George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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Good evening everyone :)

It's been a 'fun' filled day today :rolleyes: Nick got to witness me doing a blackflag impression with computers :lol: It's the one with you pulling your hair out while dealing with your computer. My problem wasn't with the computer per say, it was with one person in particular on the 'Help Desk' at head office :censored: I got my problem solved by asking for one of two people who I knew would get my problem sorted out. And sure enough it was dealt with very quickly :)

so now that I've vent my frustrations out :) ladybronco, I must say nice caps from Internal Combustion :)

now on to who will either have a night cap with Nick tonight or wake up to breakfast in the morning :)

Princess I like the colours on Nick :)
NickyFan :)
ladybronco very interesting cap :drool:
Raynn trying to get Nick back with buzz and an extra button undone :drool:

but I'm going to send Nick off to visit blackflag cause she went with more than just one extra button undone :lol: :drool: plus a classic from For Warrick. So congrats on winning blackflag :) Nick will be there either for the night cap or breakfast :devil: Either way enjoy your Nick time :devil:
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It's been a 'fun' filled day today :rolleyes: Nick got to witness me doing a blackflag impression with computers :lol: It's the one with you pulling your hair out while dealing with your computer. My problem wasn't with the computer per say, it was with one person in particular on the 'Help Desk' at head office :censored: I got my problem solved by asking for one of two people who I knew would get my problem sorted out. And sure enough it was dealt with very quickly :)

I've got Nicky at my door! :) He's in time to share in some birthday cake. One birthday down, Thanksgiving and a second birthday to go! :eek:
but I'm going to send Nick off to visit blackflag cause she went with more than just one extra button undone :lol: :drool: plus a classic from For Warrick. So congrats on winning blackflag :) Nick will be there either for the night cap or breakfast :devil: Either way enjoy your Nick time :devil:
I knew you wouldn't complain how 'open' the open Nick was. :p :devil:

New theme...

I think I'll go with something pretty easy - at least for you. I want up to 12 of Nick/George/OC thinking. Winner in 24 hours or so. :) Enjoy yourselves. ;)

It's been a 'fun' filled day today :rolleyes: Nick got to witness me doing a blackflag impression with computers :lol: It's the one with you pulling your hair out while dealing with your computer. My problem wasn't with the computer per say, it was with one person in particular on the 'Help Desk' at head office :censored: I got my problem solved by asking for one of two people who I knew would get my problem sorted out. And sure enough it was dealt with very quickly :)


yup that's the one :) I know have it safely in my collection :)

again congrats on winning and my first set coming up

Congrats blackflag! And congrats on your next post, ladybronco. :)

I left work on time today, thinking I could get home and get a set in before everyone else for once. Then it took almost four hours to get my computer set up with my new 'monitor' (I actually got a small TV instead of a proper computer monitor, since mostly I use the second monitor for watching video). So, apologies if I dupe! :)

First set of thinking Nick:


Maybe now that I have a second monitor again, I'll actually get around to capping this season.. Still working on Bittersweet! :alienblush:
ETA: Ah ha! I just saw that this was my 999th post :lol:

Well then! You must post again! All good Ward girls put their milestone posts here in the Ward. :)

Woo hoo! I hit 1000!! :bolian:

Smokey, yes, absolutely, I had to post it here!

I was actually on my way to Who Said It to see if I needed to leave a hint, but stopped and checked my tally first, because I knew I was close this morning when I changed my avatar. So glad I didn't hit the submit button on that post :lol:

Raynn, congrats on the new monitor!! As Nick said somewhere I can't put my finger on........SWEEEEEET!!
Congrats on your milestone Ladybronco. :thumbsup:

We've had an exciting morning around here. It all started with Socks letting us sleep in until 8. :wtf: When things started sounding like they were being attacked we found out that she was otherwise occupied. She's our little mouser! :eek: She had it trapped in a section of heating between the front door and the fireplace. She eventually caught it and brought it to the kitchen where she managed to loose it under a different section of heating that it could use to get down to the basement. :(


Unfortunately it's time for Nick to leave all our fun and games...

Your runners up:
Raynn - :luvlove:
NickyFan - :adore:
Ladybronco - :drool:
Jacquie - so close :adore:
Ladybronco - almost the winner :drool:


Smokey - after all these years I still lean towards season 5 when it's so hard to choose the winner. :lol: It's currently not raining (but it sure was nice to have Nick around during the heavy stuff last night :devil:) so he should be there in a jiffy. :lol:

Well, look who's coming to dinner! :D I will have to make sure we set an extra plate at the table for Thanksgiving! Thank you, Blackflag! And maybe he'll run to the grocery for me tonight too so I don't have to fight the last minute crowds. :lol:

So...there are two ways to play this. THANKSGIVING! You can do two sets of I Spy...THANKS and GIVING...or you can post pics of things that Nick, etc. is thankful for. :) Have fun! He and I are going to get stuffed and watch football! :lol:
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