George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #42

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Well, it's time for me to send Nick on his way. Sorry I'm a little late, we had a last minute visit to some friends house this afternoon.

To the runners up:

Blackflag - This picture just tears at your heart, in a good way. He's so hug worthy! :luvlove:
Jacquie - Who doesn't love some arm porn! :adore:
Raynn, so very close to getting Nick again with eyelashes <swoon> :devil:, not to mention some others that I love!

And my winner is Smokey, with this lovely jeans shot and with this ocean shot. Gotta love me some almost all-over porn; chest, arm, smile, hair and that merest glimpse of the H.T. (not sure I can say that here) :alienblush:

Nick is off towards the East, have a super time! Hope you stay dry!
Oh boy!! :D Thank you, ladybronco! What a great treat to have Nick here for a Saturday night and then for my birthday morning! And to kick off my vacation! I'd say we're going to have a lot of fun! :)

I guess then for a very special weekend like this, there is only one more thing to make it complete. Hand porn!! :adore: Maximum of 12 in about 24 hours...depending on how late we sleep in. ;) Have fun!
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