George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

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I noticed the chess set for the first time this viewing, too. But I can see Nick liking chess. He's a bit of a geek after all. (in a completely positive way!)
Jacquie I remember reading the same thing. Something about he had to fight for Nick to have books in the house and not just shelves full of sports trophies.

Books! it makes me all weak in the knees :D
Not to mention that there's a game on with just a couple of seconds left and he turns away from the TV. C'mon! :)

Not only are the walls green, but the ceiling is purple. Nice choices! My bedroom is purple and my adjacent bathroom is green. :)
bookgirl said:
Books! it makes me all weak in the knees
I'm with ya bookgirl and I've been meaning to tell you, I love your quote for your signature. That would so be me. Besides *bookgirl021* is one of the user names I use.

Wow, I never thought of Nigel writing that letter. Hmmmm, interesting. Never thought about Nick moving either, but that would make sense and I can see that happening. I mean, just knowing that someone was watching and video taping me, I'd have to move.

So I say lets see his new place.

jacquie I do love your idea for donating to charity. That would be a great birthday gift.
So I got to thinking about my birthday gift suggestion for GE and I think I'm going to do it. Our store has 2 donation boxes for 2 different homeless cat rescue groups. I think I will make an anonymous donation to each of the boxes when I'm in on Friday. I'll say a silent happy birthday to GE and make two groups happy.
maybe Grissom gave him the chess set. well i saw the crime stopper thing in the episode about the article and i no he said someone in the community wrote it but was that just the name of the article so everyone started calling him crime stopper?
Crime Stopper was the name of the actual interdepartmental newsletter, not the article.

So really, Nigel never should have had the newsletter.

Too bad, most of the scene with Warrick and Sara teasing Nick about the article is edited out, it was funny. Must get all those commercials in, I guess.
I'll say there is one good thing about owning the collection on DVD. No commercials :) I think I may have myself a mini CSI fest this afternoon :) Nick will be the right thing to do on a cold winter's afternoon.

I did like the banter with Nick, Sara and Warrick. Particularly when Sara starts to quiz Nick about building toys for his nieces and nephews. I wonder if GE does anything like that for his nephews.

I wonder if Nigel stool the newsletter from Nick's house. That is the only logical way I can see for him to have a copy of it. More reason to hate Nigel.
Whoa! Thanks to Cap'n Jacquie I now know that George shares his birthday with Roger Daltry, of all people. Cool! Oh, and Yellowstone Park, one of my favorite places. :)
Smokey I didn't realize that George shared his birhtday iwth Roger Daltry. I think that's neat given the connection The Who has with CSI :)

George also share his birthday with some guy called Ron Howard :) so Happy Birthday Richie!

And alas the Toronto newspapers failed to recognize George's birthday yet again. Well all I can say is George you are doing a fantastic job of keeping off everybody's radar.
Jacquie, you inspired me. I dropped off some dog food at the shelter yesterday. Didn't say it was for GE's b-day, but I knew the truth.

I think that there is something special about people who have their birthday on the first day of the month. What's that? Oh, yes, you're right, my birthday is also on the first of a month. But that has nothing to do with my opinion.... :lol:
on one of my favourite gossip blogs he had george eads in the list of todays birthdays :D unfortunately there is only one picture for all the birthday people, and yet again this year george was not the picture shown. javier bardem also has a birthday today and since there are *ahem* unclothed pictures of him, he got the birthday picture. :lol:

as long as a birthday recognition is all george gets on a gossip blog that is probably a good thing. means hes behaving himself ;)
Hey, I happened to catch Entertainment Tonight earlier this evening. And guess who made their birthdays' list?

Of course, George did....just thought that was cool.
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