George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #41

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Good Snowy Wednesday everyone :)

nikkic04 welcome to The Ward :) :) as Smokey please feel free to join in the game. If you're not sure of some the theme names we come up with please ask :)

Environment Canada has revised their snow fall forecast. Instead of the 5cm we were suppose to get we're now scheduled to get 10. Hello we've already has 10 and it's till falling :brickwall: Oh well Nick and I've had a fun filled day in the snow anyway :devil: and as much as I don't want to see Nick go :( he is ready to head out to visit the next Ward Girl

Raynn with a season 11 buzz and a touch of Canada :)
blackflag with the reason for the season 5 buzz behind George :)
Princess with a Crows Feet buzz and open Nick :drool:

Now here comes the hard part. With only the three of you playing I'm still having great difficulties deciding whether Nick should head out west or visit one of the two you south-east of here. Decisions, decisions :eek: How would you feel if I just let the three of you fight it out :D :guffaw:

blackflag only cause you just had Nick :) :drool: :drool: :drool:
Raynn oh so damn close as you did post my all time favourite Open Nick buzz :devil: :drool: :drool: :drool: :devil: :devil:

but I'm going to send Nick down to visit Princess :) The opening credits for season 5 buzz :drool: our first season for the buzz and so yummy looking :devil: :drool: So congrats on winning Princess :) Nick is fighting his way through the snow and hopefully his plane won't be to late leaving. Enjoy your Nick time :devil:

Now as promised
Thanks Jaquie, Blackflag and Raynn for the input.

I had a feeling thats what most of you used, was seasons you owned. I'll have to see if i can do that with my season 5 DVD since thats the only one i the moment. ;)

And Raynn, i'll keep the requests in mind. :)
Welcome to the Ward, Nikki! You'll like it here. :D

So I had to take my pups to the vet today because he injured his ear. While I was waiting for Rogen a guy and his son brought their dog in and guess what his name was?

guess? :D

And that's your pop quiz for today. :lol:
Well thank you Jacquie. I was a little surprised when Nick arrived especially since we were told we're going to get another major snow storm when in reality it was nothing.

So theme about full body shots please. Three sets in 24 hours.

Have fun.
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