George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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*thwacks you all* you're right, it has been a while. :lol:

It's quiet in here today.... Dragonfly, No Humans Involved isn't really a great Nick episodes, but the small amount he is in, is quite good, and that quote is my favourite. :)
Does anybody else have dates screwed up? The last post this morning is dated Feb 22 (today) while the post Elsie just did is dated Jan 01, 2002 (this one is also dated Jan 01, 2002). I also don't get Texan Charm or the Ward in the list of posts. :confused:

^Yeah, there is a problem. All threads that have new posts in them are being put at the bottom of the list of posts instead of the top as they usually are. (literally on the last page, something like pg 54.) So they haven't disappeared, just moved. :)

I wouldn't worry. I think the forum was offline for a while as well.
I hadn't looked at the year until then so I literally just found them. Had me a little worried. I made a new post in the ward and it disappeared.

Here we are Ladies and Gentlemen, thread #6

Previous threads can be found: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5.

Just a reminder, this thread is dedicated to the discussion of the lovely George Eads/Nick Stokes and the episodes he has been in, in a non-syndrome kind of way. That's what we've got the other thread for.

So sit back, relax, grab a brownie. All opinions on the man are welcome, but what's important is how you handle it. Of course, we must always be mindful of the adult content rule so that Destiny doesn't have to whip out the hose to cool us down.

Other than that, have fun!
Congrads on the new thread! Hope y'all like the word play on the name of the thread. :lol:
The party has started in thread #6. Yes. McStokes it about time we got to see what you look like :lol:. Nice avatar. :)

Destiny I like the name. Nice and simple. There is no link to this thread at the end of thread five.
Thank you! It's nice to have a personality now! Only thing is I don't know where I got it from, so I can't properly thank someone for their hard work.

*anyone? Anyone? Bueller?* :D
New Thread! Yeehaw!

Softcake, your avi album is hot. Can anyone have an album on the site?

I can't wait til I get an avi. :D
softcake very nice pics :)

Grabs an brand new George pillow for the brand new thread and smacks anybody in site :). Pillow fight underway :)
Just wanted to pop in and congratulate everyone on the new thread!

I took a few days off from the computer to try and get some rest (have not been feeling well at all lately) and recharge and it was REALLY nice to come back to all the thread and picture posts!

Nothing beats a little fun with the Ward girls to make you feel a little more cheerful! :D
Yay! New thread! *goes back to old threat and fetches the pillows* :devil:
McStokes you got a very cute personality there ;)

Thanks for the nice comments on my icons :)
*Throws confetti on the new thread* congratulations everyone!

*Thwacks softcake with the pillow and then goes to read all the posts from the past week to catch up on what has been going on in here and the ward....* ;)
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