else.

I know! Steve always makes me laugh SOOO hard. There are a few other times I can think of when he made me laugh, but I can't remember what episodes they were. So I will go look on the site and see if it can refresh my memory :)

Btw, in case you missed that episode (Waverly Hills Sanatorium), they are airing it on the USA Network at 6 pm Eastern time.
I'll have to rewatch it again just to see Steve say that again. lol. Haha oh man me and my friend were talking the other day about how it would be funny if like grant or someone asked steve..."Did anyone tell you you look like ROry Cochrane." "Who?" "Rory Cochrane." "Oh yeah that speed guy on that Csi miami? And yes they have." I'd crack up laughing if I saw someone ask him that.
That would be hilarious Speedmonkey2. But it is kind of weird how much they look alike. Seriously take a look:

Steve (Left) and Rory (Right)


The new episode for this Wednesday looks really good! Jason and Grant are tracking a spirit that has been haunting a mother and her child in Holliston, Massachucetts! Then the other case (which involves Steve ;) :p) is in a music hall or something like that.
They do look alot alike. Maybe there like half brothers or something. In the last episode when they were going over the computer stuff, you see Steve lying on the bed. I was like awwww. And I still can't get over how he said "bas*****" that was just hilarious. And the whole name thing, that was funny to.
Cousins. What about them being cousins? Possibility?!?!?

AHHHH!!!! Any day Steve is lying in a bed is my day in heaven :p That was hilarious when he said 'Bas****'. I laughed my butt off.
They could be cousin. Man steve and ROry are lucky.

Haha, I can just see it now.

Brian: So are you related to Rory COchane?
Steve: Why would you think that?
Brian: Well, its just you guys looks alot alike.
Steve: 8sighs* Yeah were cousins
Brian: Oh man that's cool
Steve: Why is that cool?
Brian: Because your related to someone who's on t.v.
Steve: Brian, were on t.v.

ok that would never happen but still. lol.

Brian: Because your related to someone who's on t.v.
Steve: Brian, were on t.v.

Haha. Oh geez you crack me up. But isn't that such a Rory Cochrane thing to say? See? They ARE related.