George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #42

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And the rain she has come. I guess it only makes sense since today's holiday is brought to us by Queen Victoria. Long to 'Rain' over us, God Save the Queen :lol:

Congrats on winning ladybronco :)

and yes Oh Yeah! :devil: I think that was actually the first time we played that one. I'm sure Smokey will be able to tell us for sure :)

Jeans coming up

six :drool:

Next to 'open Nick', 'oh yeah' is probably one of Jacquie's favorite themes. :p


I literally just uploaded that same cap last night. :drool:
I had a folder of ToO caps sitting around for awhile waiting to be uploaded and finally got to it while I was looking for *Oh Yeah* pics. :lol:

I can agree with the Open Nick, it's my favorite along with my most favorite, Chocolate :adore:

Jacquie said:
And the rain she has come. I guess it only makes sense since today's holiday is brought to us by Queen Victoria. Long to 'Rain' over us, God Save the Queen :lol:

:guffaw:Sorry Jacquie, that sucks. Too bad you can't send a little rain my way!
Greetings ladies. I really hate when thunderstorms pop up without warning cause that means the dog starts whining like crazy and panting and pacing.

Anyway, I'm glad to see I'm inspiring some less than pure thoughts.....but remember keep it G rated or the mods will be coming after us with their hoses.

First set:

Ugh! I'm finally back after that nasty storm last night that tore trees down everywhere and knocked my power out for 14 hours! :( So far that tops my vacation week after a bite on the foot by Snow Kitty sent me to the doctor for antibiotics. :rolleyes: Oh, and I showed up an hour late for my dentist appointment. The week can only get better, right?? :lol:

Congrats, Ladybronco! I'll post a set, but I might dupe. :( I've got so much stuff to catch up on!

Ugh! I'm finally back after that nasty storm last night that tore trees down everywhere and knocked my power out for 14 hours! :( So far that tops my vacation week after a bite on the foot by Snow Kitty sent me to the doctor for antibiotics. :rolleyes: Oh, and I showed up an hour late for my dentist appointment. The week can only get better, right?? :lol:

serves you right for not going anywhere this time :lol:

a helping hand for you :)
Well, Nick and I had a great time, super weather to boot! <pun intended>

Alas it is time for him to head out to another Ward lady, so without further ado:

The runners up:

Smokey only got one set in, but this was just lovely! Every part is delicious! :thumbsup:
Princess posted a Georgeous one I hadn't seen before, jacket and buzz too! :adore:
Raynn captivated me with some extra gun and hand porn in addition to the jeans :devil:
Jacquie dang near got Nick this week with this shot of Shorty and his horse. The other Shorty pic was just, um, yummy too! :luvlove:

And that leaves Blackflag as my winner, thanks to this absolute favorite and this one of his Wranglers.
Thanks to my hubby, Wrangler butts drive me nuts!! :alienblush:

Have fun Blackflag, Nick is headed your way asap!!
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And that leaves Blackflag as my winner, thanks to this absolute favorite and this one of his Wranglers.
Thanks to my hubby, Wrangler butts drive me nuts!! :alienblush:

Have fun Blackflag, Nick is headed your way asap!!

I have to admit, Nick got here quite a while ago. :alienblush: :p First I couldn't think of a theme and then we just got so busy outside on this georgous day that we've been having. ;)

So, I'll set you ladies right to it. Your new theme is...

I've been missing the old days of the 'Young Guns' - Nick, Warrick, Sara & Greg. (I've also seen both Gumdrops and Rashomama recently what with all the rain we've had and being stuck inside. :lol:) So what I want is Nick with any 1 of the 3 - Warrick, Greg, or Sara. Winner in 24 hours or so. :)

Happy Hunting! :thumbsup:

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