Well, there are lots of causes,stress,lifting something heavy(he does bench press) an old back injury worsened...so many things that could have lead to this one problem,and I do hope he stayed away from the cigs...it can do more than herniate a disc.
I just hope he doesn't have to have surgery...once you have back surgery then its usually the beginning of a long line of surgeries.
Oh, I know that, I was just thinking that maybe he injured while he....was....ummmmm.....you know....how can I put this...while he was sleeping....yeah, that's it, sleeping! (I hope I don't get hosed
I mean, if you're gonna hurt yourself, you might as well have fun doing it! :devil:
Well if George does end up having to have surgery I'm sure there won't be a shortage of nurses. I think the only right way to assign nurse duty is on an age bases. I think oldest to youngest works best. Everyone line up behind me
In all seriousness I hope George doesn't require surgery. Having had two major surgeries myself they aren't fun.
I liked how candid George was in the questions. You don't get to often in this day and age. I liked the fact that he spoke his mind. George knows who is real fans are so George job well done on that interview.
Nope, no shortage of nurses.
I agree, George was very candid and he, himself, has said that he can be a diva on the set, as well. So you see, he's not perfect either and lets people know what his faults are.
ETA: Uh oh, we went over!