George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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I almost did this same theme! :lol:

:lol: I figured I wasn't being very original!

Forgot to say...not sure what's happening with me tomorrow, so I may return Nick a little early or a little late. Either way someone else is going to get him to share some pumpkin pie with too! :)
Congrats Smokey!!
And early Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, in case I'm not on early enough tomorrow to say it then!

Also, thanks for all of the milestone congratulations everyone!! :D

A thinking theme, just when I have a bunch of cooking to do this afternoon!:wtf: :p :lol:

First set of Thanksgiving

T - Tragedy
H - Hat
A - Angel (loose interpretation :lol:)
N - Nicky
K - Kidding around
S - Skull
Happy Thanksgiving to all of those celebrating Thursday. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Holiday. And for those of us that celebrated Thanksgiving back in October, Happy Thursday :)

Also, thanks for all of the milestone congratulations everyone!! :D

me bad :eek: I meant to congratulate you on the milestone but work today got in the way of my memory :D Congrats

my second set of 'What Nick and company are thankful for'

the love, the memories and the support of your family
the chance to learn from one of the best
the chance to work with a talented singer
you can have a laugh at work (and believe you me I've met some people that thing you shouldn't have fun while working) :rolleyes:
to see other parts of the world
to give Smokey a reason to like this picture

ok some of these may be lame but it's been a long day :)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Nick and I have had a great holiday so far...enjoyed the parade on TV this morning! But I won't be greedy, so I'm sending him off a little early to the next lucky lady. :)

Runners up...

Blackflag - sooooo droolworthy! :drool:
Nickyfan - such perfect hair! :adore:
Jacquie - love the genuine fun on their faces! :lol:
Raynn - Nick...hands...licking...gaaaaaa!!! :drool:

And the winner...who needs to save some leftovers for a hungry Ladybronco for this one that is so hot and handsome and this one that, despite the lack of hair, does show off that sexy profile and nose. :D Have a great holiday with your guest! :)
Happy Thanksgiving ladies!!

Thanks for sending Nick my way Smokey!!
Nick for Thanksgiving! :D

I'm glad I made that late morning post after all :lol:
After CSI last night I fell asleep watching the 11:00 news, and woke up at 1:45 am to an infomercial. Went to shut the computer down and saw I still had the Ward open, but had never posted :( I was half asleep and wasn't very original, but that's where the Nose pic made it in :devil:

I ended up oversleeping, so now we're watching some football, and will go to some friends house at 1:00 for dinner and fun!

We'll keep this simple for a holiday! (I think :lol:). Since I'll be stuffing myself this afternoon with an awesome dinner, some sweet and lovely Chocolate will be in order for our dessert! :devil: The usual 12 in the next 24 hours! Happy Chocolating!
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