Oops, wrong terminology.

I mean the former.

I hope HE DOESN'T get written out. Whew, thanks for catching that.
Whew, you scared me! :lol: I was like WHAT?? :lol:
As Raynn said somewhere in another thread, this is also my first "live" summer hiatus, and it's killing me not knowing George's status. I don't want to see my house of cards come crashing down when I've just gotten into watching the show!!!
I feel for you!

I'm not sure if I'd even be a fan if I had just started watching last season. I really picked it up in Season 7, but watching Season 5 is where I started.
I'm not sure how
ladybronco did it, but I didn't get hooked on the show until I started watching from the beginning (I didn't get hooked on Nick until late season 5 :wtf

. I'd seen a few episodes here and there (including the pilot and 2nd episode, way back when it first started!), but never really got into it until last year. Given how bad I am with suspense, I'm really glad I could watch Grave Danger, and even Meat Jekyll :lol:, with no commercials or longer breaks. I can't imagine what it was like over the summers between seasons 7/8 and 8/9.
Smokey and
Raynn, I guess that's because I didn't really have anything to compare it to, so that makes it's harder for me to relate to all the comments about how the show has gone downhill. I mean, there's always an ep or two that are not my favorites, but it's not on the same scale for me as for those who have watched it from the beginning and have a lot of negative comments.
I am SO glad I didn't have to live through those summer finales either :lol:
I started watching NCIS somewhere during their 4th season, and then picked up watching CSI NY's season 5 re-runs during the summer of 2009. I had never watched the original CSI because of all the graphic warnings, I used to be really squeamish and I just assumed I wouldn't like it. I was familiar with WP and MG as actors, but that was it. Of course, being a CBS watcher I always caught the promos and commercials and what-not. Then late last summer I "accidentally" caught a re-run of
Internal Combustion, and actually watched the entire episode, and the infatuation with Nick began! I watched the rest of the summer reruns, mostly out of order I might say, but it made me hooked enough to watch the S11 premiere (also because of the promos that showed Nick in the explosion). Then as S11 progressed, I went back and watched all previous 10 seasons. Of course, I was aware of LF being on the show, because I was already watching NY when the cross-overs aired. By the time I watched
Grave Danger for the first time, I obviously knew that Nick survives.

It was still a totally awesome 2 hours though!! By the same token, I knew that Nick survived the S10 finale because I saw him in the S11 promos.
I've been a regular watcher since the end of season 5. It doesn't get any easier waiting on the answer to whether George has signed or not.
Dammit (as Jack Bauer would say) :lol:
~fox~ Just saw your post, my hubby is the same way. He's made fun of me for being squeamish for many years, and now he's always asking me how can I watch CSI? It doesn't bother me now at all, but it totally grosses him out. :lol:
I have a tendency to catch up on Spike reruns during lunch, and the show never fails to have a really gross (for him) autopsy scene, just as he's eating :lol:
Happy Birthday Blackflag!! Congrats on winning Nick in the Ward :hugegrin: