George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

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Ok random Nick question... I'm reading a CSI Novel - Body Of Evidence by Max Allen Collins, and it says in it Nick was abused as a child. Is this correct from the show or is it just in the world of the book?

In the episode Overload in season 2 he tells Catherine that when he was nine, a last minute babysitter did abuse him.
Aww that's awful. :( Poor Nicky. :( Thanks for the information, I haven't seen that episode so I wasn't too sure, thanks for clearing it up.
It took me 2 days to do a 1000 piece puzzle. That being said I don't feel like going back a page to see if this was posted already.

As part of the writers swap George will be doing a cameo appearance on Two and a Half Men on (I think) the May 5th episode.

If you go to the nick_discussion livejournal they have a link to the article about it (if you want to call 2 paragraphs an article). I can't do links because I have no way of telling if they work.

I'll link to it for you blackflag. Nick_discussion live journal featuring the blurb about the Two and a half men cameo. (I see that they'll have the change the name of the show for that episode :))
Maybe we'll get some comedy from GE? That'd be awesome!
But they better not be planning on keeping him out of the corresponding CSI ep just cause he's doing a cameo!
Oh blackflag thank you for the info and bookgirl thank you for the link. Oh to see George in something else other than CSI :):thumbsup: and bookgirl I agree they better not keep him out of CSI. That's not nice to us Ward Girls.
Ok, I'm glad to see George is doing a cameo, but I work on Monday nights and well that just :censored:

I don't have TiVo, but only a VHS which I don't know if it will record anymore and CBS doesn't have full episodes for Two and a Half Men. :scream:

I hope someone puts on YouTube. Hmmmm, I wonder if I can get my brother to record on his TiVo?

ETA: Oops, we are my manners? Thanks Blackflag for the info and hurry back to the Ward, we miss you. And thanks Bookgirl for the link.
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ugh, why does it have to be on a show i have never watched in my life and was perfectly happy to never watch?? :lol: will obviously watch though, damn you cbs! is george the only actor going over in this strange writers swap thing a ma jig? if so i guess im happy george gets to do the honours. any extra george is good george afterall. hes had quite the good comedic moments on csi so i think a sitcom should suit him nicely. i just hope its a substantial role. hate to watch a show i have no interest in for like 30 seconds of georgie goodness.
I've never watched the show either but I will sacrifice my time to watch GE :) I think by us watching the show it will just go to show George what us Ward Girls will do to see him. George you need to do more shows :)

allmaple I also hope that George gets more than 30 seconds. Why don't they make the two regular starts have the cameo appearance and give George the whole half hour :)
New spoiler pics have been posted (if you haven't seen them already). George is in two of them, on the set of Two and a Half men.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you how handsome he looks in those pics, now do I?

You can also see their "Nick" and "Catherine" version.

Just thought I'd let you know in case you didn't notice.
I had to go over to BTA to see them! It was worth it!!

George - suit - perfect.

I don't know why some sights will load all the way (slowly though) and others don't. Mostly it's takes the longest to load on here and yahoo.

If I feel like waiting for half hour or so I might actually get the whole screen to show up. I'm too impatient to wait though. It's wierd going into history and not finding some things you know you've been on today not showing up because they didn't load all the way.

Yeah, I was going to say if you want more info on the "Two and a Half Men" episode you might want to head over to the spoiler thread so you can read about the counter-part CSI episode for more details than we can post here.

Speaking for myself, I can't wait to see EVERYTHING that's left this season, no matter what show it's on. :D

Hey AC, is that book good? I haven't read any, just the fanfics.
Hey Smokey, I've read a few of the CSI books. They are pretty good. A few errors here and there (different then what happened on the show), but good reads.

I still have a few left and besides as you're reading you can imagine Nicky anyway you want. ;)
you can imagine Nicky anyway you want. ;)

Ah...that's what I do best! :lol:

More content to post...more content to post...okay, in those pics at first I thought he was there with Rose (Charlie's stalker of a psychologist neighbor)!
Oh those pics from Two and a Half Men :drool: and George in a suit :drool::drool: And did I image a bit of scruff??

I've also read a couple of the CSI books and they are good :)

Now George with an official website. I like the idea :) Very mcuh like the idea :) :)
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