George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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Ooh, nice afternoon pics to distract me from sending Nick on his way. I love the High and Low ones! I usually stay away from the earlier seasons, so I miss some good stuff. :drool:. I think he's ready to go someplace warmer for a while though. I wish I could go with him! :lol:

Runners up (using regular names, because I'm easily confused):
blackflag - gorgeous profile!
PrincessJ88 - I think I've mentioned before how much I love the lighting in this scene :drool:
NickyFan - I like the earlier buzz better than last season's, not to mention the overall with no shirt showing underneath :devil:
ladybronco - So perfect and handsome :drool:

Nick is hoping that the radio was right this morning, and Winnipeg is the 'dividing line' between warm and cold Canada, because he's heading east to Jacquie - who uses copious amounts of skin to snag a visitor. :lol: :drool: Enjoy your guest, and keep him warm (possibly the same thing ;))!
Nick is hoping that the radio was right this morning, and Winnipeg is the 'dividing line' between warm and cold Canada, because he's heading east to Jacquie - who uses copious amounts of skin to snag a visitor. :lol: :drool: Enjoy your guest, and keep him warm (possibly the same thing ;))!

I figure skin was a good way of getting Nick to visit me :) and the weather is hovering around 0C and we could get an inch of the white stuff but nothing to serious. It looks like the Weather Networks prediction of a late winter may be true. One can only hope :)

So it's new theme time :D and what should I get you to do. Another thinking theme or what. I'm very tempted to do a real thinking theme but they don't seem to be popular for some reason :shifty: Anyway I'll get you to put your little grey cells to use but I think this should be fun :) Christmas is just over 2 weeks away. So, what would YOU like for Christmas this year. How about some Open Nick, some chocolates, a hand around the house or even a new phone. Have some fun while Nick and I go have our own fun :devil: 12 pics in just over 24 hours.
Congrats, Ladybronco! :)

I'm late posting but I will get a set in.

First set:

Season 3 - High and Low :adore:

:drool: Holy Moly! :drool: Do you have anymore from that episode?

Sure... I have lots and lots of that ep! It's one of my favorites :adore:

Here are some for ya :D

Gotta love Nick in this episode...

I have more... I will post them later if you like :)

Good Gawd! :drool: The one with him wearing red :drool::drool: Yum!
Thanks for sharing! :)
Good evening all :)

Nick and I have had a wonderful day keeping each other warm :devil: and no Raynn it's not as cold here as it is in your fair city but still keeping warm is good :devil:

Nick was impressed with wide range of gifts :) but here is what he's chosen for each of you :)

Raynn I think we all hope for the board to be able to stick around for some time yet :)
blackflag we all want more Plaid Open Nick :drool:
ladybronco you're using American terms here :shifty: but I did figure out what your home security system is :)

so I guess that means Nick is off to Germany to visit NickyFan who will have her own private maid for one day :) Congrats on winning NickyFan :) Nick should be there when you get up. Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
ladybronco you're using American terms here :shifty: but I did figure out what your home security system is :)

I'm sorry, I didn't even think of that :lol:
I live with two firearm lovers, and I know that Nick carries a Smith & Wesson 99, with a nickel plated slide. It was featured in one of my hubby's American Rifleman magazines that is standard bathroom reading :devil:

Whenever CSI features a gun dominated episode, they perk right up! You should have seen them both when they watched Zippered, and when we watched Better Off Dead this afternoon :D
ladybronco you're using American terms here :shifty: but I did figure out what your home security system is :)

I'm sorry, I didn't even think of that :lol:
I live with two firearm lovers, and I know that Nick carries a Smith & Wesson 99, with a nickel plated slide. It was featured in one of my hubby's American Rifleman magazines that is standard bathroom reading :devil:

Whenever CSI features a gun dominated episode, they perk right up! You should have seen them both when they watched Zippered, and when we watched Better Off Dead this afternoon :D

boys and their toys :lol:

but it's also only fair when you consider all the Canadianims I use :D
Thanks for sending Nick my way, Jacquie :)

I sure could use some help around the house :devil:

I'll make it short and sweet...a theme...I'll go with lashes :adore: I just love them.

Up to 12 in 24 hours, please. Happy hunting, ladies! :)
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