Ghost Hunters

WolfeSanders said:
Oh gosh! That made me laugh really hard speedmonkey2

Awww, thanks, I always did think of taking up stand up comedy or something, because i've heared that I'm really funny. lol. Ok speed really just goes to my head. lol. And by the way you can just call me Katie, speedmonkey2's way to long.

I soooo can't wait til wensday!
I know, I know, I know. I cannot wait and it isn't even that long away. It's like a day and a half away! I am already getting excited and that won't be good. I have a pic just for us Ghost Hunters fans:

Jason and Grant
I don't really like Jason and Grant, I mean sometimes there ok, but sometimes they just get on my nerves but last week "you have a body shoot?" that was hilarious. Thanks for the piccie.
Your welcome :) Personally, they aren't my favorite. But you can always count on them (sometimes) to make the situation a little funny. But that comment from Grant on the last episode just seemed a bit random but hilarious nonetheless.

I just found like the perfect pic of Steve but I can't save it or link it to my computer. Now I am on the search for more Steve pics.
Oh no! bad site! lol. I love Steve, everytime I think of him I think of him coming out of that bar in New Orleans with the boa and the beads around his neck and that big hat on his head. He's just to cute.
HAHA, oh my goshness. I love steve.

Brian: What the hell was that?
Steve: Its a bike *smiles*

haha, man i'm still laughing about that. Teehee.
Oh my gosh! When did Steve come out of the bar with boa, beads, and a big hat? Did I miss something??????? NOOOO!!!!!!

Last night's episode was funny. I love Steve so much! That was hilarious when him and Brian were talking.

I think Steve looks hottt when he wears the sweatshirts, like last night *phew*

Next week is when Jason goes back to his hometown to investigate something with a baby and a ghost. But did you see the preview? Him and Grant are in the TAPS vehicle and he's like singing... so hilarious.
The one with a boa is an old episode.

And yes steve did look particullary hot last night. haha oh man these were my favorite moments last night.

Steve: *looks at brian who is looking at him* The screen's over there
Brain: You keep looking at me

Steve: *pushes door*
Brian: You have to act like a normal gust of wind, not hercules

Brian: What in the hell was that?
Steve: Its a bike *smiles*

And I think I noticed for the first time last night that steve has tattoo's on his arms. teehee. God that man's hot! He looked so cute in his ghost hunters hoodie.
He's got tattoos everywhere. A couple of episodes ago (I think they were old repeats but who cares) I noticed he had some of the back of his legs because he was wearing shorts! How hot!!!!!

That 'Hercules' comment cracked me up when I was watching it. And when they were watching the video stuff and he was saying that, I was like woah someone needs some coffee :lol:

I might've actually seen that episode, not sure. Do you know which one it is? There's more than one in New Orleans.. :D
No, actually I don't. Sorry. I was just flipping the channels and I saw Steve with that stuff on and Brian trailing along behind him. And I just laughed my butt off because I thought it was so cute.
It sounds absolutely adorable! I have to see if I can find out which one it is. I can just picture what they look like.

I can't wait for the next episode.
It was soooo cute.

I know me either. I wanna see steveo again!

You know to be honest I think tattoo's all over your body are gross, because I mean when you get up in age that's gonna look gross, no offense but still, but Steveie boy makes it ok.
I know, I am so anxious to see Steve again. I'm starting to weird myself out a little bit.

True. I think a couple of tattoos would be okay but he has them all over his arm (or at least 1 for sure) and then several on both of his legs. But he makes it hot. And when he is 80 and wrinkly, I'll still think it's hot..... maybe. Not so sure...