George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

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I'd love to hear his commentaries, and HoH should be great, but the only one I have heard is Appendicitement, and that's thanks to YouTube :lol:

Has George done any others? What about Grave Danger, or did they leave it all to Tarantino?

I have another question about the buzz years and it's numbering. If he does it on odd seasons, what happened to Season 9? I don't recall him having the buzz during S9, just the normal hair. What am I missing? :lol:
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I'd love to hear his commentaries, and HoH should be great, but the only one I have heard is Appendicitement, and that's thanks to YouTube :lol:

Has George done any others? What about Grave Danger, or did they leave it all to Tarantino?
There's a special feature for Grave Danger that George and Tarantino did (CSI: Tarantino Style) but no commentary. George has done Snakes in season 5 (the first one I ever heard! :adore:), Turn, Turn, Turn in season 9 and Appendicitement in season 10. (I don't own seasons 6 & 7 so if he did one in either of those 2 seasons I don't know about it) I believe there's also a commentary for the movie Evel that he did.

I have another question about the buzz years, and it's numbering. If he does it on odd seasons, what happened to Season 9? I don't recall him having the buzz during S9, just the normal hair. What am I missing? :lol:

Last 4 episodes of season 9 he buzzed it. :) (Most likely it was in preperation for his back surgery.)

I'd love to hear his commentaries, and HoH should be great, but the only one I have heard is Appendicitement, and that's thanks to YouTube :lol:

Has George done any others? What about Grave Danger, or did they leave it all to Tarantino?
There's a special feature for Grave Danger that George and Tarantino did (CSI: Tarantino Style) but no commentary. George has done Snakes in season 5 (the first one I ever heard! :adore:), Turn, Turn, Turn in season 9 and Appendicitement in season 10. (I don't own seasons 6 & 7 so if he did one in either of those 2 seasons I don't know about it) I believe there's also a commentary for the movie Evel that he did.

I have another question about the buzz years, and it's numbering. If he does it on odd seasons, what happened to Season 9? I don't recall him having the buzz during S9, just the normal hair. What am I missing? :lol:
Last 4 episodes of season 9 he buzzed it. :) (Most likely it was in preperation for his back surgery.)


in season 6 George did Poppin' Tags where he talks about his bad hair day :guffaw:

Yes George also did a commentary on Evel. You find out things like he broke his thumb while playing Evel as a child and that he was a rambunctious kid growing up. He also started playing golf when he was 9 or 10. That the mining scene and the Snake River scene where filmed in the Toronto area :)

Also the Snake River Scene, the one where he's watering the great outdoors ;) is a mat.
You also find out that his dad and his childhood best friend are in the scene before Evel does the Snake River jump.
in season 6 George did Poppin' Tags where he talks about his bad hair day :guffaw:

Oh, now I want to hear that :lol:

Also the Snake River Scene, the one where he's watering the great outdoors ;) is a mat.
:guffaw: Does that mean what I think it means?

Blackflag said:
There's a special feature for Grave Danger that George and Tarantino did (CSI: Tarantino Style) but no commentary. George has done Snakes in season 5 (the first one I ever heard! :adore:)

Oh, goodie, I just bought Season 5. Our Walmart finally added it to their collection and I couldn't resist. I picked it out of all the other seasons they had. I haven't had time to watch it yet, but now I have a lot more to look forward to. I've just finished completing S5 again that aired on Spike, but I have seasons 6 and part of 7 waiting in the dvr box. The bummer is that the box is glitchy, so Directv sent me a new one that I have to hook up tomorrow, so I'll lose all the ones waiting for me. :(

Blackflag said:
Last 4 episodes of season 9 he buzzed it. :) (Most likely it was in preperation for his back surgery.)
Thanks, I'd totally forgotten that. I never watched the season finale, but now I remember the buzz in TGDT and HH. :cool:
Not liking his hair that short.

I believe it's a crewcut. :p I like it. Not as much as the buzz but it's a lot better than season 6's long hair. :lol:

Anything is better than season 6! :lol: I don't mind the crew cut, but I do prefer it longer on the sides/back, more like the end of season 11. I also like it all cute and fuzzy when he's growing out a buzz. :adore:

Add me to the list of looking forward to the commentary. :) Did I read it right though, that there's only two commentaries for the whole season? There's usually more, isn't there? Oh well, at least it's George and Eric doing them! :)
I liked the way his hair was at the end of last season - he's got a beautiful head of hair - I don't know understand why he gets the buzz cuts or the short crew cuts.

I love when he does the commentaries - he's always so informative and he's got a great voice to listen too.
I love his voice! I could listen to it all day :drool:
Did George ever say why he did the buzz at the beginning of Season 5 in the first place? Was it something to do with his "firing"?
I love his voice! I could listen to it all day :drool:
Did George ever say why he did the buzz at the beginning of Season 5 in the first place? Was it something to do with his "firing"?

There's two stories:

One that he was a little pissed about being fired so he shaved it and the other one is that with the extensions and hair coloring he had filming Evel Knievel it was easier to just shave his head. :D

Alright girls, PAY ATTENTION.

TVLine is doing an Ultimate Law-Enforcement Crushes contest. We must make sure that Nick/George gets on the ballot.

So go there and nominate him. :D Let's make George proud. :D

Here's the link
I've done my part. :)

All I know about the hair is how he grew it long in Season 6 because he thought people were making too big a deal about his hair. :lol: For the record, I liked it very much at the beginning of Season 11...the "Shockwaves" hair. :adore:
All I know about the hair is how he grew it long in Season 6 because he thought people were making too big a deal about his hair. :lol:

Should we stop talking about his hair then, in case he does that again? :eek:

I put in my nomination on TVLine too (did it on my phone, so I hope it worked :lol:). Just need to be reminded when to vote now! :)
All I know about the hair is how he grew it long in Season 6 because he thought people were making too big a deal about his hair. :lol:

Should we stop talking about his hair then, in case he does that again? :eek:

:lol: Maybe we should, I have a feeling that it would look even worse now than it did back then. :p
I also vote for "Shockwaves" hair, or the buzz. :adore:

Reading those lists of characters on TVLine really brought back a lot of memories :eek:
All I know about the hair is how he grew it long in Season 6 because he thought people were making too big a deal about his hair. :lol:

Should we stop talking about his hair then, in case he does that again? :eek:

:lol: Maybe we should, I have a feeling that it would look even worse now than it did back then. :p
I also vote for "Shockwaves" hair, or the buzz. :adore:
Buzz or like in Working Stiffs. I like it short! :D

Trolling around while eating my lunch (keyboard's a little sticky! :shifty:) I found this (you have to go down quite a bit) which is from June 17 2006 which makes it after season 6 and just at the start of filming for season 7. :bolian:

On the subject of his hair...
• And on the vital topic of Nick’s hair, George Eads broke out laughing when discussing the fans’ intense interest in his head and facial hair, and promised “I’m not gonna mess with it that much [in the new season].”
Just remember, that only goes for season 7 so who knows about now! :guffaw:

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