George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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Oh my gosh, thanks Blackflag! :D
I was unprepared and didn't realized you had posted, until Jacquie said something!
Bad email notifications! <wags finger>

or did the email notifications get changed when the board moved to a new server. I don't get emails as I haven't set my setting such but one never knows :)

congrats on winning ladybronco :)

and my first set of MY Favourite hair :)

Evening ladies!!

I'm an airhead, and totally forgot that I'm driving to Mexico tomorrow to pick up our meds. We go a few times a year, and we've been planning on tomorrow for the past several days.

It's an all day trip, and if I was smart I would have passed on this theme, but it's still doable for me if ya'll have patience for about an extra 6 hours past 3 pm. We usually always get home around 8 my time (fingers crossed), so I should be ready to be on the computer by around 9 pm with the winner. Sorry for the delay, I wasn't even thinking about the trip when I made my post this afternoon.

Oh my gosh, thanks Blackflag! :D
I was unprepared and didn't realized you had posted, until Jacquie said something!
Bad email notifications! <wags finger>

or did the email notifications get changed when the board moved to a new server. I don't get emails as I haven't set my setting such but one never knows :)

I'm going to blame AT&T, I did get them after all, but much later after I'd already read the board. I get them on my phone, I'm usually too lazy to open up my mail program on the computer. Plus I'm getting a ton of notifications on the new group, so I need to check my settings. Those I don't need, as they come straight to the app on my phone anyway. :lol:
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Congrats ladybronco!

I think this theme would be easier if it was 'least favourite' - at least it would be easier to narrow down! :lol:

yup that would have been easier :)

Evening ladies!!

I'm an airhead, and totally forgot that I'm driving to Mexico tomorrow to pick up our meds. We go a few times a year, and we've been planning on tomorrow for the past several days.

It's an all day trip, and if I was smart I would have passed on this theme, but it's still doable for me if ya'll have patience for about an extra 6 hours past 3 pm. We usually always get home around 8 my time (fingers crossed), so I should be ready to be on the computer by around 9 pm with the winner. Sorry for the delay, I wasn't even thinking about the trip when I made my post this afternoon.

that is fine. We just usually use 24 hours as a start. If you need to take 30 hours that ok. Don't worry we won't be breaking down your door trying to find Nick. Have a save trip.

my second set of hair pics

Three days of rain and/or snow starting today and the roofers decide that today is the day to take the back of the roof down to plywood (& fix our leaks)! :eek:

I think this theme would be easier if it was 'least favourite' - at least it would be easier to narrow down! :lol:
Yup, that'd be easier. :thumbsup: Season 6 long hair and the stache! ;) Everything else I'm ok with. :thumbsup:

second set of MY favorite hair:
seven - touch of grey on the sides
eight - short, soft & fuzzy looking
nine - buzzed sides and back
ten - season 11 buzz
eleven - season 5 buzz
twelve - so soft and touchable looking

Good evening ladies, I know this is late. It will probably be a good morning before anyone sees this :lol:

We had a safe trip to Mexico, a total of 7 hours of driving, with almost a half hour wasted getting through 3 Border Patrol crossings on the way home :scream: Usually they don't take that long, I guess it was maybe because it was dark and their cursory inspections take longer. I was surprised though, they usually use German Shepherds or Dobermans, but the dog we saw tonight was a German Shorthaired Pointer, and both a semi truck and a van were pulled off for 'major' inspections :eek:

Well I can tell you all that this was a really tough theme to judge!
I agree that it probably would have been easier to post the worst S6 hair pics :lol:

Now, on to the runners up:

Nickyfan - Nick looks so young and yummy and those eyelashes! You always have the best caps from this ep :adore:
Smokey - Love the S5 buzz, and I want to be the one rubbing it :devil:
Blackflag - really wanted Nick back because she knows how I feel about this pic :drool:
Jacquie - Oh so very close, enough said :luvlove:

So that means Nick is heading to Raynn, up in the colder North!
I couldn't resist the soft buzz and this classic cut, with the little front upturn :adore:
Nick's bundled up already, it was 26 degrees when we got home tonight <shiver> I apologize for sending him out so late and cold, but I'm sure you'll warm him up quite nicely when he arrives :devil:
Thanks ladybronco, and thanks blackflag!

Nick showing up certainly brightened up this rather blah day at work. :) Now he can help me brush off my car when I go home, since it's been snowing off and on all morning. So, to celebrate this wonderful weather :)rolleyes:), lets do an I-spy with "SNOW." The usual 12, in slightly more than 24, as judging will have to wait until after work tomorrow.
:D New Nick Tonight. New Nick Tonight. New Nick Tonight. :D
Just had to get that off my chest since this will be our last new Nick until January. :(

Aw man...I haven't seen it yet....but gosh I love him! :) :adore:
I think he's going to miss Marg more than anyone else. :adore: When they hug the ET video pulls back and there's someone in front of their camera that't taking a pic of them hugging. I so want that pic to show up online! :adore:

First set of 'SNOW':
S = Singing
N = Newspaper
O = Overate
W = Window

S = Skull
N = Nose

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