George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #42

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I don't know whether I should brag or complain :D but this is my 13,000th post :D :eek:

I'll remember the theme next time I need an avatar change :)

Nice one :) I like :adore: do you know what season it's from??

I wanna say Season 10, "The Lost Girls", judging from this one from that episode. The hair looks the same and he has the black T under the jacket.

That is certainly a good possibility :)

my second set of smiles

Thanks Sookie. :bolian: I'll have to go back to them. I was at 100 something when I realized I had to post the winner. :lol:

I think I might be a little late but... blame Sookie! ;) I was busy looking at the pics she linked to and well... time got away from me. :p

Your runners up:
misscranberry - Still think he's doing an immitation of The Grinch in this. :lol:
Jacquie - any interview that gets hum smiling & laughing is a good interview. :thumbsup:
Ladybronco - The funniest scene all season. :guffaw:
Princess - So close! :adore:


Raynn with one of the big, all out, smiles that could brighten up any room on the dreariest of day. And also for this because he's so damn cute when trying not to smile. :adore: :devil: I know I don't have to tell you to enjoy your time Raynn, so I'll just tell you that since it's been foggy and rainy all day he's well rested! :devil:

Do you think all the guys in the group picture, with George, are from the fraternity he was in, in college? I'm wondering that, because I believe the fraternity is one of the sponsers.
Thanks for sending Nick up this way, blackflag! You didn't really have to send the clouds with him though... :p It's predicted for rain later tonight too, so I guess Nick is in for another night of rain-induced "rest." :devil:

For the next theme, I'm shamelessly stealing an idea from the Eric/Greg thread. I-spy, using the letters from your own username (skip or double up as needed). The usual 12 in about 24.
Not quite sure I'm following you Raynn...
I understand an *I Spy* on a color, but could you explain a little more about the username? Thanks! :)
Great, thanks Raynn! And Blackflag's post helped too. :)

I gotta leave for an appt. in 15 minutes so I'll have to post when I get back later.

Loved those pics on that photographers site, but it took me forever to get through them! I even tried just hovering over those little squares, but when I chose one it drove me nuts waiting for it to load. Forget the slideshow function or next button :scream:

Anyone else have that problem, or was it just my DSL? :(
Do you think all the guys in the group picture, with George, are from the fraternity he was in, in college? I'm wondering that, because I believe the fraternity is one of the sponsers.

Sookie, he does have a blue sponsor sticker on his shirt so I would say they are all the college fraternity.


That probably explains George's involvement in the fundraiser then. I was wondering what the connection was.

Congrats on winning Raynn and I love me an I-Spy game :)

and ladybronco as you can see we like to be Nickative with our themes :)

A-awkward moment

There are times like this when I wish I had an easier name :D

ladybronco, I had no problem with the slideshow function. I couldn't seem to do it manually though :rolleyes: and I have DSL
Loved those pics on that photographers site, but it took me forever to get through them! I even tried just hovering over those little squares, but when I chose one it drove me nuts waiting for it to load. Forget the slideshow function or next button :scream:

Anyone else have that problem, or was it just my DSL? :(

On the XP machine I couldn't get it to work at all but once I switched to the newer computer it worked slow but fine. Just don't try to go backwards! :shifty:

Second set of theme pics:
l - Laundry (room)
a - Ambulance
g - Golf club

b = black
l = Lad
a = arrested

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