George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #42

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Another night and another visit from Nick is gone :( but it was a fun time had by all :devil:

blackflag and Raynn thanks for playing my thinking theme :) and even though it was just the two of you you still are making it hard to decide :D

blackflag memories are good :)
Raynn you've got to love Shorty :adore:
blackflag even when Shorty's in trouble you still have to love him :adore:
Raynn happy moments are always worth :)ing about

Raynn you almost got Nick with this little lovely sunny number but....

break out the
for blackflag cause I think I'm going to go back with what started Open Nick for me :devil: So congrats on winning blackflag :) Hopefully if the weather holds up Nick should be there soon :) Mind you with all the rain we've had lately you may see him coming in his boat rather than by plane :eek: Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
Sorry I couldn't play. I liked the theme, but I'm having a hard enough time trying to figure out a new avi for me! I couldn't give you all of my ideas! :lol:

No, actually I haven't been able to get in here and get pics posted. :( But I have some time off this afternoon, so hopefully I can play the next one! :)
Nicky has arrived! :D He's a little wet but that's understandable! :rolleyes:

break out the
for blackflag cause I think I'm going to go back with what started Open Nick for me :devil: So congrats on winning blackflag :) Hopefully if the weather holds up Nick should be there soon :) Mind you with all the rain we've had lately you may see him coming in his boat rather than by plane :eek: Enjoy your Nick time :devil:

The one I beat Raynn to posting. :lol:

A boat would be fine. We're gonna need it as it's supposed to rain through either Saturday or Sunday depending on what television station you're on. :wtf:

On to the next theme...

I want something to cheer up this dismal weather. I want up to 12 of your best Nick/George/oc smiling. Winner in probably 26/27 hours. (All this rain means, is everything we've been putting off in the nice weather has to be done now so I'm not home much til the kids are home from school.) Happy hunting. :guffaw:

It was a great theme Jacquie!

I wanted to play too, but every dang time I got into photobucket to decide, I got interrupted! Then I couldn't think of any cool captions, and ended up falling asleep early. Yesterday was just one of those days :(

Congratulations Blackflag!! Sorry about all your rain, but I'd take a little rain out here over all this blasted wind we've been having!

On to smiling Nick :cool:

Oh you frustrate me.....

Sorry I missed out last theme ladies. I was going to at least try for a set last night but my internet connection last night (and most of this morning) was very very slow.

But I'm here finally so let's get to it

Congrats blackflag. It's going to be raining here pretty much until Saturday so.....:evil:

First set:

Jacquie, I don't know what season that pic is from. Judging by the jacket it could be a season 10 episode.

Oh so I mentioned to my sister that problem I had with the internet and she informs me that the provider's dsl went down last night..... fail ATT! fail!

Second set:

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